
Delicious Souls


Dao_of_listless · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs


I woke up refreshed and very aware which was rare. The chair I sat at groaned and creaked in the silence. The sleeping Lia in my arms shuffled a bit before resting, drool could be felt trailing down my back.

I stood up and looked at sleeping Bella, smiling a bit at her very childish manner I stroked her head once more. It's felt weird, being this close to someone when you have only met them for a little bit, but it was nice feeling.

Placing Lia in her bed, I led myself back to Bella's room. Taking the last resistance crystal in my inventory, I ate it and felt my body nourished. System, at what level is my resistance?

'Your body can handle level 2 Magic and level 3 Magic with injuries. Any level higher wouldn't be affected by your resistance. Your resistance right now isn't that useful as the average level of magic at the tournament is level 7, train it up and it will be a very versatile weapon'

I nodded at the system's wisdom and rested my eyes. Last night was exhausting and boring, I had to stay up and calm down both Bella and Lia when they both cried in their sleep.


Bella's alarm rang but Bella stayed still in her bed. I closed the alarm on her clock and shock her slightly.

"Bella, wake up. It's time to work or whatever you do at this time"

"MMMMmmmmm, 5 more minutes"

Her cute and mellow groans sounded very sweet to my ears. I could only wake her up despite the disappointment from my ears. Shaking her slightly a bit more violently, she grumbled before opening her eyes. Her chestnut eyes shined from the sunlight piercing the window.

"It's time to wake up"

She gazed to the roof before looking strangely at me. The air was silent for a split second before she deeply sighed.

"Thank you... for staying. I'm very sorry for keeping you here"

"Don't worry, it wasn't that much of a problem"

Despite saying that I couldn't hold in my yawn which caused Bella to frown. Putting the chair back into the living room, I prepared to leave.

"Have a good day Bella, see you soon"

"You too..."

Putting back on my shoes I caught a glimpse of my face, it looked tired and sleepy. My eyes were droopy and there was eye bags below them. I guess my resistance to sleep was lower than I had thought.

I exited the room and went on the elevator down to the lobby. I ate some new breakfast dish, it was a combination of some strange fish and blue broth. It was a new experience that was enjoyable, the broth was quite sweet and the fish was very bitter. I guess they were meant to be eaten together.

Walking out the hotel, I looked at the time. It was 10:26 am, the tournament was at 1:00 pm so I had plenty time. I was a bit worried though, I'm below average in everything beside my body and connect to the soul. Who could I use my class to fight?

'You could utilise Soul Communication. When activating and deactivating it, you materialise next to the person. You could use that to your advantage'

But I don't have a good method of attacking, my soul fire would probably kill someone and my fire magic is too weak. I had darkness but that would make me suspicious since I had two elements and a omen like attribute.

'I can't help you with this. You have to do this'

Fine! I thought and thought throughout that morning. Staying at a coffee place, I had ordered an iced coffee. Trying to configure my thoughts I stayed there for some time. System, what's the average level of mana presence with the people I'm fighting?

'About level 1 or rarely 2. This is considered a very basic skill that is taught from a young age. Although they learn it very young, it's not considered useful and many don't train the skill further from level 1 or 2'

Checking the time, it was 11:06 am, I had time train this skill. This could be my trump card.

I was planning to use this skill to try and predict their moves a little, just so I can have some edge against them.

Paying for my coffee and leaving the cafe, I went to a park to train alone. Some people were there, but very few stayed around. Many were jogging and exercising, it wouldn't seem weird for me to train here either.

Sitting far from people's view, I sat comfortable and started my training. Trying to perfect my mana presence more and more, I projected waves upon waves of mana out from me. Feeling creases in my waves I tried again, feeling the unbalance in some areas I tried again.

[Ding! Mana Presence level up!]

Time after time I persisted though the cold early morning. The sun was getting higher and higher whilst I continued my training. The exhaustion of my mana caused my body to ache and scream in pain. Yet I persisted, though my mana deficiency I tried lowering my mana usage. Only up to the point where I would get results, my mana felt almost unnoticeable. The waves felt much calmer and easier to control.

I guess lowering the use of mana was the trick to advancing this skill.

[Ding! Mana Presence level up!]

I groaned and fell back on the ground. No one was around to celebrate with me my achievement. Almost everyone was gone. I also might know the reason, the tournament is about to start! I checked the time and saw that it was 12:48 am.

Frantically coating myself in darkness, I unleashed my wings and flew straight for the Battle Stadium. This was where the event was going to take place.

Seeing a huge mob of people trying to get in, I started hyperventilating. Damn it!

