
Demon Elector

A sudden accident draws Alex into an eternal game between gods and demons. The game called Elector System is impossible to quit once he join, and Alex is coerced to do everything he can to survive and wait for the final election. Can he become the new immortal demon? And what is the significance of this election? The answer to everything was waiting for him on the throne in hell. There is a lot of content in R18, so please make sure you belong to the audience. The story takes place in a parallel universe of Earth, the names of people and places have nothing to do with reality, if there are similarities is purely coincidental.

reedvinxx · Thành thị
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17 Chs

Area 51

Harold, the head of EFBI Lungen, felt like his head was going to explode; he had never had such a bad day in his life.

Just two hours ago, he was in the comfort of his cool office, idly staring at a few internal documents. It wasn't that he was lazy during work hours, but there were very few things that a federal official of his rank needed to do personally anymore, and only some major decisions needed his approval.

The first was a phone call from General Terry of the Marine Corps, who told him in a heavy tone that the 'Medical Research Institute' that the Marines had set up under their St. Anthony's Hospital had suffered an extremely serious biochemical leak, and that he wanted him to immediately coordinate with the Area 51 office in Lungen to go and deal with it.

As one of the most powerful people in Lungen, Harold of course knew exactly what the so-called 'Medical Research Institute' was and how serious the leak would be. If dozens of powerful and unstable super-powered mutant terrorists got off the hook in his jurisdiction, he would surely receive recourse from the state legislature and Congress as well, even if he was not directly responsible for the project.

Just as he was dumbfounded by this bad contingency, a phone call from Area 51 came back in. Area 51, which was directly responsible for the matter, was obviously much faster than he was to learn the news and had already gone through the internal process and submitted an action request to him, hoping that he would approve it as soon as possible so that they could deploy their agents to suppress the riot.

Harold felt his authority received an offense, but the matter is urgent, he can only slander the privileged people of Area 51 headstrong and lawless, while reluctantly open the fax document sent by Area 51, after scanning twice and then signed his name.

Although the contents written on the document made him feel a tingle in his nerves, but he did not have the right to reject such a document that had gone through the internal process of Area 51. As a privileged department, Area 51 has the power to improvise, and dismissing their documents would require at least the president's signature.

Just as soon as he thought of the president, the phone on Harold's desk rang once again, startling him.

Angrily Harold picked up the phone, only to learn that the call came from the 'Marina Manor', immediately calm down.

During the War of Independence four hundred years ago, 'Marina Manor' used to be a temporary place for the Founding Fathers of the Federation to discuss politics. After the independence of the Federation, although the Founding Fathers moved to the more formal 'Federation Supreme Political Hall' to discuss national politics, but this place was not abolished, but as the highest power of the ministers and the President to meet together 'small Congress'.

And this call from the 'Marina Manor' symbolizes without a doubt that these most powerful people of the Federation have noticed the accident that happened here, and even their commissioner has at this time urgently flown to Lungen on a special plane.

It is a good thing that the person he was interfacing with was his former boss and the former director of the EFBI Lungen branch, now the director of the EFBI General Bureau, Donald. Donald also knew that the incident actually had little to do with Harold, so instead of reprimanding him, he ordered him to cooperate with Area 51 and the Marines as soon as possible to seal off St. Anthony's Hospital, suppress the escaped experiments, and eliminate the significant impact of the incident on the Federation's image.

"You must remember that the material damage is minor, the damage to the Federation's image is major. Have the boys prepare compound 034 for memory cleansing of the witnesses."

"Yes, I understand, and will complete the task."

"And you don't have to be too nervous, I'll put in a few good words for you in front of the president, just do your job."

Without waiting for Harold to say anything else, Donald had already hung up the phone.

Harold sat down in his chair with a long sigh, just feeling a headache. But he also knew that now was not the time for him to sigh long and hard, he could only brace himself and instructed his secretary to draft orders as soon as possible to dispatch agents to St. Anthony's Hospital to assist the people of Area 51 in their work.

What he didn't know was that Irene had already led her team to break through the Marines' defenses in the two underground levels of St. Anthony's Hospital, and the soldiers had shed all the blood for the mistakes made by the politicians, with broken bodies and the wreckage of armored vehicles everywhere.

But by the precious time they had bought, the doctors and nurses and patients in the hospital had basically finished their transfer. At the same time, armored troops in helicopter gunships and rifle vehicles and a group of mysterious men in black had surrounded St. Anthony's Hospital, but were afraid of the complex environment in the hospital and were not willing to enter the hospital to clear them out.

Irene was equally well aware of the situation outside, but she didn't care much about the powerful army. She knew that the police and the National Guard, and even some of the Marines who were not equipped with heavy carriers, were evacuating the surrounding people. It wasn't that the Federation politicians had suddenly learned to take care of the masses, but they were afraid that the situation here would be revealed and hurt their votes.

So she won't let them get away with it.

She ordered the large force to hold on underground relying on the location, while she took a few people in the elevator to the middle of the hospital building.

Walking under the hot summer sun, although they felt a little uncomfortable because they had not been exposed to the outside sun and air for too long, none of them flinched, but all of them greedily accepted the free light, even Irene was no exception.

