
Delinquent Dragon

by FirstRuler Summary: Keiji Hiryu was just your average "delinquent" trying to get through high school life at Kuoh Academy, solving his problems as best as his fists and temper could let him. That is, until Rias Gremory came to him with an enticing offer to solve his problems in exchange for joining her...as a Devil. As this generation's Red Dragon Emperor and with little patience for people's bullshit, follow his tale as he faces dangers, madness, monsters, world-ending threats, and women. Lots of women. (Lemon-heavy story with plot)

TasohVasseel · Tranh châm biếm
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52 Chs

Chapter 46: Placing the Pieces

Back in the living room, the atmosphere was more active than the first time the big group was all huddled together into it. Rias noted Sophia having a much calmer conversation with Irina and Griselda while having a big smile on her face; the latter questioning Xenovia about her training with Durandal.

She shook her head as she turned to Keiji, who was sitting nearby, and patting Ophis while she took to using him as her booster seat. Smugly, she ignored the other glares of some of the more shorter members of the ever-growing harem.

"I should have known," Rias mumbled.

Keiji shrugged at her response. "Just trying to help this time," Keiji replied back, throwing a grin back at her.

Her answer was cut off by the Slash Dog team, specifically the girls, walking by. Suzaku was searching for Akeno and Shuri. Genbu talking with Koneko, the short bond already going strong. 

The group of them felt their trail stop and a heat to fizz into their cheeks and body as they looked at Keiji, soon turning away from him while Keiji was unsure what the sudden change in attitude was.

"I messed up." Tohru gave an embarrassed laugh. "I may have made the sleeping arrangements a bit too close to your room, because I've been so used to this house only being for your mates."

Keiji groaned at the mess up but his speech was denied by the bright holy light filling the room, and everyone looking in shock at seeing the immaculate archangel Gabriel present. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you! Thank you for allowing me to come here!" she spoke, immediately filling the "church trio" with a sense of awe. It was like they could have found a new pillar of worship.

Her eyes glistened as she looked to her number one. "My beloved!" she happily called out to Keiji, making everyone's neck crack towards the lucky man, and making Keiji cough at how casual Gabriel was with the whole situation.

"Even the Archangel Gabriel?!" Rias asked, still not expecting Keiji to go as far to even claim such a woman. 'And she's so beautiful!' Rias thought, unsure if she could find a spot where she could beat Gabriel. As much as she didn't want to admit it, Rias couldn't help but admire just how sexy Gabriel was.

Ophis nodded in approval. "My mate doesn't let something like holiness to prevent him from getting what he wants."

'Now I'm getting reminded of that stupid catchphrase,' Keiji internally groaned, already wanting to hide in a cave and pretend nothing ever happened.

Gabriel poked Keiji's cheek, flashing her face. "I'm here to call you all to a meeting with the higher-ups in the Underworld. Things will be proceeding soon," Gabriel said, picking those who were called for

'Already? I guess there's no time to waste,' Keiji thought.

Rias nodded to the rest. "If there's any trouble, just summon us back."


Keiji, Rias, Sona, their Queens, Xenovia, Suzaku, and Gabriel showed up in the meeting room. Important matters aside, Serafall stood up and her joyful face could only mean one thing: "So-tan! Kei-kun!"

Everyone either smiled or sighed at the inappropriate attitude of Serafall, with Keiji just ignoring that she existed and thinking about his broken pride while Sona was more vocal. "Sister! Please stop embarrassing yourself! This isn't a proper thing for the Leviathan Satan to be doing!" 

"At least we won't be suffering any morale declines with Serafall around," Gabriel gently spoke, but it just let to Serafall glaring at Gabriel, while the latter couldn't even see any signs of rivalry but just smiled at the two sisters getting along.

Sirzechs coughed, making everyone straighten up and Serafall to exit out of her usual causal mode. His eyes tracked the amused (Azazel) and exasperated (Ajuka) looks of those around. "Let us commence this meeting."

The talk went on as each ally of the Three Factions had their time to chip in and say what they wanted to, the use of telegraphic screens to aid the demonstration. 

Due to the distant between some Factions and the urgency of the meeting, some were required to come on screens rather than having a physical presence. Rossweisse was usually looking away whenever Odin came and Yasaka certainly didn't make it unclear that her eyes were focused on a particular individual, even if she did show her seriousness and explained clearly her position.

"But the big problem is that Rizevim has gone even more insane and has recruited everyone and everything he can for this mad stunt. Aside from the members of Qlippoth and all their allies; Nilrem, the magician faction of the Khaos Brigade, which is being led by Euclid."

Grayfia tightened up her fists at that but composed herself quick enough. 'Focus, Grayfia! This is your duty.'

"Who are these other enemies we should be expecting, Azazel?" Yasaka asked.

Azazel nodded, using the screen and bringing up multiple tabs. "In line with the magician faction of the Khaos Brigade, there's another one called Hexennacht, led by a person called Walburga. They possess the Longinus Incinerate Anthem, which houses holy fire that could easily vanquish ultimate-class devils, so perhaps the angel faction might want to deal with them."

Michael nodded. "That is fine. It pains me that Father's creations are being used in such a way, so this is very much we can do."

"As am I, brother Michael," Gabriel replied back, soothing the hearts of others while Serafall looked away with a pouty face.

