
Delicious Night

The man sucked on his cigarette, then immediately billowing smoke filled the room that was only filled by him and the woman who was now bowing down languidly in front of him. "Sign this contract, then don't even think about running away from me again," he said while holding out a piece of paper containing the contract that Emily had previously asked for. The girl grabbed the paper and read it carefully. She couldn't do anything else but accept the situation. "Yeah--" "One thing is for sure, don't ever expect more from me. Especially ... love. Because, even if you beg, it won't happen,” he continued as he walked away carrying the contract that the woman had signed. Emily never thought she would be reunited with Jonathan Oliver, the man she had spent a hot night with due to a mistake. Now, she has made another mistake which resulted in him being trapped in a loveless relationship.

Alkaffy_21 · Thành thị
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11 Chs


Helped by the maids, Emily refreshes her body by soaking in the warm, fragrant water. At first she felt uncomfortable when the maids watched over and served her even when she was taking a bath, but slowly she started to get used to her new life.

The scent of lavender burst out, tickling her olfactory senses. Her tiredness just disappeared when slowly the warm water and soothing aroma hypnotized her.

One of the maids is in charge of scrubbing her body with a fine scrub that smells the same, while the other is cleaning her feet and hands.

"That's enough, you guys can get out," she ordered.

The maids immediately left, leaving Emily, who was still drifting in the comfort she had been dreaming of. Emily thought life like now would only be wishful thinking, who would have thought that she would get everything even though she had to give up her freedom.

Her eyes stared at the sunset from behind the glass. The birds flew back to the nest, while the sun seemed to be singing a lullaby to herself as she was about to set off.

So engrossed in enjoying the beautiful afternoon, Emily didn't even notice a pair of eyes watching her with a faint smile. She walked closer while taking off her clothes one by one.

"Aaaaakh!" she screamed when the man suddenly went into the bathtub and hugged her body.

"Apparently my cat looks cute when surprised," he teased.

"Oh my … you should have knocked first," Emily protested.

"This is my house. Why knock on the door?"

Emily tried to let go of Jonathan's hands and started to guerrilla, touched her body softly, felt like a soft sting until she didn't realize that her body was reflexively responding.

"S-already, stop it."

"But your body says otherwise, right?"

"That's because you-you keep doing it."

Jonathan smiled faintly when he saw his woman holding back from him. Her cheeks were flushed and her breath a little labored. He stopped the attack, then turned to Emily's slender waist and hugged her tightly.

"Shut up, or I'll eat you right now."

They tried to enjoy the twilight in the warm water that soaked most of their bodies. The woman who had been making him run around like crazy was already in his arms. What else could she wish for?

He looked at Emily, who was turning her back on him as she looked outside her window. Jonathan wonders what is so special about him that his heart makes it hard for her to forget?

Rediscovering a much prettier and more seductive woman is very easy for him, but the shadows of that night's struggles have been bothering him for the past 3 years.

Jonathan had thought, maybe the biggest reason was curiosity. Every woman wants to sleep with him and wants to be his lover, but Emily just then runs away and upsets him. Taming wild animals was a lot of fun—he thought.

Jonathan kissed Emily's body until she was amused. "You smell good," he whispered.

"Thank you. But, please stop it, ticklish."

Instead of stopping, Jonathan even more intensely kissed every inch of Emily's skin, especially the sensitive parts.

Emily was shaking violently. Without realizing it, it made her look even more seductive in Jonathan's eyes. The man immediately carried Emily's body out of the bathtub, then went to the bed where they slept.

Jonathan laid his woman's body down, then pressed her down until it was difficult for Emily to move.

"I've tried to hold back but you're the one who teased me."

"I-I've just been quiet all this time!"

"That's not what you think."

"At least, dry our bodies first. Very cold."

"Let me warm up then."

Jonathan immediately bit Emily's lips fiercely, trying to penetrate deeper until it made Emily have trouble breathing.

"Just follow my game, then you will feel the pleasure."

