
Delicious Night

The man sucked on his cigarette, then immediately billowing smoke filled the room that was only filled by him and the woman who was now bowing down languidly in front of him. "Sign this contract, then don't even think about running away from me again," he said while holding out a piece of paper containing the contract that Emily had previously asked for. The girl grabbed the paper and read it carefully. She couldn't do anything else but accept the situation. "Yeah--" "One thing is for sure, don't ever expect more from me. Especially ... love. Because, even if you beg, it won't happen,” he continued as he walked away carrying the contract that the woman had signed. Emily never thought she would be reunited with Jonathan Oliver, the man she had spent a hot night with due to a mistake. Now, she has made another mistake which resulted in him being trapped in a loveless relationship.

Alkaffy_21 · Thành thị
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11 Chs


Emily stole glances at the man beside her, who was busy going through files. She thought hard about Jonathan not having to keep up with her, but the idea didn't occur until they arrived at a small publishing house.

"You said this is an office?" asked Jonathan with a mocking smile.

"Yes. So what?" She asked sarcastically.

"Next time I'll take you to see the real office. It's more like a cage," he taunted.

Emily snorted in annoyance, she didn't like it when other people belittled the place where she started the job she liked.

"If you mind, Sore ... just stay here and let me go."

Jonathan glared at Emily, his hands immediately grabbed the girl's face closer. "I told you, don't call me Master!" he hissed.

"You can't possibly ask me to call you honey, can you? It's a public place."

"Why Not?"

Emily clucked angrily. "Please compromise a bit, we are in a public place."

"Well. Then, what do I get in return?"

"Does an Oliver still need something from a small person who works in a stable?"

Jonathan smiled wryly. This is the first time a woman has dared to answer everything he says bravely. Only Emily can do that. Surprisingly, he was not angry and even more obsessed with playing the woman in front of him.

"You are underestimating yourself, not me saying."

"Aren't you the one who said my office is like a cage?!"

Jonathan released his grip, then looked away. "Tch! Hurry down, I don't have time to serve you."

Emily grabbed her bag and walked out of Jonathan's luxury car. Several pairs of eyes were amazed to see her new appearance, as if it wasn't the Emily they had known all along.

However, when Jonathan and several of his aides followed behind, all eyes immediately averted their eyes, as if wanting to escape from the danger that might occur.

Who doesn't know Jonathan Oliver? His face, which always fills business magazines, is a well-known businessman as well as the main heir to the Oliver family.

In their minds, they wonder, how could that famous man come to their office? Not only that, other speculations arose, especially when she saw she coming with Emily.

Emily actually felt uncomfortable, but couldn't do anything, especially since they were outside and lots of people were watching.

"Jo, can't you just wait in the car?" She whispered.

"Not! I'll make sure you really resign," he refused firmly.

It's useless to talk, a man with a stubborn head like Jonathan is not the kind of person who can be compromised—Emily thought.

They arrived at the front of the boardroom. Emily tried to catch her breath. As much as possible, she would face scolding from her boss for not coming in and not replying to messages lately.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry in!"

"Can't you just shut up?!"

"Do you need me to walk you in?"

"No need! Just stay here, I'm just a moment."

Emily entered after being invited. Inside, it appears the boss is struggling with her laptop.

"Good afternoon, ma'am," she greeted.

The woman immediately stopped her activities, then looked at Emily sharply.

"You think this is your ancestor's company, huh?!" she snapped, without waiting for Emily to speak.

"Sorry, Ma'am ... I also find it difficult to explain via message, so I didn't respond to your message."

"Then why did you come now?"

Emily handed over an envelope containing a letter of resignation, the woman grabbed it and immediately tore it up in front of Emily.


"We fired you the day before yesterday, so this isn't needed."

Emily couldn't say anything, even though she knew all of this was her fault, but she hoped that she would be able to leave for good, considering that this is where she learned a lot of new lessons.

"Please find another job. Do you think you can get a better job than at our place? You don't know yourself!"

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to join the office—"

"If it wasn't for William, do you really think I would accept you to work?" cut it.

she gasped. Now everything is clear, the reason this office accepts her to work is not purely because of her talent, but because of the support of William—her childhood friend.

William recommended a job vacancy in this office one year ago. No wonder she felt strange all this time because she could be accepted to work just because of the simple work she did—she thought.

"This publishing office ...?"

"Yes. This office belongs to the Richmond family. Don't say you don't know anything, or else ... you're just playing dumb," she snapped.

"Really ... I really don't know," Emily said, still trying to speak politely.

