
Zero point energy of vacuum?

Quantum theory, one of the two cornerstones of modern physics, is known as the science closest to God.

Quantum theory predicts that there is a huge background energy in the vacuum, which still exists under the condition of absolute zero. The energy in it is called the vacuum zero point energy.

The idea of ​​zero-point energy comes from a well-known concept in quantum mechanics: Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

This principle states that it is impossible to know the position and momentum of a particle at the same time with high precision. So when the temperature drops to absolute zero, the particles must still be vibrating. Otherwise, if the particle comes to a complete stop, its momentum and position can be simultaneously and accurately measured, which violates the uncertainty principle.

The energy possessed by the vibration of this particle at absolute zero (zero-point vibration) is the zero-point energy.