
Chapter Two – Multiple Offspring Arrive

Unknown World

Unknown Location

Birthing Cavern

Late afternoon

The cavern they'd entered was eerily quiet. A small stream came from the innermost depths which solved the "No water needed," mystery. As for anything else. Kata sniffed around and found perfectly good unused new stuff already placed somewhere nearby. "It looks as if someone came through here with similar concerns but hadn't bothered to note down that it was restocked an no one would die." Kata observed to the baffled Cora.

Cora grunted. "Or else they just didn't want anyone coming in here and disturbing the spirits of yon past." She shrugged when Kata blinked at her. "They tend to hover around in places such as this. They can serve as guardians, guards, or warnings to trespassers." A faint smile curved her mouth. "I'm going to assume that you weren't responsible for what happened here."

Hmm, well, Kata couldn't recall much from her past life. Probably intentional to remain sane. However, she distinctly remembered that nowhere in that past life had she ruled over any feline species. She shrugged because there was no point in opening a touchy subject. "I'm glad that they aren't attacking me on sight regardless." She sensed watchful presences now that Cora pointed them out, but they didn't appear hostile.

Nevertheless, Kata didn't plan to make this a permanent solution as far as haven to live. She didn't care for that type of abode one bit.

The contractions hurt like hell, but Kata was used to it by then. Several hours passed. Most of the babies were out, but it felt as if there were a few still stuck inside. She bit her upper lip and yelped when four sharp pains hit all at once.

"They're coming out, the last ones, I mean, Kata." Cora crowed. "Finally, those little rascals escaped."

Hmm, well that was good enough explanation. Kata didn't bother to worry about what to do once they were born. She could make do living off the land.

While they were in the cavern, earlier, Cora grunted. "I know you want to distance from me out of concern for your fur and the babies, but I'll at least give you some background."

Meh, good way to kill time. "Fine, please do enlighten me, Senior." Kata murmured.

Cora slanted her a sharp stare. "Miss Cora will do. I doubt we're that far in age." She shrugged.

"Miss Cora, then. Please do enlighten me about this general area at least."

Cora tapped her jaw. Then she shrugged. "We're in a kingdom ruled by the main coons. They're the biggest of the domesticated felines." She pushed a braid of ginger-red hair away from her eyes and glanced at Kata. "As I said, I'm a tabby." She sighed. "One of the more common smaller breeds. We are domestics in work as well as in other aspects."

Kata thought about it. "What is the name of this area?"

"Oh right, uhm…" Cora frowned. "Now that I think about it, I'll have to look at this tablet. Funny how I should remember things like this and don't." She found the right information. "We're in Castalia State, named after the original founding family." Cora rubbed her forehead. "That doesn't sound quite right. I'll have to check my notes again." She shook her head. "Very odd. Although I do recall some information having been updated so maybe it is correct after all." She rubbed the right side of her forehead. "We're located in the western most state of Draeska. Our little segment is Tkemali." She eyed Kata. "There are about four thousand residents, mainly felines that live around this area."

"So, you refer to towns and villages as segments?" Kata found that mystifying.

"Yes. They change with each vote of a new official representing us. Tkemali used to be much bigger. Now it barely covers enough land to fit all of us." Cora smiled faintly. "Better to live in a segment than not though."

Kata frowned. "Why is that?" This was something interesting.

Cora shook her head. "We don't know, well, other than having chosen the wrong end of the voting spectrum. Then again, we aren't the typical kind of feline. There are many that have gone against natural nature of being independent and choosing to roam free. Now, our little segment might break free and become a neutral territory that isn't governed by anything." Anticipation and trepidation tremored in her voice.

Oh, my goodness. Kata almost swallowed her tongue. Damn good thing she hadn't mentioned what her full name was after all. Sheesh, not something she enjoyed. Bastards that dumped her here must've known something like this wouldn't appeal to her. She winced as another shudder rippled through her. "Yikes, what the hell is this?"

