
Demon CEO's Stormy Romance

Bailey played the perfect homemaker on social media. Known as Lori Laker, The Happy Homemaker, she purported that a housewife was no different from any small business owner. As such, the business of creating a blissful home life should be based on a solid business plan, solid professional alliances, and dynamite management skills. When she draws the attention of Chase Meadows, she is at a loss how to shake the determined CEO of the MGM Conglomerate without revealing secrets that could ruin her reputation. But there is absolutely no way she would ever tie herself to a man known as a demon in the business world with a world-renown reputation as emotionally unstable. He could be ice cold in business negotiations one minute and spewing dragon fire at an inept employee the next. Chase Meadows celebrated his thirty-fifth birthday alone with a bottle of Macallan’s whiskey and a rare steak. Life was good. He had exceeded his expectations and checked off every goal he had set for himself to reach before the age of forty—except for one. He always planned to marry and start a family by now. He wanted someone besides a housekeeper to come home to at night. He wanted a wife and two kids. Maybe a dog. He had tried to have a serious relationship before, but women annoyed him. More specifically, their expectations annoyed him. He wanted someone willing to take on the role of stay-at-home wife and mother without making spending his money a life’s goal. He wanted someone who put his happiness and needs first, someone who appreciated how hard he was willing to work for his family and rewarded him accordingly. He wanted someone to manage his household as efficiently as he managed his company. She should be healthy and bright and full of ideas but astute enough to know when to speak and when to accept his authority without question. When his personal assistant introduced him to the Happy Homemaker’s live stream, he was intrigued. When Chase ran into the same woman at a charity event and saw how succinctly she put a drunken date in his place, he knew she had the backbone to be his partner. The question was how to convince her.

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The Jeb Debate

As soon as the show was over Bailey was ready to escape to the unlikeliest of places—the local convenience store. She threw on her street clothes and grabbed her phone and purse before Judy could delegate preproduction work for the next day's show.

Her typical work day didn't end after the live stream. Instead, she would sit in with the public relations staff and answer emails and online comments or brainstorm ideas for the next show. The PR stuff could wait, and Judy had already told her the next sponsor had a practically perfect script already prepared. That was one of the few advantages of the hiatus. Judy had plenty of time to pre-book sponsors and work out a lot of the details that they normally dealt with on the fly.

Judy's prep work was one reason Ren's last-minute additions were so frustrating. Every time he assigned a sponsor, Judy had to shuffle existing clients.