Half a day later, she came back to her senses and urged, "Move as quickly as possible, even with my protection it's not foolproof."

Admittedly, Irene could shield them from light, infrared and telepathic signals, but who knew how many kinds of detection means the mysterious Area 51 had, and if they were discovered and then subjected to a direct hit by helicopter gunships and large caliber artillery, that was no joke, and even Irene didn't want to test her own defenses against the masterpieces of modern military industry to see who was better.

They hurried through the corridors of the hospital and soon reached the stairwell, ascended the stairs, and then climbed a two-meter ladder to the roof of St. Anthony's Hospital, where the servers and signal antennas for the entire hospital were located.

Irene and her companions, who had climbed to the top of the building, looked at the bustling city within their reach, and for a moment they were all a little disoriented.

One of the young girls looked fearfully at the helicopter gunships flying around them, loaded with rockets and anti-tank missiles, and asked Irene, "Can we get out of here alive, Irene?"

Irene stroked her hair compassionately and said, "We will get out of here alive, and not just us, but every single one of our compatriots will leave the cage where they are imprisoned."

Irene's encouragement strengthened their will and they moved neatly to carry out Irene's plan.

Two of them, armed with cables and laptops, quickly opened the door to the hospital's computer room, slipped in quickly when no one was looking, and closed the door behind them. The other three used some of the materials and tools they had gathered from the hospital and began trying to modify the hospital's signal antenna.

Under Irene's watchful eye and cover, her companions completed their work without incident, transmitting the information they had compiled through the antenna along with a snippet of Irene's speech, a high-intensity electromagnetic signal that would likely be captured by the satellites of the Eredonia Federation's old rival, the Falicosia Federation.

As soon as the signal was sent, Irene immediately used her superpowers to lift all five of her companions up and fled towards the interior of the building.

A minute later, the roof of the hospital was hit by rocket fire from the surrounding helicopter gunships and became riddled with holes. But by this time they had already fled back down the elevator shaft to the basement level.

"My fellow countrymen, we have made the evidence of the Federation's guilt public, next is the moment we regain our freedom, are you ready?"


Irene seemed satisfied with their morale, nodded her head and stopped talking, floated up and led them to start the breakout.

At this point, the Area 51 agents had already formed a small team to explore the ground floor of St. Anthony's Hospital tentatively, and the Irene-led breakout immediately alerted them, and both sides began to engage in a fierce and bloody superpowered alley battle in the old, solid concrete building.

Even with Irene's help, the children, who lacked combat experience, lost several of their companions, but this did not frighten them, but rather provoked them to fight back.

Those who were able to fight formed themselves into certain formations, protecting those who were not able to fight. Irene walked in the front row, and no line of agents was able to block even one of her attacks. After she creates a breakthrough through her extremely powerful superpowers, her companions swarm to divide, surround, and destroy the enemy.

After losing three squads in a row, Charlie, the Area 51 field commander, was furious and asked the teams of agents who were not yet in combat to withdraw as soon as possible and hold on with the outside marines, waiting for support from Area 51 headquarters.

The Irene is not the only superpowered, Area 51 spent a trillion dollars and several years, also has its own superpowered strongman, and even mastered the technology of mass production of superpowered agents.

Area 51, the most mysterious department of the Federation, is even a department with a longer history than the EFBI. Although it is now nominally under the jurisdiction of the EFBI, everyone knows that they only follow the orders of those in the 'Seaside Manor'. From the 'Department of Heresy' at the beginning of the Federation 400 years ago, to the 'Area 51' in recent times, they have changed their names several times, but their mission has always been the same: to investigate the supernatural things in the Federation and use them for the benefit of the Federation.

In the beginning, they collected the magical sorcery props and the rare animals on this continent; later, they studied the high-tech artifacts recovered from the ruins of ancient civilizations and the traces of aliens; in recent years, their mission has become to control these supernatural beings who suddenly appeared in ordinary families all over the Federation and to study their origins.

Charlie looked at the classified files in his tablet, compared them with the scene, and realized that the most dangerous thing had happened, the super-experiment numbered 05F2 had gone out of control and was on a rampage destroying federal property and killing valuable federal agents and marines.

He knew that the senior commanders inside the Marine temporary command not far away, also had this information in his hands, but they did not have an intuitive understanding of these superpowers and were not sure how they differed from the traditional enemies they faced, such as terrorists or another military force.

So he felt he needed to go inside their tent to help them.

However, before this action could be carried out, a group of figures came out amidst the smoke and dust accompanied by a violent explosion. The Marines, who had been on standby for a long time, immediately opened fire, roaring shells, bombs, rockets, and missiles, covering the area where they were in a certain order.

Amidst the smoke, Charlie instinctively felt something was wrong, in the thermal imaging viewer he wore on his head, the figures did not seem to falter in the slightest because of such a blow, which was clearly out of the ordinary.

Either 05F2's superpowers have made another sudden leap forward during the experiment, or...

Before his thoughts could turn, a sense of danger suddenly enveloped him, and his body instinctively rolled on the ground, dodging an invisible blade that should have cut off his head.