Falbium raised his hand. "It seems that's not all. The House of Nebiros, old servants of the original Lucifer have put their chips in to support Rizevim. I imagine that some stray fallen angels and remnants of the hero faction are joining in."

With that, Falbium went back to being silent-sleep, almost not looking like he was animated at all; it was a joke among the Four Great Satans, with Falbium's laziness being noted as exceptional.

"Hades might be restricted but some evil gods might wish to cause chaos. It isn't something we can simply ignore, but the lack of evidence means paranoia will be rooted," Serafall stated.

Odin looked to the area. "The cheeky brat has split his forces everywhere across the globe, seemingly with the care of a child. That said, he's got the mark of a genius. While he may have left some of his people visible, it's impossible to determine where he or his main force are.

Ajuka pointed to a projection of Earth and several marked points showing Rizevim's haphazard army. "There is no apparent purpose or clear reason for where they are stationed."

"The only things close in most cases are either human cities or monuments. There's a distinctively lack of any big supernatural target on the way," Falbium added.

Azazel gazed at the movements with concern. His eyes sprouting open at the realization. "For crying out loud! He just keeps getting worse!" Azazel cursed, making everyone look at him for the sudden outburst.

 "How has it gotten worse?" Keiji asked.

Azazel stood up. "I know what he's planning. He's going to have his group slaughters humans en masse, and expose the supernatural to the whole world to plunge it into pure entropy. Even if he dies, as long as he pulls this stunt off successfully, it's a win-win scenario for him."

Like wildfire, expressions of anger, shock, and disbelief spread through the leaders as they took in the madness of Rizevim. Falbium was lucid looking, Serafall was upright and threatening to break the table. Keiji's heel hammered against the floor and his teeth were bared.

"I never thought someone could do something like this," Gabriel muttered, her purity making the idea hit her harder.

Michael nodded. Keiji's eyes widened at seeing the sunken features of the leader of the Four Great Seraphs. 'It's the first time I've seen him so sad.'

"Has Rizevim truly gone insane?!" Serafall asked nobody in particular, her eyes quivering at what could happen if they failed.

Sirzechs' eyes were blanched crimson, a hand laid on him by Ajuka, making him nod and his eyes to revert back to their usual colour. "It's clear now that the bastard doesn't care about the damage he will cause. Since we foiled his plan to release this so-called Beast of the Apocalypse, he's going to try and take everyone down with him, and leave this world drowning in madness... even if he fails..."

"We're not letting him get away with that!" Keiji spoke out, feeling his emotions becoming too much for him to simply sit back and nod.

Rias nodded. "I know we feel the same way but I can't help but say it out, too."

"It's only natural, Rias," Sona said. "We should all be rational about events but even I must admit that there are times when I don't think I can hold back with things."

Sirzechs nodded. "I have no doubt you will all do your best, but there is brilliance in Rizevim's madness. With so many split forces, even with all our allies, we'll have to split up massively, ensuring we can't concentrate our forces to deal with his or unleash any trump cards against Rizevim's obvious threats. Me or Ajuka could defeat Rizevim on our own, but I'm sure that Rizevim has already accounted for such things."

"What about Ophis? If she helps us, can't we finish this quickly?" Keiji asked.

Ajuka sighed. "That would be good, but that is most likely fortunate thinking. It's probable that Rizevim is still keeping some of Samael's poison at hand to at least cripple Ophis if she shows up. Even if temporary, it could be a deadly setback, and a scary ace in the hole knowing that the Heavenly Dragons might be with her."

Eyes narrowed, Keiji swore in annoyance. "That's true. He's thought this through much more than I have. And Cao Cao did have that small amount of Samael's blood near the end of our battle."

"In that case," Sona started, "would it not be best to prepare everything we have at hand and not play into his tricks. Perhaps making certain divisions for our forces."

Azazel laughed while Serafall hugged her chest and gave a sunny look to her sister. "My sister truly is a genius! Well done!" 

Sona nodded, thankful that Serafall had actually managed to not go back in her magical girl cosplay mode. While things were still like that, Sona would happily take the peace.

"If we really have to do our best, then giving everything we can to our allies is paramount," Michael said, turning towards Keiji and Xenovia. "Keiji, Xenovia. I have something for the two of you."

Xenovia looked to the tall blonde angel. "Yes, Lord Michael?"

"Arthur Pendragon has decided to give us the last Excalibur fragment, saying that he will only fight with Caliburn and that the Excalibur fragments would be best being completed. We'll have it in cooperated into Ex-Durandal so you can use all the fragments to help as much as you can."

Xenovia gave a small bow. "I am honoured, Lord Michael. I will not let you, anyone, or Keiji down in the next fight."

To Keiji, his eyes were looking at something very familiar. The golden hourglass shape made him look to the Boosted Gear, which held one of Valerie's grails. "Is this another or?"

"This is the fragment of the original Holy Grail, the Physical one before Father turned it into a Sacred Gear. I believe this would be best if you give it to the dhampir Valerie. She'll be able to use all of her power without experiencing negative consequences, which is perfect for such a large-scale battle; she's a massive ally in this next fight."

Keiji admired the encrusted jewels on it, taking his hands to slowly hug the Holy Grail and to retrieve it from Michael's hands. "I mean, t-thanks... This honestly feels a bit unfair..." Keiji looked into the eyes of Michael, and smiled. "Thank you so much for this, Michael."

