
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. Explore the world of Tensura tens of thousands of years before the canon. A/N: I made this story just for fun, and if I get bored of it, I won't hesitate to drop it.

Asthoglho · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

True Hero?

Please throw some stones,



After Reinhard finished his declaration, the only one who applauded him was his Father. "Hahaha, can't you see that? He is just this great! Since he proclaimed himself that way then I would acknowledge his statement. From now on, Reinhard Nava will become the only true Divine Being throughout the universe. Any form of deity is hereby pronounced fakes. Only his pleasure is above the rest!" Veldanava announced something using the Voice of the World again. It appears that he is just showing his fatherly side and bragging about his son.

"Why are you so carefree?! He killed your sisters, you know?! Doesn't that make you at least worried?" Ramiris complained, throwing her hands wildly in the air. She can't believe that Veldanava is doing this despite losing two of her sisters. "Why the long face? They are True Dragons. Dying means nothing to us, they will be reborn anyway. Fortunately Reinhard didn't use his True Spear, that would be the only situation that I would be concerned" Veldanava shrugged her worries off.

Ramiris lost the color on her face. "Haah?! That was not his true power?? What is this True Spear you are talking about!?" she was worried, no, she is afraid of Reinhard. He was just born yet he is already showing something worth fearing. "Ahh, right. Now listen here everyone. I would like to warn you since people make mistakes from time to time. The only mistake that I wouldn't want you to commit is releasing the seal to my son alright?" Veldanava assumed a serious pose but because of how he talked, it somehow looked comical.

"See these three floating things? They are monuments designed to seal Reinhard's power. Everytime a condition is fulfilled, the monument would collapse and release the power that is capable of destroying the world. We already tested some of its capabilities, and well… let's just say that it is better not opened!" He began a lecture to everyone in the surroundings, making sure that they take this seriously. Reinhard could be a great reinforcement but also a terrible bomb. Imagine if somehow dares to open his seal just because they wanted to destroy the world? That is probably the easiest way.

Listening to Veldanava, every creature has no choice but to acknowledge that Reinhard is a similar being to his father. Absolute.

"Do you have any place to dwell, father? I might be sorry for the damage I caused, however I have no use for cleaning things up. All of my abilities are designed to spread 'love' not for creation" Reinhard asked, looking away from the battlefield. As expected, even with the influence of real Reinhard, the morals from Earth Reinhard are still intact. "Hmm, oh. I got it, you should stay inside Ramiris' Labyrinth for a while. She'll be busy fixing things here with me so she can't entertain you. Make yourself at home there" Veldanava gave him a thumbs up.

Ramiris immediately exploded hearing that, "Wait a minutee!! Why my abode? I haven't given my permission to this! What if he decides to destroy everything there?! I would hate that!" She complained endlessly. If one were to logically think of the situation, every opinion Ramiris stated is proper. Sadly though, she is facing some of the most unreasonable creatures within the planet. "No can do, it's already been decided. Here are the coordinates, son, you may take your time!" Veldanava ignored the wailing Ramiris.

"Don't commit arson or genocide there alright??!! I will definitely let you experience my 48 special techniques! I bet one dropkick would be enough to finish you off!" Ramiris shouted thinking that Reinhard was going to fly already but to her horror, he stopped on his track and gazed at her with coldness. "O-Of course that was just a joke! You can go ahead and make yourself at home there!" She quickly retracted her words afraid that it might ignite his anger. Reinhard though just gave her a sly grin before walking away.

Ramiris was left baffled and irritated by the action. She almost wanted to throw at least one Primitive Magic at him to teach the brat a lesson but thankfully she was stopped by Veldanava. "It doesn't matter now right? We have to fix this problem first" he said pointing at the half of the continent that has been massacred by the battle. Ramiris' headache turned into a migraine so she just poured all of her anger into one loud shout. "HAAAAAAA!!!!!"





Feldway was in turmoil. He and his fellow angels still could not process the fight that just ended. The scale of the battle was not small, rather it was a world class battle. They initially believed that they were the strongest creatures on the planet besides the family of the Creator. Now that notion was destroyed by the arrival of their lord's proclaimed son. The power that the man possessed was beyond their understanding. The fight against 2 True Dragons was still within their sense but upon hearing that it was not his true powers, the angels had to change their minds.

