
DELETED, check the new one

Name Bartholomew Henry "Micheal" Allen. Friends call me Mike. And this is my story of how I fit into the story of my speed freak brother. -------------------------------------------- Warning: first fanfic. Will have mistakes. I am writing this with no plan whatsoever, so there will be weird stuff or something. Fair warning, I am writing this cause I really want to start writing something but I don't want to think of all the world's background and all that. So I will make my character, put it into a story and see what happens. The story might follow the original with some changes or will go an entirely different way. I will be thinking about that while writing. You were warned. PS: I will be deleting bot reviews or reviews that just spam 1 thing. You want to give me a review, tell me what you liked, and what you didn't like, point out mistakes and try to convince me regarding future arcs and their changes.

Night132 · Thành thị
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2 Chs

Info: direction of this fanfic

Hello everyone, this chapter is just my explanation of things and info about my character. And might contain spoilers, but I don't know which parts will be spoilers and which parts aren't. So you were warned.

First, let's start with the explanation or direction of this flash fanfic. My character will be the brother of Barry Allen and I might decide that oc be the big brother. Because if Barry was the big brother, there would be too many changes in Barry's character since he has to take care of his little brother so his responsibilities might change him from the Barry of the epilogue, and I won't be able to keep up with that so, most of the original characters will be the same till I feel comfortable changing them while letting their "core" be the same. But that raises another issue, that Barry might depend on oc too much after their mother gets murdered. So for that, I will have some things put into that fixes that with the power bestowed to me as the author.

Anyway, I don't have any idea how to finish this. I haven't watched Flash after season 3 and some episodes from season 4. So I will restart watching it and decide where I want to end it. But a huge thing is that the updates will be irregular. I might upload a freaking big chapter around thousands of words and not upload for days or upload 5 chapters around 500 words for a couple of days. As I said in the summary of the story, I have no plans and am writing on impulse. We'll see.

Oh and another thing, I will try to fix the inconsistent things in the show that I did not like.

Let's talk about my character. I will include my philosophy and how I see the world. Sometimes it will be extreme regarding some subjects but you will find out more about them while you read. I am not good with words, I can have a good story and all that but by describing them in words, I will lose some effects here and there. So it might come dry or cringe and other cliche stuff. But hey, first fanfiction, so there is bound to be a lot of those here. Though I will try to decrease them while writing.

Anyway, for the description of my character, Here (put photo?)

Let's talk about pairing, I actually do not know. My options are Caitline, Kara, and Patty.

Caitline cause she will have a lot of emotional similarities with oc. Caitline pushed down her feelings after her fiance's death. But the main cause for oc will be the death of his mother and that will build up for years without a fix. Even with the help of Joe and Iris and Barry.

Kara because I love her personality AND as a bonus, she is super pretty. And her cherry and happy attitude will be a point of attraction from oc but the problem is that she hasn't traveled to flash earth from what I know (the first 3 seasons). So, will there be a change or not, and if not, how can they meet.

Patty, I don't know anything about her except for the little screen time she had. And with that, I thought she deserved way more. But if I do choose her, I would be writing and creating dialog original to her and how she will progress as a character and might turn into another oc at the end. So I am not sure. But still, she's pretty lol.

For now, as you can feel, I am going towards Caitline a lot compared to others. But we'll see.

PS: I don't know how Webnovel works. So while I was writing the information for this fanfic and choosing options, I ran into an error. When I chose fanfic, it says that "criteria not met for the contest?" and while trying to fix it, I kept yelling at my screen that I don't care about the contest and just want to write. Now, it's in the novel section and I want to change that. So please help me.

Another PS: I will write as I watch the episodes. So two episodes might be in one chapter or the opposite. So yeah. I will try to be as original as I can. And since what I've read so far, I have the confidence, that I will be in the category of "well, for Webnovel like website, it's super good." That's as long as I don't drop this. Oh! and there will be no pay or patron. I might if I continue and get better, but for now, enjoy it for free :"D.