"Keiji," Gabriel called out, making the former give another head bow of thanks to Michael and go to his archangel lover.

The woman was carrying something covered by a holy shroud, which she removed, revealing a very familiar sword but with less colour to it. "Another Ascalon?" Keiji asked, not expecting heaven to have a spare of a dragon-slaying holy sword. 

"To be more specific, this is Ascalon II Prototype. We were preparing a new and improved version of the sword for you to wield, with the help of the best alchemists we could get in the church. After the last one was broken and we repaired it by using the data we gathered by fixing it. However, this is a test blade we made before finishing the new one and we felt it would be better for you to have it now as it was specifically made for you either way, despite being a proto-sword."

Keiji nodded as he held the blade. "It honestly feels too much to accept this but I'll use this to beat Rizevim," Keiji answered back, enjoying the smile and nod from Gabriel. Instinctively, he avoided using more fouler words when it came to talking with Gabriel.

"On that note, this sword is already going overboard with how much the gauntlet can hold now. You've already got the original Ascalon, a grail fragment from the female dhampir and the twin demonic blades giving to you by the Agares heiress."

The predicament made Keiji smile instead. "I've got something in mind," Keiji told Ddraig.

Ddraig laughed at hearing it. "Very well!"

Like many times before, Ascalon II Prototype (AIIP) was absorbed, surprisingly triggering the Balance Breaker and everyone looking stunned as the tail of the armour lashed out to the side, leaving a deep gash on the wall and showing the blade of AIIP now sprouting from the tail-tip.

Azazel whistled. "You really are imaginative."

Finished with that, the group came back together to talk about some of their available assets and allies, Yasaka and Odin saying they will bring everyone they can and even join in the battle if need be.

"Hello? Ravel... did something happen?" Keiji asked, surprised that Ravel, of all people, was calling him.

Rias stepped in as she heard Ravel talking to Keiji about how he needed to return soon as there was something important that may help with the next battle. "It's okay to go," Rias said, nodding. "We'll be back as soon as we can," she said, giving her obligatory goodbye kiss, which was followed by with Sona, Tsubaki and Akeno doing the same.

Keiji's escape was stopped as Gabriel gave an enthusiastic kiss to him and curled his hair. "Stay safe."

'Lucky bastard!' Azazel cursed, though he was still proud. "I raised that kid!" he bragged to Sirzechs and Ajuka, the former Satan chuckling while Ajuka just calculated the possibility of what would happen next.

Ajuka's prediction: a jealous Serafall strolled to Keiji and immediately jumped him for a long-looped kiss, with the other girls glaring at Serafall's lewd loophole. Only Gabriel harboured no ill intent, only seeing Serafall as showing much loved to their beloved.

"ZAMN! Public displays of affection even among this news. You devils sure know how to party," Odin joked.

Yasaka chuckled. "Definitely, Lord Odin."

Sweatdropping at the randomness of what just happened, Keiji just teleported at last, and left the others to continue on without me.


For what felt like the fifth time today, the living room was the main setting as a serious-looking Ravel stood in the centre holding something familiar.

"Is that what I think it is?" Keiji asked.

Ravel nodded, and opened up the box, showing the Evil Pieces inside. "I told my mother if she could bring them for me yesterday," Ravel explained, gazing down at her full set, "I still remember having no hurry or desire to form a Peerage, being the 4th child of the Phenex House, but these could greatly help us in this next battle by giving some of us an extra boost," Ravel told, looking at the ones she talked over.

Keiji looked to see Valerie, Ingvild, Jeanne and, to his surprise, Sae from Slash/Dog Team carrying Jin in his 'puppy' form.

"By turning with the Evil Pieces, me, Valerie and Jeanne will get the extra power needed for us not to be a burden in this upcoming battle. I may have a Longinus and my Leviathan heritage, but it isn't enough for me to be perfectly fine."

Valerie nodded. "I was honestly looking forward to turning into a devil, given how Gasper is clearly happy as one. This even just hurried things up for me."

"I'm with them; I don't mind, as the extra power will help me, but I get to live as long as Keiji-sama to serve him as long as the others do," Jeanne admitted, blushing.

Sae blushed as she met Keiji's gaze, her mind vision changing the scenario as she imagined Keiji's naked body taking the girls for his own; last night ringing clearly in her mind. "It's not for me, but for Jin," Sae told Keiji, making his head go back in understanding. "Since Sairaorg Bael kept Regulus Nemea around by reincarnating him into a devil, the rest agreed that if there was a a way to keep Jin around permanently they would help me it."

Keiji kneeled to the side of the black dog and gazed into the space of crimson it had. "What do you want, Jin?" Keiji spoke. Theoretically, it sounded stupid talking to a dog, but this was a special case.

Loud growls, barking and nodding. Despite human language not being able to speak animal language, the feelings of the independent avatar Longinus reached the heart of the Red Dragon Emperor, as Keiji ruffled its' fur and nodded.

"He wants to avenge Tobio with us too!"

Keiji grinned. "Welcome to the team, then!" Keiji replied before nodding to Ravel.

