

Jade brought her to their headquarters to cure her from the venom. She's laying in the bed dreaming of her mom in Marcus's hands.She keeps calling her mom in her sleep. The necklace her mother gave to her is shining. It would lit up whenever she thinks of her mom.

Izzy is just staring at her while she keeps murmuring in her sleep. Monroe suddenly got up and slammed their forehead.

"Ow." Izzy reacted in a very soft voice.

"Wait, I don't know who you-" Monroe frowned and was not able to finish her sentence when Izzy interrupted.

"I'm Isabelle." She said cutting Monroe's question. "I've never seen Jade so curious about a mundane… or distracted." She chuckles staring at Monroe who's busy checking the place.

"Like you saw earlier, distractions are dangerous in our line of work." She continued in her soft natural voice.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Who's Jade?" Monroe glanced back at Izzy.

"You don't really know much, do you?" She said in amazement.

Monroe shook her head and said, "All I know is some psycho took my mother, and now you people have taken me." She said sounding like she doesn't have a choice.

"And by "taken" I assume you mean "saved your life"?" Izzy chuckles.

Alex unexpectedly speak as he walked inside the room with Jade. "A mundane shouldn't even be here." Referring to Monroe.

"Where is "here" exactly?" She asked to the three of them.

"She's not a mundane Alex." Jade interrupted.

"How do you know that?" Alex asked Jade with fixed eyes towards Jade.

"Because the seraph blade lit up when she touched it!" Jade said angrily referring to the silver bladed sword and pointing Monroe at the bed.

"Izzy, can you…" Jade wanted to asked Izzy to change position for him to be in front of Monroe. She understood without even finishing his sentence.

He sighs and introduces himself "I'm Jade Wayland."

"I'm, uh…" Monroe stutters as she stared at Jade confused.

"Monroe… we know who you are."

"Am I the only one who finds this an usual?" Alex said while transferring her gaze at Jade and Monroe.

"You find everything an usual, Alex." He stated to Alex.

"I have to report this to the clave." Alex said as the acting head of the headquarter.

Monroe just stared at the people in front of her as the three continued to argue.

Jade asked Alex to give them a minute to talk but Alex wont listen so Izzy stood up and grabbed her older brother, Alex and pulled him to go outside with her.

When they're out of the room Izzy said that she'll explain everything to her older brother. But her brother is hard headed and refuses to listen.

"We don't know this girl.There is no such thing as new demonhunters." He said to Izzy.

"There is now." She replied.

"You don't find that strange?" He asked to Izzy again trying to convince her.

"What I find strange is that you are so upset.Maybe you are upset by the way Jade is looking at her." And she chuckles."You know, you should be happy that Jade is interested in someone else, not just himself." She added.

"Maybe I'm just pissed that she ruined our mission.We never found out who's buying the blood." Alex said in annoyance and walked away. Izzy just stared at his back.

Back to Jade and Monroe at the room…

"Your wound, it's healed." Jade touches her neck referring to the demon bite earlier.

She immediately check the wound and said surprisingly "How is that even possible? So, what, I'm miraculously healed and all of you… stunning people have magical powers?" Jade just looked at her with amusement in his face.

He laughed slightly and replied "No. No, do not confuse me with a warlock." He said while shaking his head.

"A what ?" Monroe asked with curiosity.

"A warlock. It's one of the downwolders." Jade frowned confuse to why does she didn't even know what a warlock is.

"Okay, you are not making any sense." She looked away.

"Warlock, Vampires, Wolf, Seelies…" Jade was not able to finish stating each kind downwolders.

"Literally my brain is about to explode now." She interrupted and frowned.

"Jeez, all right. I'll keep it simple for you. All the legends are true. We're DemonHunters.We protect the human world from the demon world." He said seriously.

"So those people you saw murdered at the Pandemonium. They weren't people at all, they are shapeshifting demons." He added. And Monroe is listening to him carefully without breaking eye contact with him.

