
Bikers Bar

A soon as Alex arrived at the back door of the headquarters, he walks silently so that no one would notice him. He went directly to the weapon racks while eyeing on his surrounding. He can't afford someone to see him. He took his bow and arrow and put it carefully to the table to not create a sound. He was runing the arrows when suddenly, Hashe walked into the training room floor where the weapons are also located. He got coffee in hand as he walked closer to Alex and frowned when he saw what Alex's doing.

"Alex. Didn't know you were here." He asked and took a sip on his coffee. Alex jumped slightly as he heard someone called his name from behind.

"Yeah,no, I ,uuh…" he stammered and tried to hide his bow and arrow to his back.

"Don't tell. I don't wanna have to report you." Hashe said as he walked closer to Alex.

"It's just that,you know, Monroe is--" he didn't finish his talking when Hashe interrupted.

"That girl is Marcus's daughter--*rune searing*" he stopped talking and groaned as he felt the pain when he mentioned "Marcus".*exhales* He touched his rune in his neck " The Monster's daughter. There must be some reason why the roaches are coming out of the woodwork again, right?" He sighs and continues "I'll leave you to it." He then turned around and started to walk.

"Hashe? Thank you." Alex said and Hashe turned his gaze to Alex and smiled. He walked back to Alex slowly and said "You remind me of me, Alex. A loyal friend standing in the shadow of the chosen one." Alex just scoffs as a reply and looked away. "Hey… don't make the same mistakes like I did. Look where it got me." He added while tapping Alex's shoulder. And he walk quickly out of the room. He just stared at Hashe back as he slowly disappeared.

Meanwhile, Monroe and Jade went to a Biker Bar to kill their time.

"You want to kill time at a Biker Bar?" She asked him while they're on their way inside the bar.

"We can't move on Vampires territory until sunrise. Plus, there's something I need in here." He replied as he glanced at those bikers from the side.

"What a drink?" She asked.

"I don't drink." He said. And they entered the bar.They went straight to the counter and sit there for a while. Monroe started talking.

"We need to save Simon, not hang around a bunch of posers" She said while looking around her. Jade laughed a little as his reply."Jade, it's not funny." She exclaimed.

"It's kinda funny." He teased.

She scoffs in frustration and said " shouldn't you be teaching me how to fight Vampires or something?"

He glanced at her and said "Do me a favor. Look over there.What do you see?" Then they both looked to the long table on the other side where he pointed his finger.

"A lot of people, waitresses, people making out." She replied casually.

"Focused on the couple. Now, concentrate on seeing through." He said referring to the couple making out on the table.

"Through??" She looked at him with curiosity in her eyes."There are layers to reality. You can peel them away. See the shadow world." He replied as he's glancing at her and to the couple at the same time. She looked closely to the couple for a moment and frowned when she's not able to what he meant by "seeing through".

*Sighs*"Maybe you can" she give up and looked at him.

"Don't just use your mind. Use your whole self.Relax to it." He reminded. She did what he said and focused on looking into the couple.Her sight changes and her expression changed when she saw what they really are and frowned. The couple are both bleeding on their neck and mouth they got fangs and smirking to each other. They are not making out, their biting each other!

"Oh, my God. They're Vampires." She concluded.

However, a guy in his black leather jacket was walking down the stairs and walked straight to the bottom area of the counter and whispered to the bartender he then walked towards his bike. They both followed him with a stare.

"Check out that guy. He's got something." He said pointing out the guy from upstairs.

"What? Fleas?" She joked.They went on to the table near the guy while talking.

"No,now.Bet, you can't handle his charm." He challenged.

"Charm? Are you kidding me?" She said sarcastically and smirked.

"You really wanna help fine Simon? Go on, go compliment him on his motorcycle.They liked that." He commanded. She glanced at Jade and smiled as she walked towards the guy seductively.

"Hi." She caught his attention and flashed an alluring smile."I've been wondering who owns this awesome bike." She said seductively and bit her lower lip. He stared at her and examined her from head to toe.

"Well, hey baby. You like to ride?" He said winking at her. He moved his fingers into the air and stared directly into her eyes and hypnotized her. Her expression changed when her eyes followed the movement of his fingers.She smiled while looking into his face who's now changed, he got fangs and his hair too. Jade just smirked while looking at them.

"You know you smell like a friggin' angel, right? But without all that DemonHunter rune crap all over you." He smirked seeing her smiling."Much better look, right?" He said proudly.

"Right" she replied seductively and moved closer to him.

"I don't know what the hell you are,angel doll, but you are one tasty treat."They both chuckled that shows off his fangs and he leaned closer to her and wrapped his arm around her waist. His head moved closer to her neck thirstily, she smiled nervously. Jade on the other hand regretted it when he thought the vampire would bite Monroe. Thankfully he just whispered something to Monroe that made her smirked.

They were dancing softly when the guy speak "do you wanna ride on my bike, baby?" He said in deep voice.

"Yeah" she replied softly. Before he could ride the bike with Monroe. Jade appeared and called the guy.

"Hey! You having fun with my girl?" He exclaimed.

"Pissed off, DemonHunter." The vampire replied and his expression change from seducing look to frustrated look as he glared at him.

"Brad's gonna take me for a ride." Monroe said while looking at the vampire intently. He then whispered "that's right."

"That's not gonna happen.' Jade smiled at her.

"You heard the lady. Now, step aside." He glared at Jade.

Jade didn't moved and he even took a step forward and stand still. The vampire got furious and pushed Jade strongly that even the chairs and tables have been thrown away. Monroe chuckles seeing him thrown away.

"Don't move Monroe." Jade commanded her and winked. Monroe just stared at him blankly. He walked towards the Vampire but before he could reached him,the vampire tried to punch him and growls "roaaar!". Jade disappeared very quickly and wasn't hit by his fist. The guy was furious upon noticing that he's gone.His eyes roamed around looking for Jade.

Like a flashed, Jade appeared at behind him and mocked him "Yoohoooo!" He give him a strong uppercut the moment he turned around to face Jade. He got thrown away near to his people. And he's keys were already in Jade's hands. He smirked.

He then quickly jumped to the motorcycle where Monroe is riding. He started the engine immediately and hurriedly drove as fast as they could. The vampire's men are following them.

The engine is roaring and Monroe squeals and asked "why did you let him do that to me?" She said loudly so that he could hear her talking.

"I couldn't exactly dig around in his pockets for the key." He also answered loudly.

"What, you're gonna let him turn me into a vampire just to get his keys?" She glared at him from behind.

"Don't you trust me!?" He asked and give her a quick glance and went back to driving. *Broom! Broooooooooom! Engine throttling. "Better hold on tight, this bike runs on demon energy. It's pretty mean." He said as the air came off to their faces. Monroe frowned as she doesn't have any idea what he's talking about.

"Don't their bikes run on that, too?" She asked referring to the bikes following them.

"Why do you think I picked this one? It's been modified." He smirked and they went faster and faster until the motorcycle run through the air." You got a good grip?" He asked.

She looked behind them and replied" you kept asking me that!" To her surprise they were flying, the motorcycle floats! They both laughed in excitement.

"Why didn't you just do this in the first place?" She asked smiling widely while she looked at him. He just smiled in response and they flew higher and faster.