The procedures went as followed as Ingvild was reincarnated as the Queen. Valerie ended up taking 2 Bishops. Jeanne was a Knight and Jin took up all 8 Pawns of Ravel. Like with the beginning devils who reincarnated, the light gave them a bit of a ditzy feeling and they flexed their wings to get used to the feeling.

"I can use the grail to get rid of the discomforts of reincarnation. Even if it only costs a few days, you all need to be in good shape for this battle."

Keiji perked up. "Valerie, you should use this," he said, handing her the larger Holy Grail; the encrusted thickness and jewels making Valerie's heart pump and her body to glow as it was immersed in her being.

Everyone watched the sight in awe as her and Keiji's grail fragments resonate stronger than ever. The radical radiance blooming and settling down, leaving everyone feeling miraculously changed.

'This is on a whole other level. I guess it's why this is the original,' Keiji thought, giving his fingers a small twitch.

Sae's eyes widened as she perceived the changes, looking at Valerie. "This power is extraordinary. My power has grown so much, so I won't let you or anyone else down," Valerie spoke passionately.

"It is a marvellous power!"

Everyone looked to see that the one who spoke was Jin! Sae crouched down and examined Jin from side to side. "You can talk? I guess the grail did this..."

Jin nodded. "Yes, Sae. I'll fight alongside all of you to avenge my master until the bitter end!" it spoke.

Sae hugged the four-legged friend of Tobio. "There won't be a bitter end. We'll all make it back alive this time!" she promised.

Keiji putting a hand on her head just encouraged her further, but also made her blush; he was more of an action person. "Sae's right. You'll be joining us to get your revenge!" Keiji promised.

Jin stood upright. "I know I will!" he growled.


Later in the night, the Slash Dog girls, with the exclusion of Genbu, were taking a bath in one of the house's many bathing facilities. This one modelled in the form of a hot spring.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Suzaku asked as she looked at the blushing Sae.

"It's nothing," she bashfully replied while sinking into the heated water.

Lavinia exhaled heavily with a smile on her face. "The devils really do have it quite luxurious, don't they? For a house to have such a big bath."

Sae's peace didn't last too long as Suzaku and Lavinia came back for a second round of investigating their friend. "Oh, I know... it has something to do with that meeting with the Red Dragon Emperor?" Lavinia teasingly spoke, with Sae covering herself in embarrassment.

"Maybe a bit," she replied.

Natsume splashed in the water. "You're so lucky, Sae. I wish I'd have gotten a chance to meet personally with the Delinquent Dragon."

Sae sighed. "It wasn't like that, Natsume. Other people were there. We even got Jin reincarnated as a devil."

Shigune smiled. "T-that makes me happy. I'm glad Jin will get a chance... to fight."

Lavinia nodded as she patted Shigune on the shoulder. "You're right about that, Shigune. I can still remember how he passionately declared that he'd avenge Tobio and protect this world no matter what. It warms my heart," Lavinia admitted, finding it funny with some of the others as she possessed an ice-based ability.

Shigune nodded. "It makes me feel grateful," she replied, with 

"Last night warmed me up," Natsume cheekily admitted with a flushed face, making everyone follow in her face's footsteps as they recounted the event that she explained.

Suzaku giggled at something. "My cousin and aunt have been unable to not bring up how amazing the Red Dragon Emperor is in bed apparently. They end up focusing more on it rather than news about the Himejima clan."

Sae's face was burning at this point. "I think maybe I'll get out," she said.

Like the affect of kotodama, the door opened up and Genbu entered with only a towel. "Thanks for the help guiding me here," Genbu said.

"No big deal," Keiji said, all of their bodies trembling at the odds that he'd be the one to guide one of their auxiliary allies to them. "It's easy to get lost in such a big house," he replied, checking out the pool and stopping at the glorious world wonder in front of him, while Genbu was leaking gloomy envy over her face.

"And the man himself comes. I guess dragon would be a more correct term," Suzaku said, with Keiji sighing at what he stumbled upon.

Shiguen looked away quickly while Lavinia nudged her. "No reason to be shy, Shigune," Lavinia told her, nestling Shigune in her arms.

Natsume smiled, giving a hand wave. "Hiya!"

'It's a pile of mountains,' Genbu thought, looking at everything that she lacked, both vertically and horizontally.

Keiji's chin slumped as he exhaled mildly. "Apologies for intruding here; Genbu seemed to forget to tell me you lot would be bathing already. I'm leaving now."

"What's the hurry?" Lavinia sultrily asked, leaning against him. Her slickened figure drenching his clothing.

"While I'm turned on, you ruined my clothes, Lavinia!" Keiji groaned, his pheromones already starting to fill the bath and affect the girls.

Slowly, Keiji sunk out of his clothes and right into the bath with them as Lavinia was pushed against the wall and the others watched her legs wrap around Keiji's waist and her fingers cuddling against his chin as she proudly presented her lips, giggling at feeling the way he took her rosy lips so easily.

Her tongue rolled back, allowing his to settle on top and rub against her. Lavinia's eyes sparkled as she gazed at the others watching the two of them get it on, her body slowly rubbing against his in a cycle of contentment.

"Is that his?!"

"That's not normal!"

"And that's why he's the Delinquent Dragon!"

Keiji rolled his eyes at the praise while Lavinia giggled at the rock-hard mass underneath her, the pheromones already having her gyrate in long painting strokes against the canvas-cock, ready for it to paint her.

