
An unforgiving start

It was still early in the cold season as a married couple gave life to a new born girl, named Amber Grace Hollow.

Two short years after Amber was born, her parents had another daughter and named her Evita. Amber already had two older siblings, a sister whom was two years older than her, Cynthia, and a brother who was four years older than her, Hyram.

As Amber began to connect with Evita while their mother was off with her friends, and their father was always at work, as time went on Evita and Amber became close, relied on each other, and Evita looked at Amber as more than just a big sister, but also as a protector and mother. Once Evita was of age, she started school, and due to their mothers demand the school kept Amber in the grade she was in so Evita would have her big sister in the same grade as her in case she needed help. The school year went on as any other for Amber, but Evita struggled with making friends and confided in Amber when she was getting bullied, or was struggling with class work. Amber was protective of her little sister, and her big brother because they got bullied a lot. One day at school, Evita was called to the Head Mistress' office and asked Amber to go with her, of course Amber agreed and went with her....

Amber opened the office door as Evita walked in, she followed..

"Good morning ladies.." The Head Mistress spoke with a raggedy voice with an intimidating tone causing Evita to look at her sister.

"Good morning ma'am" Amber replied, matching the lady's tone, making Evita smile and speak up "Good morning!" Evita said cheerfully, the head mistress looked at Amber with a disappointing glare, then turned her attention to Evita "Your mother called, she asked me to ask if you're having any trouble with the other children?" The head mistress' voice began to echo in Evita's ears as she looked to Amber, "Evita Hollow! I've asked you a question! Can you not answer a direct question!?" The head mistress raised her raggedy voice towards Evita with an impatient tone, causing Amber to speak up "Don't raise your voice at my sister, you are not our mother. She won't talk to you if you talk to her like that, she's struggling with making friends and dealing with bullies, which is the only reason I'm still in this grade with her!" Amber spoke with confidence, but with an impatient tone, Evita smiled at Amber showing her thanks.

"Watch your mouth young lady!" The head mistress spoke with irritation towards Amber, as Evita giggled and spoke up "Any attitude or tone you use with Amber, she'll use with you in return", seeing the look on Evita's clearly amused face only angered the head mistress as she pointed to the office door "Back to class you two, now." The head mistress demanded, as Amber and Evita left the office, they realized their class was getting lined up for lunch, happily they both slipped into the line and walked with their class to the cafeteria, they sat at the same table and enjoyed the well prepared soup with some crackers, their smiles bright as the warm soup warmed their bodies.

"What if the bell rings before we finish our food?" Evita asked Amber with a pouty face. "Then I suppose we would be hungry until our mother picks us up" Amber replied with a teasing smile, "But I don't want to be hungry!" Evita exclaimed, seeing the smile on Amber's face she whined "Why would you smileabout being hungry!?", as Amber took one last sip of her soup she slid her bowl over to Evita, smiling gently "Enough talk, eat" Amber said as she stood up "I'll get you more crackers" Amber said as she walked to the lady who was giving out crackers, "May I have two more packs of crackers madam?" Amber asked the lady. "Of course you can Ms. Hollow!" the lady handed her two more packs of crackers and two packs of little gummies "I know you only eat a little and give the rest to your sister, you're so generous, have a great day!" the lady said happily. Amber walked back to Evita, handing the crackers and one pack of gummies to Evita, putting the other pack in her pocket.

Evita seemed distracted, so Amber gently

tapped the table, Evita looked at Amber's hand then up at Amber "Huh?"

Amber smiled and spoke "Eat."

Evita began to eat, Amber watched the clock tick, making sure her sister had enough time to eat, a few minutes passed as Evita had finished the bowls of sleep and the pack of gummies and extra crackers her sister brought for her, just a minute later the bell rang and they got up, bringing their trays and bowls to the lady who cleans them, then walking to the line of their class.

They git back to their class and awaited their mother to pick them up as Amber read a couple books to Evita, a girl came over and spoke to Evita "Hi Evita! I'm Alynia! Want to be friends?" Alynia asked Evita. "Yes!" Evita jumped up out of her chair overly joyed "I want to be friends!" Evita replied. Alynia and Evita walked over to the play area and began to play, Amber smiled at the sight of her sister having fun.