"I'm not interested in being a part of your supernatural fight club... I just wanted to find my mom." She said and started crying. "Please. Please help me find her."

"I'm the best chance you've got." He said smirking while looking at her with pity in his eyes.

Suddenly, her phone rings and she quickly answered it when she saw the caller. It's Simon.

"Where are you? How come you didn't answer your phone in two days?" He asked immediately over the phone.

"Simon, things are… all ripped apart." She said to Simon.

"My gps says that your phone is in an abandoned church. I'm outside." He asked confuse.

She quickly ran over the window to check Simon. On the other hand, Jade looking at her drawings.

"I see you. Give me five minutes to get dressed." She said while staring at Simon outside.

"I don't see you. Dressed? What are you doing undressed in an abandoned church?" Simon asked again confused.

She quickly look for her clothes and asked Jade what happened to it but he just chuckled and pointed out the sexy clothes in leather Izzy left for her.

"You're kidding right ?" She asked him again with disbelief as she showed him the cut of the clothes.

"She's so comfortable with her body." Jade replied smirking. And walk away bringing her sketchpad.

Without any choice she wore the clothes and went to the mirror to check herself. To her surprise there's a rune drawn into her neck.

"How did that get there?" She asked him sarcastically.

"I drew that." He proudly said.

"Okay, listen. I still don't get everything that's going on here but you do not tattoo my neck. That's creepy." She said raising her brow.

"Noted. I guess next time I'll just let you die." He smiled. "And it's not a tattoo, it's a rune.They have enormous power." He walked closer to Monroe's direction and added "But you, you already know about runes, don't you ?" Referring to her drawings.

She couldn't answer and just stared back at her drawings. He was surprised when he saw Monroe's confused face.

"Maybe you don't." He said frowning." Which is what makes you so interesting...Monroe." He continued.

She quickly went out of the headquarter with Jade leading her the way out. He was holding a seraph blade because he saw something at Simon's back earlier.

She keeps talking with Jade until they're out of the headquarter which is an abandoned church.

"So why can't Simon see you?" She asked him. And Simon on the other hand stared at her really confused to why she's talking by herself again.

"This is a glamour, a rune that keeps me invisible to mundane." He explained and showed her the rune in her stomach.

"What the hell are you wearing, Roe? Let me take you home." Simon said while removing his jacket and covered it to Monroe.

"I don't think I have one anymore." She said in a sad voice.

Suddenly, someone called her behind.

"Monroe!" A guy with blue eyes called her. So she immediately turn at her back to see the guy.

But Jade was just hiding and just waited for the demon to come out. He then grab his neck and cracked it. Monroe look really scared and gasps.

Simon on the other hand have no idea what's happening, he's not able to see both Jade and the demon.

Monroe called Jade and ran quickly as soon as the demon was dead and Simon followed her.

"Could you please show yourself or deglamourize, or whatever… so my best friend won't think that I'm losing my mind?"

So Jade deactivate his glamour rune and Simon was shocked seeing Jade flashed through the air.

"Ahm...What is happening?" He asked.

"We don't really have the luxury right now,kid. Everyone back inside." Jade ordered both of them.

"Roe, who is this,your meth healer?" Simon asked her again.

"I saw him before at the police station." She said referring to the dead body laying on the ground.

"He's a member of the circle. He's here for you." Jade said angrily.

"He's with the people who took my mother." She exclaimed.

"There's a dead body there. We have to call Joe." Simon interrupted and looking scared.

"No,Simon. We can't trust Joe, we can't." She said looking at Simon.

"Monroe, I need to keep you safe." He said and grabbed her arms. " I promise you, I promise I am gonna help you find your mother.But you're one of us. You're a Demonhunter. " He seriously said.

Simon wouldn't want Monroe to come with Jade so he also convince her to come with him. Monroe look at him and look back to Jade's direction. She's confused to whom will she listen. She must decide quickly.