"Let's get along... as more than just fellow Longinus users," Lavinia cooed, her breasts swinging like pendulums.

Keiji gripped her by the waist and Lavinia grabbed him by the tip as she aimed right towards the cleft of Venus. "Best of luck!" Suzaku joked.

Things weren't joking afterwards as the whole group looked at the size of the length, and their pupils shrunk. It was even more of an abnormal case than it was before; the mist of the hot spring doing a good job of downplaying the might of it.

Lavinia's eyes were cloudy like jewels as her heated gasps were puffing with enough force to blow Keiji's hair back and release a mist in colder conditions. 'I know I'm a virgin but this is way too good!' Lavinia thought.

Suzaku gazed more closer at the sight, eyes tucking low and watching each moment as Lavinia's whole body vibrated against the behemoth. Blood beating lines surrounding the tower as Suzaku traced her finger against.

"No touching! It's all for me!" Lavinia growled out, her speech distorting quickly as it dabbled right back into the spiral of moans.

Suzaku pouted. "I was just curious! I mean, this is the one thing my aunt and cousin have been endlessly bragging about. How can I not be?"

"I agree. After all, this is the Delinquent Dragon!"

Keiji's ears twitched at the title but he thought nothing of Natsume's comment, and was too focused on breeding Lavinia to properly dive into the possibility of the girl being a fan of that God forsaken show.

"Despite being an ice-user, you really are warm. Are you normally a contradiction?" Keiji joked, making her lean in further as he used his own back to support himself and focused his efforts; grabbing each leg, her insides became his domain as the expansion of his rigid hardness was making Lavinia jolt like someone on the electrocution chair.

'So bouncy,' Genbu thought, gazing down at her lack of assets, while also looking towards Shigune and sighing in disappointment.

Systematically, pleasure flooded Lavinia's body as even pain was transferred lewdly into a way to gain more delight. Every sense of her body submitting to this joyous feeling as she strangled Keiji with her breasts.

Keiji smiled at being covered by her milk mounds, motor-boating right into them while he continued to passionately push himself into Lavinia, her vagina making no exceptions and coldly greeting him at first but warming up to his touch and beginning to melt at the tip alone.

Sae peeked through the fingers on her face as she watched the two of them. However, Suzaku brushed them aside. "You need to watch," Suzaku huskily whispered, with Sae weakly nodding in response.

Sounds picked up rapidly as Keiji was continuing to do what he did best: making a mess of every girl's inside the best way possible. And like the inevitably of death, Lavinia's time had arrived. Her insides sunk, toes clenched, and her body lurched forward as she bellowed her heart out; enough words being spoken.

Meanwhile, the rumbling caught everyone's attention. Looking at the attack titan, the sex spectators were gazing at the lewd lines drawn against the staff of life as the changes and pulsing visible made them gaze at Lavinia's hunched frame.

"I can't take... anymore... Fuck, I'm ruined!" Lavinia screamed, feeling the thick discharge slowing her down and threatening to take over.

Fully submerged in two types of water, Keiji slowed his thrusts down and let Lavinia lay down but still held her floating frame. "Whose next?" Keiji spoke, already knowing he'd be spending some time in here.

"Your biggest fan!" Natsume shouted, making Keiji's sensual smile slowly fade as his worst fears were made true.

"Forget about the show, cause the real thing is here," Keiji replied back, inching Lavinia off of him and having some of the other girls carrying her off to relax.

Happily, Natsume strolled forward and walked over between his legs. Her bodacious bottom just inches from his face before, without warning, slamming herself down on his lap.

Both were stunned by the impact; Natsume because more cock than she'd ever imagined was suddenly stretching her insides like she'd always dreamed of since last night, and Keiji because Natsume brought a lot of weight to her and her unfairly tight pussy was desperate to drain the dragon dry.

The setback was temporary, and Keiji was right up in there, bouncing Natsume against his sex scale and leaving her to the mercy of his experience, which showed as Keiji's facial features were only dabbed in pleasure while Natsume was already looking desperate.

"T-this is a dream... come true," Natsume happily stated, reaching out and turning to Keiji as she began to pepper his neck with kisses.

Reaching around to caress her thighs, dominance became a priority, as he caught them and used it to his advantage. Sooner rather than later, Keiji began fucking her up into her pussy at an exciting pace, not hiding the grin on his face.

"Never seen Natsume so happy before," Suzaku stated to the resting Lavinia.

Lavinia weakly chuckled. "I almost want another go right away."

Suzaku raised an eyebrow at how eager the magician of the group was. 'Guess more evidence comes. Now I really can't wait much longer,' she thought, taking her curled lips against her moving teeth.

"I can feel you opening me up so furiously! Do you do this with all your girls?! They're so lucky!" Natsume spoke with a minor pout.

"Why are you pouting? Aren't you getting a go, too?" Genbu told her.

Natsume giggled, her throat slowly recovering after each romp into her belly, excitement brewing up into her as she thought of the possibilities. "I-isn't it obvious?! I want to become a part of his harem! Having the Delinquent Dragon save me from the enemy and gladly joining him on his adventure while he makes me his! It makes me so excited!"

