

"You kept your word to help me. I'll help you too." Siren continued after a long pause. "But I do have one condition" she said. "And what would that be ?" Daisok inquired leaning forward. "I'll join you all." She stated blankly. "Oh hell naw." Tom exclaimed. "Nope." Zayd said. "Never." Leehyun added dramatically Siren look at them offended. She doesn't understand what they have against her. "Why do you even want to join us?" Jashan asked genuinely curious. Yvaine shrugged and looked away "I have my reasons" she mumbeled lowly. "And you don't stand a chance of getting the map without me" she completed looking at them. "Why? Why can't we get the map without you." Jaxon asked next. "You'll know soon." Siren replied. "So do you agree?" She asked looking at them. "Ok. You can join us. But no funny business" captain warned. Shrugging she finished your drink ignoring their bickering. "Captain. Are you kidding?" A voice asked which Yvaine assumed was Peter's. "Joon this isn't funny" this grumpy voice was defiantly Zayd's. "Guys calm down. She's going to be very useful" Daisok tried to whisper but Siren heard him. "I heard you cap" she said raising a brow which the men concluded was her habit. "Happy you did." Leehyun sneered. Chuckling sarcastically she asked. "Welp. When are we leaving?" Jashan signaled Jaxon to speak. "Tomorrow. Early morning" he said. "K. So.......wanna see a big bonfire in the town square?" Yvaine tried making a sentence. "You sure you know how to speak?" Peter asked looking at her weirdly. " whatever. You guys coming or not" Siren rolled her eyes while going out. Everyone looked at Daisok. He just shrugged and followed Yvaine with everyone.

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The view in front of Jashan was absolutely beautiful. A huge bonfire was burning in middle of the town square. Men, women and children were surrounding it. Some laughing. Some chatting. Some drinking. Children were running around giggling and chasing each other. Everyone was doing their own thing but one thing was common they all were happy. Except one. Siren. She stopped being happy years ago. But no one noticed, not even Jashan himself who apparently was good at reading people. Even he wasn't aware of the despair she was in. Walking forward he joined his friends near the fire. But Yvaine were sitting far away. She isolated herself from them or anyone in general. All she did was stare at the fire absentmindedly. "What is up with her." Tom asked eyeing Yvaine. "Apparently no one knows." Jaxon replied shrugging and throwing stones in the fire. "Can you stop with that!" Peter exclaimed. "Stop with what?" Jaxon asked innocently. Peter demonstrated. He took a stone and threw it in fire just like Jax did. "This." He said dramatically pointing at what he did. Jashan chuckled knowing exactly what was about to go down. "What's wrong with that! It's not like I'm throwing a bomb in there" Jaxon said emphasizing the word bomb. "But that's dumb" Peter replied trying to get his point through. "You are dumb." The youngest one said annoyed. Gasping dramatically with an offended look he shouted. "How DARE you!?" "Shit." Jaxon said knowing he fucked up. And the next thing Jashan knew he was watching an angry squirrel chasing a scared bunny. "God these dummies" Zayd laughed. "They'll never change. Will they?" Daisok smiled. Jashan sighed happily. But out of nowhere a memory flashed in his mind. "Harr harr I'll be the greatest pirate!" The little kid exclaimed. "No I'll be the greatest pirate. Even my grandpa is the greatest pirate!" Little Tom shouted trying to climb the rock. "Mini, tae tae please don't fall." Little Jashan exclaimed chuckling. "Jash. You okay?" Leehyun asked placing a hand on Jashan's shoulder with concern written all over his face. Shaking the thoughts away he flashed his famous smile to the younger one. But he didn't look satisfied. He sighed knowing Leehyun will not give up. "I..........I miss our mini Lee." He said looking down trying his best not to cry. "Oh ........ Jash" Lee hugged him immediately, rubbing his back in a soothing way. " To be honest, I miss mini too. It's been years but I can't forget our little mini" Leehyun whispered trying his best to be strong for Jash. It was weird how the mood suddenly switched from happy to sad. Pulling away Jashan ruffled Leehyun's hair trying his best to lift up the gloomy mood. "Ahh let's not get sad now. Hm" he smiled weakly. "Mhm." Nodding at that Leehyun smiled cheekily making his eyes disappear. Making Jashan chuckle too. "Aha! Got you." They both heard Peter screaming in victory. "Nooooooooooo" Jaxon's defeated voice was heard right after. Laughing Lee tilted his head "looks like the bunny got caught. Let's see what's going on" "Yahh. Don't fight" Zayd tried stopping them but by the look on his face it looked like he was enjoying it. "Zay. You don't look like you want them to stop." Tom teased nudging his elder. Zayd flashed his gummy smile in response. Shaking his head Tom looked over at Siren's direction frowning at her still dazed state. He spoke again. "She hasn't moved since we arrived. Is she even alive" Hearing the little bear's words Daisok looked at her. "I-i'll check on her" he said a bit reluctantly and started making his way towards Yvaine.

