

Every single step was agony. The sensation of pain, heightened through his recently upgraded perception, was coursing through Eiro's body. But even so, he had to keep it up. Fixing the disrepair that appeared every time Eiro placed weight on any part of his body, the demon led Marius to the main part of the monster town.

Clearly, he hadn't been here before, as his heart was starting to beat heavier and louder the closer they got. Before long, they encountered the first group of monsters. A group of Mountain Hobgoblins, currently transporting the goods recently harvested from the nearby farmlands over into the storage facility.

The moment they saw Eiro, they bowed their heads briefly, but then continued their work. If they had to stop every time Eiro was walking through here, it was going to impede progress, so Eiro made it very clear to them to not worry about these things. Though of course, that was more than confusing to Marius himself.