Keiji obliged with the obvious fan with a shrug. "Then I'll fuck you silly like you want!" Keiji boasted back to her, boosting himself and not holding back, fully drilling into Natsume and showing her much more than just how big he was. Ironically, it was the first comment Natsume shrieked out as the others watched the way her pussy became a whole country, with the vortex in her vagina rolling inside with enough fury to break the world.

'It's... beautiful...' Shigune thought, covering herself as she continued to gaze into the sight of her teammate being treated.

Sae had fully gotten use to everything as she was now watching Natsume bellow out with every breath; no, every bellow was her breath as the harsher he slammed himself into her, the more it only pleased Natsume and made her squeeze tighter. This would, in turn, make Keiji rock into her harder, and the process to repeat.

However, the cog of the cock and the cunt ended, as the two of them caved into the sweet release of pleasure and felt their juices combine in a tidal flood wave. Natsume squirting against the onslaught of fluids that came back. Naturally, the dragon won over, as Natsume was dripping with dragon seed and gladly hung her head back.

"Y... you win... Love you..."

Keiji sighed but still smiled at the fan as he plucked her sweet lips for himself as the girls once again aided Keiji into putting them to the side.

"W-what? I'm not sure if I want to do this!" Shigune stated, but Suzaku continued to push her until she was already gazing at Keiji's abdominals.

Keiji leaned into her. "Do you want to keep on watching?" he asked. "You don't have to engage; you can even leave right now."

"I'd expect more from the one who carries the spirit of the Fiend of Gluttony," Genbu commented. 

Shigune flashed a glare at Genbu. Taking a deep breath, Shigune sealed her lips against his as her fingers made circles against his body.

Lavinia giggled. "How cute. Don't be afraid to continue, Shigune," she spoke in almost motherly tone.

"Your the gentle type, right?" Keiji asked her, with Shigune bashfully moving her head to the side and nodding. "Don't look away," he said, pulling her back to face him with his thumb. "Relax, and I'll do anything."

A nude nod, and everything was accepted. Keiji smiled at Shigune, the latter giving one of her own as the both of them continued to make out. Slowly, Keiji inched his hands around her and they sunk into the warmth of the hot spring.

Shigune was given much more with this passionate session. Although the boiling battering ram was hovering underneath her, Keiji made no attempt to force it in right away and allowed her to go at her own pace.

Gazing into his eyes, she noted the fraction of discomfort that Keiji had with each exchange of a kiss they had. 'He's doing such a hard thing for me... I should try and comfort him,' Shigune thought.

But it didn't come right away as her usual shyness didn't allow her to be as confident or brash as Lavinia or Natsume. However, trailing back to why she was here in the first place, to all the events that came, an important reminder came to here. This might be the last time she could enjoy herself. A war was coming, and she needed to prepare. How could she expect not to fail if she couldn't even take the initiative in sex?

'If I keep this up, how can I not expect to fail Keiji and the others? I don't want that...' she thought, her breath becoming shallow. "I want to live in a world with you!" Shigune begged out, making water splash around the girls.

Keiji was taken over quickly as Shigune was consumed by confidence and her every move was already taking his dick in and riding it for everything it could give her. Face wide open, tongue hanging out, Shigune was as big as an amateur as you could get, but the passion she showed was definitely touching.

'Even Shigune,' Sae thought, happy but still surprised to see one of the more introverted members of the group flip into naughty nympho.

Keiji gripped her silky smooth hair as he flashed a smile that melted Shigune's heart and herself on his cock more than it already was, mild-sized chest heaving as she squashed it against him. "I'll give you what you want," Keiji promised. "Are you ready?"

"She isn't going to be ready," Lavinia joked.

Shigune nodded. "I... I am! Give it to me now!"

Let's just say it was a dizzying experience, being effectively tossed around as she was. That, in combination with the powerful waves of pleasure that his veiny cock rapidly grinding against and stretching her walls, she was wishing that she paid attention to the importance of physical training earlier, or at least had good genes to go with it.

"Okay, you were right," Suzaku told Lavinia, the latter grinning.

Genbu started to play against her own body as she watched Shigune show all the energy she could by grabbing his shoulders and bucking at her maximum pace, desperate to go with all the terminal velocity she could.

"Give me all of your seed! I need it!" she ravenously begged.

Whether it was because she was recently shy or another factor, the urge to dominate sparked briefly in Keiji. But its' briefness was enough to set up Keiji for the long run and give him everything else he needed to push himself beyond the limit and make Shigune remember who she was dealing with.

Fucking her too far into the pussy was enough to do it but Keiji cemented the deal by making the last couple hundred thrusts be complimented with thick loads of cream that effectively killed of Shigune's physical presence.

Her lack of experience and more physical improvement being needed spelt a quick but fulfilling defeat as her horny hunger was sated and she shared a final kiss with Keiji before submitting to the lewd loss happily. "Let's do it again some time," she strung together coherently, then dropped degenerately dead.

Burning with more passion than a phoenix, Suzaku and her breasts walked towards Keiji as the sight of Akeno's cousin coming towards him made him carelessly hand the dicked down Shigune to the others and move towards her.

"Suzaku, I..."

Suzaku smiled at Sae. "Just watch me if you are still hesitant about things. You'll surely find happiness, so let me help you," Suzaku said.

Sae watched the two of the meet, a small distance between them that had to be squashed in a literal way as Suzaku's gravity-defying chest piled against the sleek cut abs and were teasing both the owner and Keiji.