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The fire burning in front of her eyes terrified her but she didn't dare to move. The memories from the past didn't let you her. Leaning forward, Yvaine put her elbows on her knees and gazed into the fire that brought back both worst and best memories. Sitting around the little bonfire she sang happily with her friends. The air was filled with laughter and giddiness. Screams filled her ears. She was crying, screaming but no one heard. She was all alone in the dark night surrounded with fire. It was consuming her slowly. Letting out a shaky breath Siren traced the scar on her wrist. Trying to avoid the knot in her throat. She looked back up again and saw the men laughing and teasing each other. Oh how much she wanted to be happy. She really wanted to forget all her problems and be careless but that's impossible. Tearing her eyes away from them Siren looked at the fire again. It seemed higher this time. More dangerous. Panic was rising in her it felt like the fire was trying to consume her, eat her, burn her, kill her. Yvaine's hands started shaking. The fire was moving towards her, it was fast. Really fast. That's it. She will finally burn and perish. This is the end- Out of nowhere a hand touched her shoulder. It felt like this hand was here to take Siren out from the darkness,her darkness. Looking at the person this hand belonged to. She raised a brow as if asking what did he want. Getting the message. Daisok asked. "You okay? You look out of it" Siren gave him a thumbs up. "Yep! Why?" Removing his hand from her shoulder he moved to sit beside Yvaine. "Nothing. You looked............sad." He replied to her question hesitantly. "Ah me. Sad! Never." She tried her best to hide her emotion. "Sure." He shook his head definitely not believing Siren. "Ok forget that shit. Tell me why do you need the map." She changed the topic looking at Daisok. "Good try. But I won't force you." He said knowingly. Rolling her eyes she huffed. "Just tell me" "I have my reasons" he shrugged mockingly. Raising her both brows she crossed her arms over her chest. "Are you mocking me!?" He shrugged teasingly and smirked. "Oh. Am I" "You-" Siren paused. "Me what? " he asked annoying her. Closing her eyes and sighing deeply. "You know what. I'll just go and sleep. I'll meet you tomorrow early in the morning at port. Night" Yvaine said standing up. "O........k" Daisok said playfully making her want to choke him to death but she resisted and grunted. Siren whispered "Man he's annoying" before walking away. The sun was shining brightly above her and the weather seemed perfect, neither too cold nor too hot. But she was grumpy. Why? Because Siren was not really a morning person. The chirping of the birds felt like screeches to her. Huffing annoyedly, she made her way to the port where the whole town seemed to be present. Swinging her coat over her shoulders Siren made her way towards the ship. As soon as she came into view everyone went quite and made way for her. Finally reaching the ship you boarded it. "Good-" Jaxon tried greeting Siren but she cut him off. "Not. A. Word." She said in a tired but annoyed voice. "Geez woman. Okay." He rolled his eyes and went back to work. Daisok announced that they were leaving but she didn't really mind and looked at her people standing there watching Yvaine leave. "Do they even like me?" She asked herself under her breath. Just as she was about to dive deep in her thoughts she heard a sound more accurately a dog barking. Getting confused Siren looked around to see a dog running to her and rubbing her leg. The dog was small, it's color seemed to be somewhat black, brown and caramel. In conclusion the dog was adorable. But all she could do was stare at it because it looked awfully familiar. 'Ah I saw this dog on the north port once' She thought Bending a little she started petting the dog. It appeared to be enjoying Siren's touch. "He's not really a friendly dog, but looks like he approves of you" looking up after hearing the deep voice she just shrugged in response and asked. "Seems so. What's his name?" The little doggy ran to Tom and he picked the dog up. "Caramel. But we like to call him cara" he replied. Hearing the dog's name she froze for a second but shook her head scolding herself mentally. 'Stop being delusional Siren' She was still in daze when Tom snapped his fingers in front of Siren's face with his free hand. "You there? Daisok's asking for you." He asked. Snapping out of her mind Yvaine replied. "Huh. Oh. Yeah. I'll see what he needs" she scurried off. Taehyung gave her a bizzare look and looked at Caramel. "She's weird isn't she tannie" But the little fur ball just barked happily in reply and started licking Tom's face. "Ahh cara!" He chuckled.

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Daisok was looking at the massive map lying on the desk in the middle of captain's cabin. While looking intensely at the map he heard the door opening abruptly. Knowing exactly who it was, which was kind of strange. He sighed and spoke "there's a thing called manners. You could at least have knocked." "Eh I didn't feel like knocking" you replied. Her voice careless like always. Sighing once again he gestured Siren to stand on the other end of the table. "Yeah whatever. Now tell me" he said. "Tell you what?" She asked. Looking up at Yvaine he pointed at the map and answered. "Where are we supposed to go." Realizing she replied "oh that! We should be heading to Pinsel" Raising his eyebrows at her reply. He asked again "Pinsel? You sure? That place doesn't feel like it would have the map" Sticking out her tounge Yvaine said. "Someone I know lives there. He's got the map" "And who's that someone?" He questioned again leaning on the table. "Shinkyuk" you looked away. Looking a little shocked he confirmed. "Shinyuk as in Choi Shinyuk" Still not looking at him she replied with a low "that's the one". Laughing a little he retorted. "And you think he'll just give it to you like 'here you go. I was just waiting for you to take map away from me' you are funny Yvaine" Finally looking at him she said "maybe he'll give it easily or maybe he will scold me a little" Huffing he replied. "Scold you a little! What is he! your father." "Something like that" Siren mumbled. Leaning in to listen carefully he asked. "I'm sorry what?" "Heismyuncle" Siren answered in one breath.