Jonathan grabbed those lips again, crushing them viciously. Meanwhile, Emily, trying to keep up with Jonathan's rhythm, slowly but surely feels crazier than before.

Under the twilight sky, the two people were enjoying the heat of surging lust. Give satisfaction to each other, even without love in it. Their breaths were like a beautiful symphony, adorning the lonely evening.


Jonathan looked at Emily, who was sound asleep after the hot struggle this afternoon. Her soft snoring was so soft he could hear it, occasionally he was delirious even though it wasn't clear what he was saying.

He smiled faintly at the woman who was sleeping peacefully. Her figure, which is now very different from hers when she is awake, is so wild and rebellious—Jonathan thought.

His hands were now gently stroking Emily's innocent body, but Emily didn't budge because she was so tired. He covered the body with a thick blanket, then he got up and put on his clothes.

A maid came with Rion—his assistant. He brought with him some of the documents that Jonathan had requested earlier.


"Yes sir. I assure you, Richmond will contact you soon."

"If they come, just drive them away."

"Yes sir."

"Then, that woman?"

"She turns out to be the Daughter of Hans Wilson, sir."

Jonathan furrowed his brow, trying to remember a name that sounded familiar.


"That's right, sir. The person who 3 years ago gave medicine to you.."

"Why can his daughter work at a small company owned by the Richmond family?"

"I-I don't know that yet, sir."

Jonathan immediately glared at him. His gaze was so piercing like a dagger, it made Rion shudder in horror. "How long have you been working on me?"

"5 y-years, Master—"

"You should know that I don't like anyone working-half-measures."

"F-all right, sir. I'll try to find out."

"What are you waiting for? Go! Hurry up!"

Rion walked away, now only a servant was left waiting to be given orders.

"Prepare hot soup and energy-boosting food for the lady, make sure she wakes up and eats her food."

"Yes sir."

The servant left, left the room and prepared to carry out the task of the master. Jonathan lay back down beside Emily, wishing he could have enjoyed it again if she had been awake.

Jonathan felt out of his mind. How could he always feel dissatisfied with enjoying the woman in front of him? It felt like he was addicted to something. He was determined and would hold her at all costs, except marriage. Even if he had to be tied up with a rope, he would have done it as long as Emily didn't run away like she used to.

Emily's cell phone vibrated, there was an incoming call and it turned out to be from William Richmond. Jonathan grinned, he then answered the call because he was curious about what the man would convey to his woman.

"Hello, Mily!"

Jonathan didn't answer, he remained silent but didn't cut the line.

"Mil, why are you quiet? Are you still angry about what happened earlier?"

What? So they had met before—he thought.

"Mil, trust me. Now I won't hesitate, even if I have to leave my family, as long as I can be with you, I will definitely do it."

Don't ask how upset Jonathan is. If William had been in front of him, of course, one punch would have landed on his face.

Didn't this woman say that now she was his lover? Then, what is this woman's relationship with William? Did she betray me? A million questions kept breaking through his mind. Jonathan suddenly felt annoyed.

"You don't need to make excuses that you already have a lover, just because you want to reject my love again," he continued again, just before Jonathan was about to wake Emily by force.

Instantly, a smile etched on Jonathan's lips. Apparently, his estimate was wrong. Now he knew Emily didn't hide him, even though he was also aware that Emily used him as a shield.

"Emily is fast asleep beside me," Jonathan finally decided to answer. William was shocked.

"He-hey, don't do that. Where's Emily?!"

"I told you, my lover is fast asleep from exhaustion."

"Don't brag! What did you do to Emily?!"

Jonathan chuckled. "Indeed, what else do lovers do in the same room?"


"Stay away from my woman if you want to live quietly."

"Not! You must be joking. Emily… you don't have to play around like this!"

"It's up to you whether you believe it or not. It's not important anyway. Remember one thing, William Richmond...stay away from my woman if you want your life to be peaceful."

Jonathan cut the line, then turned off the cell phone so William couldn't contact his woman again. He quickly got out of bed, went to take Emily's phone with him.