"Let's just get right to it. I need to know if Akeno and Shuri were being truthful about the whole thing."

"Even though I've already fucked some of your friends," Keiji replied back.

"Especially because of that!" Suzaku replied back with a grin.

Running a hand down the slope of her large breasts, Keiji secured his claw against her waist as Suzaku was elevated upwards and then unleashed against him with the power of gravity, both of their heads falling back at the feeling of connection between cock and cunt.

"Just like the two of them!" Keiji joked back, eyeing her chest.

Feeling his hard cock pressed against more than just her stubborn womb walls, Suzaku moved to kiss him and they soon sunk in really rapidly to the passion they were igniting as water was indiscriminately tossed to all participants in heaps and bounds as the small giggles they let out among the light speed breaks for air.

"Geez, they need to learn not to be so rough!" Genbu complained, feeling water hit her from the passion of the two.

Lavinia laughed at her, getting Genbu to demand what was so funny. "I bet you want to be railed, don't you? Have all the knowledge of his experience pumped into you at once."

Genbu blushed. "T-that may be true, but so what?!"

"Nothing. It's nice to be honest."

Their eyes once again fell to the couple in hand as the musings of those around were promptly ignored and the sound of clenching and splashing surrounded the two of them like it became a temple of worship.

Holding her back long enough made Keiji menacingly grin as he found out there was another aspect of the three Himejima ladies that was offensive enough if left ignored.

The clapping of cheeks, and Suzaku's pleasure, were all ramped up to a new level as Keiji found it useful to grab her hair and begin pulling the rope of the bell as Suzaku was slowly mooing like a cow with how hard Keiji was using her.

Through the small gap that her gaping pussy had, the clitoris throbbed and the sensation rocked her entire core as gasps became breaths and oxygen was slowly becoming a second-hand need and her want for sex was becoming a first-hand need with how things were going.

"You brutal dragon! You plan to brutalize me with that massive cock of yours and use me as a sow for you seed! With my beautiful hair clutched by your hands, I have no choice but to surrender!" Suzaku screamed out.

Keiji gave her a look. "Yes."

Simple and blunt; the second adjective being accurate in describing the fact that her insides were being rearranged and slowly modelled to follow the shape of his dick. Vigorously, the both of them went at it with each other.

However, the leader of the Himejima couldn't follow further as the wobbling breasts had teased the dragon long enough, and he sunk his teeth into the treasure, hitting the jackpot didn't do it justice as her red orbs were clad in tears of delight from her milk buckets being used to their fullest extent.

While not having a direct family say to her cousin and aunt, she was picking up the trait of being submissive to a dragon as riding him while her tits became his personal pacifier was enough to send Suzaku to the limits of heaven as she climbed and squeezed both heads as much as Suzaku could with her might.

"I can see... why Akeno and aunt Shuri talk with such fervour about getting pounded by you, Keiji. We can definitively make it into a family activity now!" Suzaku remarked, head bared backwards for all of them to see just how far she had fallen.

The feelings all culminated near the bottom and eventually erupted at once. Keiji's face melted into euphoria and Suzaku was going beyond the seventh heaven as the armoured arrow of muscle continued to release copious amounts of seed, as many as those who had been reborn, reincarnated or birthed into the world. An endless amount to conquer the head of the Himejima Clan.

By the end of it, Keiji was comfortably finishing breast-feeding on Suzaku as she was laid together with the other members. "Have fun, Sae..."

"I guess it's my turn," Sae spoke, looking down as she clung onto Keiji and the latter had to make her hold her head up high. "I'm sorry for... for not being so wild about it."

Keiji shook his head. "Not everyone has to be like that. This isn't my first time dealing with it things like this," Keiji told her, making her sigh in relief.

"I'm glad... I trust you to make me happy and to give all of us what we want! You'll do that right!" Sae begged earnestly, a droplet slipping down.

Keiji burnt it away with a wave of the thumb. "It's fine, Sae. I don't intend on breaking any of those things. I'm the Red Dragon Emperor, after all! I'm doing it!"

Wiping her tears away, Sae's emerald eyes glowed as she happily allowed the hug to be replicated back to her. "I'm ready... Do it!"

A harsh whine left Sae's mouth but her words of passion made Keiji push on forward as Sae's vocal words and muteness of words pushed Keiji to carry on until he was all the way, a tight and narrow path.

Genbu watched the two of them give into each other as they smiled and Sae had moments of gasping and heavy pauses but it didn't stop her as the water splashed against the effort exerted.

"Finally!" Sae gasped out. "Sorry it took so long."

"Show you're sorry," Keiji jokingly responded back, kissing her gently. 

Sae took Keiji's kinky advice with more seriousness than he anticipated as her tongue was rolling against his the moment after his joke was proposed, leading Keiji to move back against her.

'I could go in right away but I'll allow her to have this moment. She's earned it with her passion,' Keiji thought, mentally smiling at Sae's willingness and happily enjoying the pleasure she sent through his mouth alone.

The tightness she showed was surprisingly comfortable, as his cock stretched her out, and the sound of her meaty butt slapping against his thighs made Keiji realize just how far Sae was stretching herself out to go.

Although it was contradiction to his previous thinking, the idea that she was going all out but he wasn't after they both accepted each other made Keiji snap the restrictions he had into dust.

