
Demeaned Beauty

Give the diamond to an animal and it will never value it. But those aware of its worth wouldn't think twice going to any level to obtain it. Only thing, a diamond isn't a noble beauty with high values that it couldn't proceed with any obtainer.

Delusion_0113 · Thanh xuân
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2 Chs

Norat's House

In those times, if a lady's family was interested in the proposal, they would visit the proposer's home.

Sandra's aunts visited the house of Norat. It was huge. At that time a girl getting a personal room was a big thing.

"Suit yourself please." said a very thin lady to the two aunts of Sandra as they sat in the new rooms.

"These are the new chambers made for the new brides of my sons." The lady said.

"We see.." One of the aunts respectfully replied. "Pardon me, You mentioned sons.. Is is possibly going to be-"

"Oh yes, It will be a combined marriage of two of my sons." Mobna said. "You see, I've got 13 boys, most of my boys are young. I have to take care of many weddings, so combined marriages would be a relief in the responsibilities."

"Is Norat the eldest?" asked the other aunt.

"No, My eldest son Araf is already married actually. Norat is second eldest, he and Shah my third son will be marrying." Mobna informed.

"Mama, sister Shara and brother Araf are taking me for an ice cream treat, from there we will go to sister Shara's home for dinner." a little girl said to Mobna.

"Sure go ahead." Mobna permitted although the little girl came just to inform. "She's my youngest daughter Fema."

"What a cheerful little girl.. How old is she?" Asked one of the aunts.

"Oh, she's 6." Mobna answered.

"And does your eldest son have any kids?" asked the other Aunt, who was silent all this time analyzing the situation.

"Yeah, he has a 2 year old boy and a little baby boy, born two weeks ago." Mobna answered.

"And what does Mr. Norat do?" The aunt continued respectfully inquiring.

"Oh he has a poultry farm." Answered Mobna. "We are a joint family anyway.".

A woman entered the room.

"Oh, Hello." entered a young lady in the newly made room.

"Meet Shara, My daughter in law, Araf's wife." Mobna introduced.

The woman was well dressed, with red tint on her lips. Her appearance showed signs of high living status.

"These are Norat's fiancee's aunts." Mobna told the amused Shara.

"I see.. My apologies, It wasn't concerned to make me aware of the fact that the Girl is so easily selected." Shara said.

"Oh Fema told me you guys were going out, why haven't you gone yet?" asked Mobna kindly.

"Oh, so you wanted us to go?" Shara twisted her mother in law's words.

"No, I didn't mean that.." Mobna clarified.

Sandra's aunts thought Mobna is not the conventional intimidating and cruel Mother in law. Judging by the way Shara was talking to her, with no formalities, it looked like so.

"I think, I'll go a little later then." Shara announced.

"As you wish." Mobna replied.

"So what's the name of the girl." inquired Shara.

"It's Sandra, She's graduated, belongs to decent family as you can see." Mobna said looking at the aunts.

"It's not the education, It's the upbringing that matters. What's so great about graduating anyway, I mean I studied five grades of school, and aren't I a good daughter in law, mother?" Shara tried to ignore this achievement of Sandra, which indeed at those times was huge because most girls weren't educated by their families, due to the high amount of dowry, the families planned to give them, so their husbands don't send them back out of trivial matters.

"I mean I have been cooking for 20 people all by myself for a whole year, have I ever given you any chance of complain?" Shara added.

"No Shara, you indeed haven't." Mobna agreed.

Shara had history, her family was filled with intelligent tactics. Her brothers used to visit her regularly, with gifts for her in laws. And such things pleased the people, and made them happy with Shara. They used to invite Araf and Shara once every week for a grand dinner, with amazing dishes.

Shara started having romantic feelings for one of her far relative, and her mother not wanting the sparks to turn into fire, married her off to Araf as soon as the proposal came.

Araf was obviously the favored son. He was the first child and that too a boy, and thus was pampered by all 3 of his grandmas and all the elders of the house. He was used to power, attention and getting what he wants. This was all very predictable for a first Boy child of a conservative family.

"It's time for us to get back, It's getting dark. We will take our leave." One of the aunts said.

"Please tell us your final answer soon." Mobna reminded.

"Yeah we will." said one aunt.

The aunts reached back home, and they went to Sandra's mother's room. Sandra got to her mother's room with tea for the aunts.

"Meej, at least she would have a personal room and washroom and.. our Sandra would outshine since she is bright, beautiful and educated." said aunt Beem.

"But Faral's opinion about the proposer should also be kept in mind. There indeed seemed a lack of literacy there." Aunt Jaan said.

Sandra heard the conversation while pouring there tea.

"Whatever you sisters say, I would indeed oblige to it." Meej said, giving the authority to her Sister in laws.

"If Faral himself being so conservative, called this man conservative. Maybe, we should.." Aunt Jaan paused. "Train Sandra better, to be an even better obedient wife." She continued.

"Indeed, our children are already well trained, but we will teach them even more etiquettes." Aunt Beem added.

Not much heed was taken about anything, because the household had no criminal history which was just enough for these elder ladies of the house to marry Sandra off.

And very expectedly Sandra was asked to marry this man.