
Chapter 1

"Astronomy compels the soul to look upward and leads us from this world to another."

Jisoo jotted down the last statement her professor said before ending the discussion.

She brought her pen down on her desk and closed her notebook. She checked her watch to see it was almost dismissal.

"Jisoo, any thoughts about the quote?" Jisoo's friend, Lisa, questioned. She thought it was a simple quotation, however, Lisa's question bothered her.

"Well, that was deep." Jisoo honestly answered, Lisa then frowned.

"Okay, class." Their Professor spoke. "This will be our last lesson for this semester, and regarding this topic, we will have an educational trip this Saturday." The students shouted out of excitement.

'What would I get from that trip? Tsk.' Jisoo thought as the professor calmed the students.

Jisoo, or Kim Jisoo, is a nineteen years old girl, studying her last year in college and came from a wealthy background. She's an easygoing person, the type of person you'd want to be with every day. No one can deny that she's pretty, and cheerful. She's an honor student, aiming for high grades just like any other students, but one thing is for sure, she doesn't like Astrology.

Jisoo has three best friends, named Lisa, Rose' and Jennie. They met in their first year of college.

Back then,

"Kim Jisoo, right?" Jisoo's seatmate asked as soon as she sat down in her assigned chair.

The said seatmate is a girl that has a long blonde hair with bangs, Jisoo thought that this girl is a bit weird, but being herself, she politely answered.

"Yes, I am. How about you?"

"Oh, right. I'm Lalisa Manoban. Lisa, for short, hehe." The two conversed and became friends.

"Hey Lis, who's that?" A girl with a long brown hair approached. "Hi Jen! This is Kim Jisoo. Jisoo, this is Kim Jennie." The said girl, named Jennie, turned to Jisoo and held her hand out, which Jisoo shooked.

"Nice to meet you." They both said with a smile on their face.

"Come on! Stop arguing with that kind of people." A group of girls entered the room.

The one who spoke is Park Chaeyoung, or much known as Rose'. Lisa and Jennie sighed.

"Oh. Is she, that type of person I'm thinking of right now?" The two nodded, as if it's a normal thing that a transferee would ask that question. "Oh."

Weeks passed and the three girls became best friends. Until, "Hey! Watch out!" Jennie yelled at Rose' as she pulled Jisoo into her side because the drink Rose' bought spilled on Jisoo.

"Oh gosh! Look at what you did!" Jennie exclaimed. Rose' immediately apologized and they had a talk after that. They later found out that Rose' isn't the type of person they're thinking of and became best friends with her.

"Hey! Are you even listening to me?" Lisa snapped her fingers, bringing Jisoo into reality.

"Oh yeah. What is it?"

"I said, can we go to your house later? The principal just announced that our classes are dismissed right now through the speakers." Lisa repeated her words while Rose' and Jennie are getting ready to leave their room.

Jisoo nodded and began to tidy her things too.

The three got on their way home while Jisoo is waiting for her older brother to pick her up.

While waiting in their school's bench, she picked her phone out of her pocket and saw three missed calls and one text from her brother.

It says that her brother could not pick her up from school because his girlfriend just came back from another country. Reading her older brother's text, Jisoo pouted and replied saying that it was okay.

She put her phone back into her pocket and grabbed her things.

She will commute.

Good thing is, their parents taught them how to commute when a situation like this comes. It's because they don't have a driver.

Their mother doesn't really like the thought of having a driver, because of her reasons.

"Jisoo! Are you going to commute? I'm going too, can we go together? It's kind of scary commuting by ourselves these days, you know? Mostly girls, considering you are one, haha." A boy with a cute front tooth asked and approached Jisoo.

"Yeah, I am. Thanks for your concern, Jungkook. Let's go?" Jungkook smiled and scratched his nape. "Let's go."

Walking towards the school's gate, a tall man is waiting for Jungkook.

"Ah Jk! What a man, huh? Hahaha!" The man laughed, his laughs almost sounding like wiping windows.

The two approached the man and Jungkook smacked the man's arm. "Jin hyung! Stop that please!"

The other continued to laugh until it gets awkward and he finally introduced himself to Jisoo.

"Hello, I'm Kim Seokjin. Jungkook's older brother." "But Jungkook is a Jeon?"

"I mean, I am his' friend but we consider each other as brothers." Jisoo laughed and reached her hands to Seokjin, which Seokjin took and shook.

Then, Jungkook nudged Seokjin and whispered, "Hyung! You just ruined our moment! I'm supposed to commute with her and take her home! Aish!"

Seokjin just laughed and ruffled the younger's hair. "Come on, you two, I'll drop you off with my car."

"Oh no, no need! We might bother you." "No, really. It's alright." Seokjin gave a reassuring smile and convinced Jisoo to drop them by.

They are already in Seokjin's car and until now, Jungkook kept his mouth shut with a disappointed expression displayed on his face. Jisoo thought that it was cute. It was

almost as if they are in the library on their ride, but suddenly, "You know what? Keep studying. Because educated people are hot, cause they got more degrees. Hahahaha!"

"Hahaha! That was a good one!" Jisoo laughed at Seokjin's joke while Jungkook glared at him.

"W-why don't you l-laugh? Jung-k-kook? Hahaha!" Jisoo questioned and hit the car's passenger seat, as she's in the back seat, because of laughter. Jungkook, liking her, also laughed.

Seokjin is also laughing hard while trying to drive carefully.

