
Deity Cultivation Journal

The journal of a ancient cultivator, that have found a lifebound treasure called "Life Chronicles", a magical book that would store all happen around him. This is the journey from a simple orphan, to a immortal cultivator. And beyond that, to a deity that creates a world of his own. This is how it all started.

KojiroHineri · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Truths revelead, and the time that stood still

The ancient oak words sent Lee Yenshu reeling. The revelation that the vicious entity feeding on his darkest emotions was no mere inner demon, but an actual soul devouring parasite from his previous life stunned him.

And more unbelievable still, that he, an orphaned slave, was supposedly the reincarnation of an exalted sage. Lee Yenshu struggled reconciling his battered self-identity with the tremendous legacy now cramming his reluctant shoulders.

Sensing the turmoil roiling inside his young guest, the old oak sighed heavily before continuing in a gentle rumble.

- Be at peace, young one. All living beings hold unfathomable potential within, including the lowliest slave or mightiest emperor. What matters is how that potential takes shape based on the conditions life presents. I understand this is much to take in, child. But you must know the truth...that creature latched onto your soul ages ago during your first life as the Sage of the Divine Peach Garden.

His rumbling voice took on a serious tone.

- In your last incarnation, a sinister soul demon named Maoyei, fed on the negative energies surrounding the great sect wars. In that life, you were a legendary sage who defied heaven's laws to achieve eternal life. Though most records were lost along with his original peach garden sanctuary.

The ancient oak spirit shook his limbs, raining down a fresh flurry of fragrant blossoms. Lee Yenshu hardly noticed, enthralled by this unfolding tale of reincarnation and soul demons.

- In that life at the precipice of true immortality, the heavens took notice. They dispatched assassins and calamity beasts to slay the defiant mortal and erase all traces of his teachings.

Images flashed in Lee Yenshu's mind - ferocious spectral wolves with eyes like liquid silver hunting their prey, nine headed vipers with venom that dissolved flesh instantly, faceless assassins that moved like ghosts. He shuddered involuntarily from lingering ancestral memories.

- During the siege, that sinister soul leech slipped through unseen, it attached itself to the Sage's soul as he lay dying. Weakened from injuries and battle, he could not shake the tenacious parasite. However, as you stood at death's door, your transcendent spirit chose to be reborn in a Qi devoid realm hoping to avoid Maoyei's detection. Alas, that cunning creature manipulated celestial laws to enter that world as well to continue tormenting you, and, used most of his strength to seal your memories of your past life.

Lee Yenshu fell silent recalling his wretched early years of endless torment and darkness. The gnawing void that haunted his dreams, the creeping cold when despair consumed his heart. Was that the doing of this soul demon?

Hot tears stung Lee Yenshu's eyes, now he knew, that from his first breath in Yi County, that breath spelled a recurring nightmare. The oak patted his shoulder soothingly with a creaking branch.

- But fortune may bless twice, what misfortune cursed once. Your long sufferings there refined an indomitable will. And powerful beings heeded the call of your soul across realms to rescue you. All so that you may regain the strength to defeat Maoyei in this life!

Lee Yenshu mulled this over warily. He lacked any memories of that storied past life and still struggled seeing himself as some great being, the life he had with the tiger clan calmed his mind, and eased most scars, but a scar does not fade that easily, he still had trouble thinking highly of himself, in the depths of his mind, he still saw himself as a frail slave. But now, he knew that it was not fate that delivered him those hardships, but a demon, bent on killing him on any realm he was born into.

The hungering darkness within had hounded his soul for two lifetimes already, no more. He owed that to his lost sage self, he had sacrificed everything to try and be born in a Qi Devoid realm, to only live a horrible life, all just as that demon wanted.

- Indeed. The sly creature hid dormant in the shadows of your soul leaking his evil will to those lesser beings in the realm you were born. All to sabotage destiny and rob you of your true inheritance.

Moved by pity for Lee Yenshu's chained fate, the ancient oak finished solemnly.

- You are you, young one, no matter who you were in a past life, or who you will become on the next one, you are the only one living now. That parasite has no claim over your soul, and I'll make sure to help you. Raise your sword, I'll give it my blessing.

Lee Yenshu was still stunned by the amount of information he had received from the ancient tree, but obeyed his words, and raised his sword, the eight branch wooden sword began to glow as he did it.

- This sword will now have a wisp of my powers, together with the remnants of the Pine tree that sheltered you when you first arrived. Use it well, it will grow just as a tree would. And in time, it will be able to reignite the wisp of soul that the pine tree spirit left on the Lifebound Chronicles to guide you.

- Then, the wisp inside the Lifebound Chronicles...she knew?

- A mere fragment of her awareness, but she was a genius tree. I'm sure she knew.

The oak chuckled, pleased at his quick intuition.

- Yes, that divine pine contained a spark of the original peach garden's undying spirit. She realized the importance of your fated return. Why else rescue a lowly slave child so diligently?

Memories of the gentle Pine tree spirit flashed in Lee Yenshu's mind, her comforting presence during countless nights of lonely despair, the fascinating world she revealed training his body and will. Had some deeper wisdom truly guided her hand?

Moved by sudden inspiration, Lee Yenshu turned his gaze back towards the ancient oak spirit.

-Thank you Noble master, my sworn brother is indeed blessed by having such a great Master to guide him. Please great elder, guide my brother, so that he can grow, and be as strong as you one day, thank you also for opening my eyes, my life is my own, and I will be the one to protect it, not for revenge over a past life, but so I can keep walking on this life, by my brother, and my father's side. 

