
Deepest Shadow

Elixir, a kingdom to be marvel at, strongest of all territory that was built just to conquer and it was occupied by the strongest of all humans. The [phoenix] the fire wedger and [cryokenesis] the Ice manipulator who rules and control the kingdom but the unexpected happened when the kingdom was brutally overthrown by the great witch Diana. A disaster that led to an evitable trauma which left the few survival in exile but what happened when it was found out that Ilireahya the deceit queen has a daughter as powerful as she was. Who had been protected all her life to fight back when the time is right to gain control on what had been lost. Diana's opponent, a rival whose survival and power could led to Diana's death!

Casey_Bae · Kỳ huyễn
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63 Chs

Chapter Twenty one

"Have you ever thought about what happened to those of us after the ruin of Elixir? Yara asked rhetorically as she flips the pages of the book she was reading. A question that made the four members of Brikebell including Bizo stare at each other confusedly.

" They went into exile, Yara. And could never be found" Bizo answered as he paced around the room, he still couldn't get over the fact that Diana had come over here. Anything could happen at this point.

"Yes and no" Yara replied as she eventually looked up at them.

"You're right and also wrong, Bizo"

"How? Elsa, one of the Brikebells top guardians asked.

"Diana has spent the last few years searching and capturing all Elixir exile members, information has it that half of them are locked within her territory"

"Why! Bizo slammed his fist on the wooden desk. "And why didn't we learn about this earlier!? we should have done something at least!!