The woman looked at Emily with a condescending look. She walked over to Emily, who was still frozen.

"I admit, your face can deceive the eyes of men ..." She whispered.

"W-what do you mean?!"

"Tch! How many times have you been asked to sleep by William? Or ... Great Lord Richmond?"

Emily felt her pride hurt. Even though in reality she is now someone's mistress, but not with William—her best friend.

Their family relationship was not good because Rosita—William's mother forbade them to have close contact. The reason was she was worried that the two of them would develop a more distant relationship.

Emily and William themselves wondered why their parents never got along even though they were neighbors, even though they grew up and had good relations since childhood.

Even so, the accusations from a woman named Fransiska were exaggerated. She was reluctant to respond, let alone reveal the fact that her relationship with William was not what she thought. However, if she kept silent, Emily was worried that rumors would arise about not straightening them out.

"Please don't talk nonsense, or bad rumors will appear later."

"Whatever. After all, now I have solid evidence to fire you and William will have no more excuses. Now, please get out of here and have all your trash taken away!"

"Okay, thank you. Excuse me."

"Ah … one more thing. Don't approach William Richmond again, let alone expect more from that."

Emily could only smile wryly. Apparently, her boss's attitude was only out of jealousy.

"Fine, I'll excuse you."

Without thinking back, Emily immediately walked away to her room. However, her foot tripped over something and caused her to fall.

Instead of helping, the woman just laughed happily. Apparently, she deliberately blocked Emily's steps until she finally fell.

"Oopss … Sorry," she whispered.

Before Emily could even reply, someone barged in and pushed the young woman's body down.

"Stupid! Why are you silent?!" he snapped at Emily.

"Hey! Who are you?! Just walk into someone's office!" screamed the woman.

Jonathan didn't need to answer, just by showing his face, Fransiska immediately knew who he was dealing with right now.

"Mr-Mr Jon—"

"What are you doing?"

The woman looked confused. "S-meaning?"

"What did you do to my woman then?!"

Emily tried to block Jonathan's steps from getting closer to her boss, she knew full well that the woman must be trembling under great pressure.

"It's okay, I'm fine."

Jonathan now turned to glare at Emily. "And you, why are you so stupid?! Opponent. Don't just shut up!" he snapped.

"After all, she is my superior."

"Didn't she fire you?"

Jonathan took Emily's hand, then pulled her closer to Frances who was still sitting on the floor.

"Look! She's just a cockroach, nothing more. You are my woman, mine. No one else can touch mine, only me. Understand?!"

"Y-you are too much. This is not your office, sir—"

"If you don't like it, let's prolong this matter," cut Jonathan sarcastically.

Fransiska could only swallow the dry Saliva. Who else would want to hook up with Jonathan? Even though her background couldn't be underestimated, Fransiska couldn't fight right away.


"N-no. I-I'll pretend nothing happened today," she stammered.

"Good, that means you're smarter than this stray cat. Let's go!"

Jonathan immediately pulled Emily away, leaving the office that had been carving memories for one year of her struggle to build her dream career.

All pairs of eyes were peeking silently, they were speculating with their own thoughts seeing the commotion today. It's over— thought Emily.

Jonathan, who was annoyed, threw Emily into the car, the girl winced when she accidentally hit her hand.

"Remember one thing! The only person who has the right to torture you is me,"

"You are a madman!"

Jonathan immediately pulled the body into his lap, now that position made Emily embarrassed. The man started attacking her with ferocious kisses, until Emily found it hard to breathe.

She was embarrassed, because in front of her were two other people with them in the car. What if Jonathan did that now—she thought.

Her tears began to flow as Jonathan's ferocious attack was now ready to unbutton his shirt one by one. "My goodness," she whispered.

Instead of stopping, Jonathan even more violently gave a touch that made him act the opposite of what he said.

"P-please stop..."

"Stop it? But why does your body seem to say it wants to continue?"Before Emily could even reply, someone barged in and pushed the young woman's body down.

Emily couldn't say a word, especially when Jonathan was getting more and more violent, giving pleasure to every inch of her skin that was now messed up.

Until finally, the sobs became clearer and louder. Emily cursed herself, how could she even enjoy the treatment Jonathan gave her?

Jonathan stopped his attack, then sat back down and smoothed his clothes. "This is only a small punishment, remember that. Don't let yourself be hurt by anyone, except me. In fact, even if you die, it must be in my hands."

Emily covered her body, trying to hold back tears and smoothing her clothes. Now there is no other way out, unless she manages to find money to redeem her freedom.