"We're already here." "Really? Such a shame, I want to hear more of your jokes." Jisoo said.

"Don't worry, we'll meet each other again soon. Bye!" Jisoo also bid goodbye and entered their house.

"I'm home!" She said as she was taking her shoes off. She looked around their house and found no one. 'Maybe they were out.' She thought.

Jisoo walked upstairs into her bedroom and lied down on her bed, picked up her phone and saw a text message from her mom.

'My princess Jisoo, we're going on a vacation in my province. Your brother said that he's going to stay with her girlfriend. Don't worry your older sister will visit you with her children often. Your dad insists on getting a vacation, so here we are. Anyway, take a good care of our house and don't starve yourself. Be careful and stay safe and healthy huh? I love you my Chichyu!'

Jisoo sighed and got another text message from Jennie. It says that they're already on their way to Jisoo's house. It's as if they knew that Jisoo's parents and older brother won't stay in their house tonight.

Jisoo took a shower and changed into pajamas. She later received a friend request from Seokjin, and she immediately accepted it.

She actually find Seokjin funny and attractive. She has a crush on him.

"Yohooo! Kim Jisoo! We're hereeee~" Lisa shouted from the outside. Jisoo chuckled and walked downstairs to let the three in. As soon as the door got opened, Lisa immediately hugged Jisoo saying she already missed her.

"Come on, we should literally start eating now." Chaeyoung said while holding foods in her arms. Lisa smacked her head and stole the foods from her arms.

"All you say is about eating foods! Later! We should start watching Netflix! KYAAAAHH!" Lisa exclaimed.

On the other side, Jennie is already laying on the couch. They made Jisoo's house into their own.

"Jisoo, can we sleep here tonight?" Chaeyoung asked.

"It's obvious that even if I don't allow it, you all will still sleep here." Jisoo answered surely and all of them laughed.

Jisoo's POV

Our night ended peacefully, I mean, stressfully. Lisa and Chaeyoung ended up pillow-fighting each other, Jennie sleeping on the floor and me cleaning up their mess. Staying with these girls are really troublesome. It's past 3 am and I need to sleep!

"Jisoo." I jumped out of surprise. This kid!

"What now Lalisa?" I asked. I'm finally done cleaning and now, I need to wash myself.

"I like-" I cutted her off before she finish her sentence.

"Yes, I know that already. You say it like, almost everyday. You like Jungkook." I said.

"Jisoo, he likes you." I know that. But I want her and Jungkook together, and I will make that happen.

"Don't worry, he likes me but I don't." I replied before winking at her. She smiled at me then returned to my room. Probably to proceed sleeping. I started to clean myself and also proceed to my room and sleep.

Just then, Chaeyoung tapped my shoulder.

Why is she still awake? At this hour?

"Jisoo, let's watch another episode." Still?! This girl is an addict!

"No! Sleep!" I demanded. I lack sleep!

"Come on~ I just can't sleep not knowing what will happen to the main character. Please?" I sighed heavily before finally agreeing to her request.

"Yes!" Chaeyoung immediately opened my laptop and we ended watching the whole drama.

I am wasted.

"Let's eat?" She offered and I gladly accepted.

"Eat, you say? Sure!"

We walked downstairs and head to the kitchen. I opened my favorite strawberry jam and get a spoon. I get a bread and started to spread the jam into the bread. Umm~ This will be so delicious.

I folded the bread into half and ate it.

I saw Chaeyoung concocting a milk and pour it into a glass.

"Prepare one for me too." I commanded, still eating my bread.

"Yes ma'am." She replied and I chuckled. I walked upstairs to only see Jennie and Lisa watching another drama on my laptop. "Hey! You two!"

"What?" Lisa asked. "It's not like we did something bad. You and Chaeyoung finished the drama! The two of you are even eating without us." Jennie complaint.

I rolled my eyes at them and saw the time on the clock. It's currently 6:35 in the early morning.

It's basically having a breakfast.

I let Jennie and Lisa watch the drama and walked downstairs and head to the kitchen.

"Your milk's ready." I grabbed the milk and drank it. So good~

The bread I ate was finished and I cleaned the dinner table.

"Jisoo, do you think Lisa has a chance for Jungkook? She's totally head over heels for him and he's the same for you. It's real drama." Chaeyoung stated before letting out a laugh.

"You guys know that I see Jungkookie only as a friend right? He's just a cute kiddo in my eyes and his friend, Kim Seokjin, is the one I like." I said as my eyes are forming hearts while thinking of Seokjin. 💕

"Gosh Jisoo, you've only seen him once and you like him already? This girl seriously." She replied, shaking her head. Hmph, says the one who saw Jimin on the first day of school and claimed him as her property.

I decided not to argue anymore. The three of them looked like zombies, I guess I do too.

Since it's already early in the morning, our educational trip is tomorrow. But for now, we seriously need to rest and get a sleep for us to have energy for tomorrow.

Honestly, I don't look forward to our trip tomorrow, I bet it's gonna be boring.

All educational trips I've gone too since my elementary days are not exciting. I prefer staying at home and write stories. I guess that's me, nothing will change.

"KYAAAAAAH!" I almost dropped my glass of milk because of Lisa and Jennie's scream upstairs. I should finish this drink and clean my teeth and sleep.

After finishing my milk, I brushed my teeth and go to sleep. On the couch.

For a long, undisturbed peaceful sleep.