Through my dizzy vision though, I could see the applicants for the tournament. I dragged my body there hoping for a miracle.

"Are you the last applicant?"

The light in my eyes returned as a man with clean bread, profession uniform whilst holding a clipboard asked me.


"Relax kid. Name?"

"Nep Rodger"



"What is your class?"


I chose warrior because I couldn't really call myself an exorcist. Plus my magic wasn't that good, I could only rely on my below average strength, above average resistance and mana presence.



"Alright, we're done here"

Putting his pen away he and started guiding the other participants, along with me, inside the stadium. We were put inside a waiting room which had snacks, a T.V., a couch and a table with some chairs. Fitting the 48 applicants in the room wasn't hard as it was a massive room.

He left the room, but not before informing us of the procedures and order of fights. Somehow they already sorted us into groups and lots. There was 6 groups in total and all groups would simultaneously fight at the same time. These fights were grouped in 4 fights, a classical 1 versus 1 situation. I was put in group 6, and was the 1st fight.

Seeing all the first fighters ready for the show, I shrunk down. They were all huge! This was unfair! They clearly wanted to see a good fight for the beginning, but how can they expect me to do anything again them?

The person I was fighting was a huge 7 foot monster with gigantic muscles and a very toothy grin.

"Good luck out there kid. Try not to get killed"


The person organising the groups sighed and patted my shoulder before leading us out the waiting room. Going to the white hallways supposedly leading towards the arena made my body shiver, I was done for!

The cheers of the crowd erupted when they saw the participants in the tournament. When they saw me, I swear they looked like a crowd of wild animals waiting for blood!

The announcer of the arena then started shouting who we were and who we were ever sing each.


I really hoped the announcer was just making up the names on the spot or I'm truely dead.



All the participants started going to the four separated mini arenas. Over them was a protective glass like shield. Entering my ring, Celtri punched his palm like he was showing off. And he was, the air around that punch moved along with his force which scared me. Could I even survive a punch from that?

'Yes, but only one punch'

Since when was I facing one punch man? The people organising the event then gave me a sword. Since I was a warrior I was given a weapon, on the other side Celtri simply ignored the person giving him a shield.

As the people cleared, I raised my sword up in a defensive position and activated my mana presence. I lowered the mana usage up till the point where I could barely see results.


The beep sounded the start of the match while my heart palpitated intensely. Fighting humans and goblins are very different things.

Feeling earth mana accumulating in his body and into his fist, I knew that those punches could eliminate me instantly I had to dodge them. The mana in his hand started moving, in real life it was simply his hand forming a fist and punching towards me.

Hopefully this works...


This kid doesn't know what going to hit him! Look at his pathetic face and scrawny body, I despise people like him.

I punched towards him with all my force, but for a moment I blinked. My mind felt weird, it was like I was in control of my body but at the same time not. My eyes flashed and blurred. Around me was a crystal dome which was all yellow and hard looking. Not far from me was...

Who was that? Is that me? What is going on!

I looked at my hands and saw something different. The scar from my childhood wasn't there? Where did it go? Before I got anymore into my thoughts a heard small footsteps.

Not far from me was another person. My opponent?

That was when my mind cleared and I was back in the arena. My punch slowed and lost its force. I shook my head around and tried to figure out what was happening.

Looking for my opponent, I only saw a blank area. The crowd looking at my fight was soon confused before eccentric. What were they so interested about, me crunching this bug?

That was when a surprising punch landed on my stomach. It burned and as soon as the force finished its job a small explosion hit my stomach. Collapsing backwards, I caught my breath. What was that?

But I didn't have time to think, my eyes blurred and I was once again in the crystal dome? What the fuck is happening!? The boy from afar stepped closer to me, and my body denied me. It took a step back.

My eyes blinked and I was back at the arena once again. Am I hallucinating?

Of course I wasn't! A force then hit my head, it went black for a split second before the light shined through them once more. Still standing, my ear was scorched and my knees felt weak.

I need to quickly end this fight before this headache makes me lose to this ant. Seeing the boy back away, I hurriedly punched with all my might. I didn't even try to hold back, if he died then who cares? My punch was only inches away from his face before my environment changed again. This couldn't be a headache, they don't do this!

Seeing the boy in the distance again, I tried to reason with him.

"Kid! Stop this, tell whoever is doing this to stop! Fight me like a real man!"

The boy halted before my eyes regained their vision. This time the boy was surely going to get hit, but I hit nothing...

Feeling a strike hit the back of my knee, my leg kneeled. How dare this kid make me kneel! I tried getting up but a flurry of sword slashed came my way. I could only gather my earth mana to protect my body.

Who is this kid anyway?