What could be sealed inside those monuments that their lord made a thorough and careful warning to them. Does the power really spell the doom of the planet? If so, would that power be attainable by mortals? Feldway does not claim himself as Transcendent especially when Veldanava is soaring high in the sky. He view all creatures besides the True Dragons as mortals so he pondered whether such power would be available for them.

All Feldway wanted is to serve Veldanava to the best of his ability. Sensing that his thoughts are stepping on the line, Feldway stopped. He now firmly believed that in the impossible situation where their lord perished, his son Reinhard Nava would take the throne. No one would be able to say otherwise. "I need to use my utmost best to be of service to Lord Veldanava and Lord Reinhard.." he muttered gazing lovingly at the laughing figure of his lord. It was a sight to behold.





Reinhard walked for miles and miles and he didn't seem to be bored from the journey. He simply appreciated each and every creation his father made. From the beautiful landscapes to small animals, all of them triggered his love. Unfortunately though, no animals could get close to him as they were all embraced by the blessing of fear. "Still, there is really nothing in this world. Humans aren't even a thing yet, how am I supposed to amuse myself?" Reinhard pondered about that subject.

He is sure that the creation of the Divine Ancestor Twilight won't be long and many races would then flourish. That future really elicited some excitement from Reinhard but since he doesn't possess that power, he would simply let time flow.

Days have passed until Reinhard finally reached the location of Ramiris' labyrinth. He didn't even bother to pay respect but just directly barged into the labyrinth. Upon entering, Reinhard was immediately greeted by the sight of intricate pillars and walls. They were marvelous to the eyes and even Reinhard had to admit that it was pretty. He quickly scanned the place wondering if Ramiris had already returned, to his relief, she was still occupied with her work.

Or maybe she already finished but just wanted to stay away from him. Reinhard can surely picture that. "Hm, what an interesting woman" he muttered, shaking his head. Reinhard decided to stop and just started to look for a place to rest or something. He has been traveling for a few days already and the thought of sleeping in the grass or stone seemed to ignite a sense of disgust from him.

He kept searching and searching without using any perception ability. To his dismay, the floor appeared to be repeating and just kept on playing with him. He finally remembered that there should be some fairies right here, especially when Ramiris is still in her peak. "If no one decides to step up then decimating this place will be the only result. This will be my last warning" Reinhard said, narrowing his eyes at the surroundings. That statement worked flawlessly as hundreds or thousands of spirits appeared in the air.

Most that revealed are either Greater Spirits or so, the lower ranked cannot stand within Reinhard's presence so they were ordered to back down. "W-We are truly sorry!! We were given orders to not let intruders roam around freely!" One Greater Spirit of Fire spoke while shaking violently. Reinhard immediately recognized the problem. No one here can give him a proper conversation since fear would always creep in their minds. Realizing that, Reinhard decided that finishing the chat with a few words would be better.

"I am Reinhard Nava and I was told that Ramiris' labyrinth has a proper place to relax. Please at least guide me to a room that I can use to rest. I won't bother you after. Also Ramiris is my acquaintance, you need to worry about being scolded" He pointed all of the points giving them a smile, sadly to the others, it merely looked like he was showing them a feral grin that threatened to devour all of them. "Hiiihh! U-Understood!" Another Great Spirit of Darkness answered.

The spirits panicked wondering what to do as they couldn't properly align their thoughts. Reinhard was getting tired of that so he just began walking around hoping to lessen their fear of him. And it somehow worked? Because the moment he was out of sight, the spirits momentarily gained their breath. They could now gather their minds and look for a proper solution to this world disaster problem. "What should we do…?" A Greater Spirit of Wind asked while looking at the others with pitiful eyes.

"Should we just let him inside of those dangerous rooms that milady created? The one that traps any creatures for eternity? She created that for fun but perhaps this is the right time to use it" A Greater Spirit of Earth suggested. The others were attracted to his proposal but they were ultimately reasoned by another voice. "Don't be stupid. Are you wishing for this labyrinth to collapse? Think logically and remember his name, recall something unusual?" It was the Greater Spirit of Light. The reason why he is protecting Reinhard is because he has a bottled up wish inside him to make Reinhard a great figure. Sadly he is too afraid to even face him.