Lee Yenshu knelt solemnly before the moss covered trunk and bowed low in reverence. Ancient wood groaned in hearty laughter at this dramatic plea.

-Well said, well said! The young sapling dashes ahead while old tree bides time. Very good!

Dusting his kneeling form with a fresh sprinkle of flowers, the amused guardian peered down with a sage's gleam.

- I've taken a liking to you young one, let us nourish the seeds planted from past efforts - starting with some lost Peach Garden legacies!

- Thank you Master, but I can not, my brother still awaits me outside, and I should go say my farewells before leaving to roam the world.

- Who do you think stands before you? Where do you think you are? I'm as old as I am powerful, time, is but one of the aspects of Dao, you are in my realm, and in here, all moves as I declare it, including time. Rest assured, no time will have pass for your brother, and you will be more prepared to face the upcoming trials. If I could figure out you are the Sage's reincarnation, others will too, including the ones that hold power over heaven's will. Come, let's begin your training. You may be good with martial arts, but what I'll teach you, is a long lost art, perfected by you in your last life. Alchemy.

And so, the old oak got up, the majestic being pointed the way for Lee Yenshu, leaves and vines flowing from his arms as he pointed it to a clearing were a huge red copper cauldron and several vials of different flasks were.

Five fruitful years passed under the ancient oak's tutelage within his hidden spirit domain. Safe from the demon's interference, Lee Yenshu progressed quickly mastering lost alchemy methods from the original Peach Garden Sage, and continuing learning more of his life, both old and new. He found out that the original place were he should have been born, was to a loving family, but even that was changed by the demon's interference.

Besides grimoires on elixir forging and recipes on pills, the venerable tree spirit elucidated many obscure mysteries of the Dao underlying existence itself. He would explain secrets that Lee Yenshu was not even aware of, and everytime he would, Lee Yenshu dantians would soak in that knowledge. Even tought he was still in the Body Tempering stage, he had more inner Qi than most of the late stages of Qi Condensation Stage.

On one of those lectures, a sudden comprehension of his own body came about, as the old Oak tree was describing how even the pores of one's body served a function, and a single obstruction could interfere with more important organs, Lee Yenshu understood how to clean his own meridians of the last amount of impurities it had hold.

Has he gained that comprehension, he immediately tried to filter out his meridians, and, in the process, light began to shine from his pores, the indescribable colors manifesting, it was the same as the Sage when he refined his golden core in his past life, that memory arrived, along with many others, as his body was being cleansed of impurities, the sublime fragrances perfuming the air with each breath during embryonic respiration, the celestial harmonies resounding as his body was reconstructed into it's most perfect stage.

All that, ended with Lee Yenshu radiating auric light like a newborn star. Each pore and meridian channel purified becoming smooth as jade, skin luminous like liquid pearl. With fluid motions, his Qi danced atop his dantians, leaves and petals made of wood qi spiraling enthusiastically around this fully awakened master glowing in vibrant splendor!

He was ready to enter the Qi Condensation stage, and the lessons he had learn about alchemy, would guide him into making his body a perfect cauldron, so that he could have enough energy to start condensing his own spiritual landscape. At first, he was worried he would be able to tap into his fetal Origin Qi, since he had passed his 18th birthday while training. 

- Master, why can I still hold my fetal Origin Qi?

Lee Yenshu was completely lost on how that happened, it should not happen, yet, not only had he gone through a complete body reconstruction, on par of ancient cultivators, he also still had his fetal Qi intact.

-Dont worry young one, I've told you before, this is my realm, and I'm the one that dictates how times will pass, now. Just focus on harnessing and compressing that Qi, this way, your spiritual landscape could even surpass my one.

After that, the old tree told Lee Yenshu, that he had no more to teach him at that point, and that he had to go, and experience the world. As to have enough life experience to fight against Maoyei.

The day of parting arrived, melancholic yet necessary. Kneeling with head bowed low, Lee Yenshu expressed heartfelt gratitude towards his venerable master for profound kindness shown. The moss covered tree spirit chuckled affectionately before bestowing one final gift - a jade scroll case bearing the complete legacy of Peach Garden's teachings transcribed as a divine talisman.

This precious heirloom floated down into Lee Yenshu's outstretched hands. Hot tears spilled down his cheeks wetting the smooth jade surface, words failed conveying the depth of emotions overflowing from his heart.

- Go now my student with blessings boundless as the sea and sky! May every step ahead progress joyfully towards completion!

The ancient voice echoed with resounding pride. Moved beyond speech, Lee Yenshu rendered a final bow. Bearing the jade scroll box close to his chest, he stepped through the shimmering portal returning to mortal realms.

Emerging under familiar boughs of the colossal oak in present world, Lee Yenshu raised a hand against the noon sunlight filtering through rustling leaves overhead. The spirit doorway had already vanished behind him. 

Eager to begin the next phase embarking as heir to the legendary Peach Garden's legacy, Lee Yenshu called out to the where Guang Zhishu was replanted . Sapling leaves fluttered in happy response sensing his aura return.

"Brother, I'm glad you are okay, I could not sense you for a while, how was my master? I hope you didn't act rude in his presence, you were only there for a few minutes"

Lee Yenshu laughed, and the sapling could not understand why. But that was a good moment, a good feeling, laughing like that reminded of his adoptive kin, in the tiger village, when would he set foot on that place again? He could not risk bringing Maoyei there, nor could he risk his brother, by taking him with him.