"The afterbirth." Cora carefully pushed on her abdomen. "There is a lot of excess in there and it needs to come out. If it doesn't, you'll die from sepsis."

Blech that was just awful. She could feel it coming out and continued pushing to force it out when some tried to remain inside. "You may need to pull some sections out. I think there is some part still attached within." Kata wasn't looking forward to that at all. Then something popped. That didn't sound good at all.

A large chunk of ick gushed out all over Cora. Kata stared at her in horrified silence. Now she didn't know what to say.

Cora sputtered and sighed. "Good grief, this was the messiest birth I've ever attended." She surveyed Kata dubiously before smiling at her in congratulation and wistfulness. "You've had twice the normal amount of offspring usually birthed."

No unfriendly intent radiated from her, merely genuine appreciation and Kata relaxed. "Thank you." She sighed and eyed the children. "So how many of them are there?" She wasn't entirely sure what to think about the care for them. She would make do one way or another.

"Err, eight in total, though some aren't feline at all, but human." Cora inspected them carefully as she cleaned them thoroughly with Kata's assistance. "This is going to be awkward." She nibbled her lip. "My best advice at this point would be to rest here for a week and then move onto Luminous State, Hecate Country."

Inwardly, Kata bristled at the name, but she withheld reacting. Now she was more curious than before. "What is the difference between here and Hecate Country?" She found the name oddly disturbing and very familiar.

"Hmm?" Cora glanced at her. "In case you haven't figured it out, you aren't fully feline or human. You have the characteristics and mobility of both. Whereas I'm fully feline and won't stick out like a sore thumb."

Ouch that burned. It was the truth. Kata looked from the children to Cora. "Will the children be considered normal or will I have to hide them away?" Not something she wanted to consider a possibility.

"oh, they won't be harmed there." Cora smiled. "Children of all kinds are welcomed in Hecate Country." She made it sound as though it was a total paradise. "You might say it is the melting pot of all kinds of species and their variants." Kata wasn't impressed as she listened to Cora prattle on about it and sighed when she finished up with a statement Kata didn't appreciate in the least. "It is the home of all the outcasts and orphaned children of all the nations around here."

In other words, anyone who didn't fit in with the other nations found their way to Hecate Country because they weren't welcomed anywhere else. Hmm, this wasn't something Kata was inclined toward doing. She had a feeling that going there right now wasn't optimal. "What if I went to another neutral area that isn't affiliated with either Kingdom or Country in some way?"

Cora's mouth thinned. "You'll likely die." She shrugged. "They aren't all that tolerant of hybrids, especially those with children." A sigh escaped her. "If I can find more information about where else you can go other than Hecate Country, I'll give you it in some fashion or another."

Kata inclined her head. "What type of documentation do I need to pass through various countries?" It occurred to her that she had no way of identifying herself or the children that would keep her out of trouble.

"Documentation?" Cora frowned. "Err, I don't know. I haven't left this segment or Kingdom in my lifetime." She tapped her jaw. "I suppose I could ask Tanya as one of the current ruling family members. She might have some information." Her tone held little belief that would happen.

Kata decided she wouldn't worry about it. Instead, she would learn ways of finding information through alternate methods. Obviously asking this female who either played dumb or really couldn't answer the questions was a waste of time.

Right then however, a most appalling stench filled her nose.

"Now what to do we have here?" A sneering voice filled the cavern entrance.

"We've hit the jackpot this time, Lester." A second voice uttered.

"Oh yes, we have, Tyrol." Deep chuckles made Kata's blood run cold.

"Good thing we caught that little missy. Else we'd never have come across something good to take back to the boss." Nastier chuckles filled the air.

Kata watched them warily. She noted they weren't advancing. Just peering inside. That's when she became aware of a subtle mist slowly swirling within the walls and areas just out of their sight. What the hell was going on? She noticed Cora smirking as she eyed the mist. Huh the female knew something, but she wasn't saying a word. Kata chose to stay close to her children. She preferred to protect them rather than assist someone she couldn't trust.