The spirits began thinking but finding nothing unusual about Reinhard's name. Seeing this, The Greater Spirit of Light sighed and gave up. "Can't you remember his last name?" He asked. "Nava right? What does that even mea… No way!!" The Greater Spirit of Wind exclaimed as the others followed. They finally recognized that one particular uniqueness. "Right, right. You should at least think before you plan. You were trying to encase the kin of Lord Veldanava inside the labyrinth? Have you gone insane?!" The Greater Spirit of Light shouted.

All of the spirits within the vicinity trembled in fear because although they weren't created by Veldanava, they still recognized his status as the creator. "D-Do you think he will accept our apologies…?" The Greater Spirit of Earth asked, feeling guilty because he was the one who suggested the plan. "We should probably focus more on guiding him to the room of Lady Ramiris. That is the only room she created for comfort right? We cannot possibly bring him to the playground…" The Greater Spirit of Darkness said.

They finished their discussion as the one final problem arose in their lap. "So? Who's gonna guide him?" That one question was met with uncomfortable silence. No one really wanted to step in and appease that monster, they believed that they could use that time to do more proper things in life. In truth though, they are just afraid of Reinhard. "Light, won't you volunteer in this one? You were practically revering him earlier. This should be a perfect job for you right?" The Greater Spirit of Water smiled as he suggested. The others instantly turned towards the Greater Spirit of Light as they imitated the smile.






'Uh, will I do good somehow? I don't want to look pathetic in front of that person' The Greater Spirit of Light thought as he floated in the air, moving to the location of Reinhard. Unknown to him, almost all of the spirits in this labyrinth were already deemed bad by Reinhard. He spotted Reinhard and slowly made his way towards him. The words that came out of Reinhard's mouth broke his world. "You're late. I shouldn't have expected"

The Greater Spirit of Light was slumped hearing that. Now that the fear is starting to creep again, he decided that guiding Reinhard swiftly would be the best. "P-Please wait a second" he said before using Spirit Magic to create a portal within the Labyrinth. The portal was connected to Ramiris' room and without even waiting for his instructions, Reinhard stepped into the portal.

Reinhard was brought to a large space full of magical things. It was full of vines meant for design and Reinhard honestly had to nod his head in admiration to this one. His main interest aligns with elegance but this one can become an exception. There was still no concept of beds at this time and Ramiris had no need for sleep, the reason why there is no furniture to relax in. "Very well, you have finished your assignment. I'll give you permission to leave at this instance" Reinhard gave a side glance to the spirit while handing out his order.

The Greater Spirit of Light was devastated. He still wanted to make Reinhard a True Hero but he couldn't disobey him either. Reluctantly, he left the room with sadness planted on his face. Reinhard noticed that but ignored it, he has no need for emotional baggage here. He would rather spend his time trying to master his abilities than to waste it. It didn't even take a few minutes before the room started to grow on Reinhard. The urge to destroy everything inside and replace it with his own creation was tempting.

Then a few days passed. Isolated in the room full of greeneries, Reinhard couldn't prevent his urge anymore. Deciding that vines and flowers are not his thing, he cleaned the room, meticulously picking things one by one. He judged that the angles and pillars of the room were already perfected and there was no need to change them. Using magic to destroy can end up bad so he placed effort into pulling things by hand.

An entire whole day was spent doing just that and after the room became empty, Reinhard took action. 'Raphael, is the blueprint ready? You should've looked into my memories right? Also teach me how to use Material Creation. I need it' he gave an order to Raphael who was happy to receive it.

«Certainly. Inserting instructions on Material Creation directly to the Master's mind»

«Master, may I ask for permission to build this project myself? I can calculate while use Material Creation at the same tim-»

"No, just focus on your job. I want to do this by my hands" Reinhard was quick to reject. Sure, using Raphael might be faster but there is no accomplishment with that job. He wanted to build things he loves by himself, things lose their value if it is not made out of your own hands.







"Fuh, it is finally finished…" Reinhard muttered, staring at the beautifully designed room. Most of the things here were gold and silver, it was elegant but not to the point of flashy. He created a bed, tea table, chandelier, and other modern items that can alleviate his boredom. It was perfect for the sense of the real Reinhard. He even wanted to place an Obsidian Round Table somewhere in the room but held himself back, he doesn't even have a kin yet.

Reinhard was appreciating his work when his thoughts were disturbed by loud shoutings coming from outside of the room. It appears that the Queen of Spirits has finally returned…

