

It was a stormy Sunday night Annabeth was sleeping in her bed covered in her blanket thinking about school while thinking she wanted to fall asleep but she could not sleep. The claps of thunder were very loud she thought how her mother, father, and sister sleeping. She could not take the sound anymore. She got up to drink some water. But she suddenly felt a piercing pain in her head she heard a deafening sound and suddenly all went black. In the morning she was woken up by her mother "Good morning!! How are you feeling my darling". Annabeth saw she was in her mother's bed. Every inch of her was paining from her head to toe. She could remember very little from the last night. She only remembered the piercing pain in her head and the deafening sound. "What happened," she asked her mother. Her mother said "darling, do you remember anything from that night". Annabeth did not want to tell them and make them worried any further. "No," she said. "Then there is nothing much to worry, take rest you will be ok. That day a man whom she did not know came to see her. His name was Howard Cruise. He talked with her mother and father for a long time. She knew there was something going on about her which she did not know. After the talk, Mr. Cruise came to Annabeth and introduced himself "Hello, Annabeth I am Mr. Cruise. I am a doctor but I am more of a teacher than a doctor. If you have anything to say about last night you can say it to me I am your friend". Annabeth did not want to talk to him because she did not feel well about talking of the last night to him. She was quiet. "So you don't want to talk now okay maybe we can talk later. But if you ever want to talk to me you can call me. Friends!! " Anna shook her hands with him but she did not talk with him. That night after dinner she asked her mother "Is everything okay?" "Of course darling, don't worry, "her mother said. "Goodnight," Annabeth said."Goodnight darling" Her mother said.