
Degenerate Author

The author died, meet his Character, give him a body and got send to DxD, Wish Fullment

MTLSect_GrandElder · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

Chapter 07

After being summon Danzo left the Hokage Office. He the the trio, he didn't even bother looking at them and left.

Furuichi, was scared at first he didn't want to fight Danzo as his career will end prematurely. He saw him passed through them. He felt utter humiliation, his face darkened and clenched his face.

He release it by exhaling 'Just you wait Danzo you will pay for this humiliation'

Meanwhile, Tanya was interested of Root Organization due to Furuichi stories. He told her how shady the root is, thus she knew that ninja from root were battlehardened warriors. Tanya was curious and decide to follow Danzo sneakily.


Danzo arrived to one of the Root base, he entered thr base, Tanya also followed him inside. Tanya scanned the surrounding for possible ambush, and she immediately found shinobi of the root at the ceiling ready to attack.

'What he said were true, and compared to ninjas outside the gap is huge' Tanya realized that they found her, but she felt something off 'They're not attacking, is it to lure me here'

And she isn't wrong a voice sounded behind her "It's exactly as you think, Tanya Degurechaff"

She immediately jumped back off, and shot the person behind her.


What a greeting, she really shot my arm off, as expected of her. My decapitated arm instantly went back to normal.

"That's not a nice greeting, for a group member" I said to her, she's still aiming her gun at me.

"Impossible, you're not injured at all!" She narrowed her eye as it glowed yellow.

'That admin said that Shousuke Komi, is just a normal human, but he regenerate his arm in a mere instant he's a monster' She thought, I'm amuse that, he still believe that, I'm that character pretty stupid does he think he's the only non-fiction soul who reincarnated how laughable.

"I'm no monster, little girl nah... should I say old man" My words, shocked her to the core.

"How did you know!? You can read minds!" She shouted

"You're being X!" She started shooting me with her magic bullets. I got annoyed at her.

"Enough..." I said as a dark tentacle like tendril bind her legs and hands.

"What do you want to do?" She asked gritting her teeth as she tried get away from her binding.

"Nothing, I'm into a child with old man soul. But I want is your Alligence, so join the root we can train you to make you stronger, compare to relying on a system that gives random abilities"

Tanya thought of the consequences of joining and the advantages she made up her mind.

"I agree" I undo the binding and it retreated back to darkness.

"Good choice from now on, your part of Root Organization" I complimented her, I don't know if it's really a compliment to her or not.

"You can start your training immediately" i shifted my glance to Danzo "Danzo take care of her teach her something"

Danzo nodded "Yes, my lord!"


Tanya was brought Danzo tobe trained, I changed my clothes by covering myself with darkness and morph it into a black leather overcoat, black combat boots, black jeans, black shirt inside. My hands felt cold so I alao created a black leather gloves tp fight against cold.

I went inside, and sleep I really like sleeping as it relieves my stress.


Waking up, I look to my phone the one that retard given to me, I saw a message

Snow: Retard author, you should already knew that, there's many reincarnated person aside from you. And I expect that you meet the reincarnated person od DxD where, I sent you he's the legal reincarnated person and you might incur the wrath of a ROB if you kill him or her.

I'm not surprise, but what's bothering me is that are ROB are bored and wanted some entertaining shit to watch.

I replied

Author: I just sent him to the prison and took his phone, and i'm the one using it. Also, are you a legal reincarnated person?

Snow: Well yea, the one who reincarnate me was the Blind Idiot, you know who it was as Lovecraft works are famous.

I'm surprise with this one, I didn't remember anything putting the thing as ROB at all. As i just made a direct reincarnation process when I'm writing.

This time, I want answer why, so many reincarnated people in my book. What's their purpose.

Author: I know that this is my story, but what's with the other reincarnated people.

Snow: For the plot, don't worry to much you're already an unkillable being, only handful of ROB can kill you, but I advixe you that be careful on killing their entertainment or else they might knock on your door.

Snow: One more thing, your body has a secret to unravel see ya!

I put my two phone in shadow storage, so that I won't lose it. I get off the bed and stretched my body and walk outside to train.


Month passed by training my taijutsu thst mixed with modern martial arts it become deadly. And at night I trained my mind, increasing my psionic power to another degree soon I will be able to use different kinds of psionic power. Every skill I mostly use drastically went to up, Umbrakinesis, and Holy energy Manipulation become B+,while my Telepathy went to SS-. I stood up panting my clothes I want to the bath cleaning myself.


After taking a bath I look at the village, that currently getting ready, is also the time for me go out again and gain fame just for fun.

Walking out of my room, Danzo geeted me with serious expression. I asked "What's the matter?"

Danzo responded "The hokage want the Root to depend the border"

Now this getting interesting because while we are depending, I will abduct some kekkei gekkai user from the place we depend.

I asked "Where? Suna? Kumo? Ami? or Kiri?"

Danzo replied "Kirigakure"

"Yes, Danzo get ready we are gonna depend the border, while at the same time abducting the kekkei gekkai users of that country as it would be useless if they died due to inner conflict"

Danzo also agree "True, Kiri doesn't have any good reputation compare to other Villages. Although this plan is good but executing it is difficult. After all even though they're the weakest it's still difficult to infiltrate, how much more abducting a villager"

I smirked "Danzo, I have plan so don't worry about it. We will succeed abducting them"

Heh, even I failed abducting them. I can take some blood sample from them anyway. After that Danzo left, and I exited from the Root base and went on the nearby pub.

Reason why I'm her is to drink I miss drinking. Danzo this place serves a good booze.

I sat infront of the bartender "Your strongest shoot, pal"

He nodded, and started pouring liquor on a glass, It's sake I guess, he push it infront of me. I immediately drank it, I felt slight kick but not enough.

"One more"

"Another One"

"Another One, pal"


I continue drinking, every glass he give until I reached 100 glass, I'm still feeling tipsy. As if I just drank a water, I remembered that it's fue to Regenerative Healing Factor, just like Logan from X-men.

The bartender mouth agape "Costumer, are you okay?"

I replied "Nah, isn't enough to make me feel tipsy"

Suddenly, I heard commotion, look to the culprit, it's just a blond woman holding a bottle of sake. She's punching everyone near her, I'm sure they have a fracture bones due to how strong her is punch is.

Of course, I recognize this drunkard, she's Tsunade, I hypnotized that her being here is due to her little brother's Death. I pity her, I decided to ignore her.

Suddenly a hand grab my shoulder, it's squeezing my shoulder, I look who have the audacity to squeeze my shoulder.

I met her eyes "Dud you pity me? HUH!?"

I still look at her with cold eyes "I don't care, any of your problem woman leave me alone"

It seems it made her even angry "Why you!?" she threw a strong punch on my face I felt my dislocated.

I was pushed back by her punch, not gonna lie she's good fighter. I relocate my jaw and wiped the blood on my mouth.

"Not bad" I said to her.


Another release hahaha!