Sweat and steam prevalent in the inferno of both individuals as Keiji showcased one of his many titles and the power of his hips was put on display as they almost became invisible against the illusion of the water and Sae's body was careening in response to the difference between the two of them being vaster than the heavens and the underworld.

'He's making a mess of me! But I feel so free at the same time!' Sae thought, the contradiction making her whole body quake and submit further against the dominating dragon that took the reins of her body.

Happily, Sae used her efforts to ride alongside Keiji as much as possible. More than just the bulge, happiness was advancing through her body as Keiji's brow was raised at seeing Sae suddenly fighting back with prowess unseen.

In response to the seldom display, Keiji's lower-half could only be identified through the hot spring water being contorted like a fountain as Sae could no longer see herself as one but joint with another as her heart was racing like a rollercoaster only going down as her legs continued to spring upwards in bizarre fashion.

"You're now mine!" Keiji promised with the last of his thrusts signalling the dissonance of Sae's purity as her moans and words were mixed into a lewd cacophony that only continued to delight the ears of all present.

Picking up the pace, Keiji let off one load, already enough to help solve the fertility crisis. However, his thrusts were still plenty and looming, as the orgasms that came with it was accompanied by a thick spray of his young cum straight up against her cervix. By the time he slowed to a stop in his thrusting—leaving his massive cock lodged tightly in her pussy—Sae's hole was overflowing with so much sperm it was flowing steadily out of her and into the water.

"I hope you aren't planning finishing up without giving me my turn!" Genbu stated with an annoyed countenance. "I might not be much, but don't forget we're the same age, and I'm possessor of the Black Tortoise, so please..."

Keiji chuckled. "You remind me of Koneko. I'm not going to take your turn from you, but I wonder if you will be better than her."

Genbu smirked, flicking her ahoge strand. Her back was turned and her arms flung back like boosters. "What are you waiting for? Show me the power of the Red Dragon Emperor!"

Gazing at the sliky form of Genbu, with all the help of the water easing her entrance, Keiji's hard pulse of arousal made no attempt in discussion as Genbu's teeth were already chattering from the expansion pack she was facing.

"T-this should be nothing for the current head of the Doumon clan!" Genbu spoke.

Keiji's fingers trailed against her waist. "Admirable. But a tortoise isn't going to do anything against a dragon, let me show you."

Actions speak louder than words. Whoever believed in that phrase would be proud of Keiji's application as the Slash Dog girls watched Genbu be converted into a pocket pussy for Keiji's convenience while the young girl was busy trying to think about how not to die from an overload of pleasure.

"By Amaterasu! A-are you getting bigger?! I can still do this!" Genbu shouted, but her head dropping down low as she gazed at the underground tunnel being built inside her. "F-fuck! You've actually made a bulge that big!"

Suzaku chuckled. "A head of the Five Principle Clans shouldn't be swearing!" Suzaku joked, but didn't even blame Genbu. She may have sworn somewhere in her mind but the pleasure made the event cease to exist.

Genbu wasn't listening at this point as she became a human swim ring for Keiji and her raspy eyes and hot and moist gasps were escaping her nasal cavity at such a rate her jaw was wearing, explaining why her tongue was flipping out like a dead fish.

Taking the time to admire how short she was, Keiji used it to his advantage as her silver hair was used it and teased, helping him buck against her harder. For a moment, Keiji shut off from the joy of her tightness. A shivering inhale followed by a heavy exhale the varying lengths Keiji went at it to arch himself wildly into Genbu made her hips raise and her body float in air.

The sight made the other girls shiver in delight and feel their bones become like jelly as they imagined a scenario where they were placed in a similar predicament. "I'm all yours, Red Dragon Emperor! Please give yourself to me!"

Keiji flexed his body forward as she continued to work into her without any lack of speed, but the opposite effect, and Genbu having drool and tears spilling out of her swollen cunt, her own orgasm already sharpening the penetration of the engorged flesh. "I know..." Keiji cheekily responded, though it only served to turn Genbu on more.

The short female bent her head back to meet Keiji's gaze as he kinkly continued into her. "Y-you know, I used to have a crush on Vali back in the day but I'm glad I've won and ended up getting the more passionate Dragon Emperor!" 

Keiji snorted at her in jest and lust as the thick hardness spared her no mercy, orgasmic bliss taking over and her whole insides falling inside and holding onto dear life against the one who had claimed her. Feelings of fire continued to persist long after Keiji's thrusts had finished as the swollen sabre was still stuck into the apex of her legs as Keiji let her rest and continued to work himself just that tiny bit more.

Once fully finished, Keiji was resting in the water for good as the new girls joined him in the water, making his face positively bend. "I'll protect you all, without doubt," Keiji muttered with conviction, the girls sighing in contentment and speaking his name with the same awe they felt in the beginning being fully poured out.


Darkness meets darkness. Rizevim stood in the obscured environment as Euclid and Crom were both situated behind him. It was another rare moment, with Rizevim's usual smirk gone and replaced with narrowed eyes.

"It's time. As soon as the sun sets, they will all know the True meaning of being a Devil!" Rizevim declared, gazing towards what laid out beyond.

Together against the madness of man and his ambitions, the Three Factions and their allies were all ready for a large battle to commence.

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