
Author's Note

Hey everyone! I hope you all are able to grasp the story's concept so far. Of course, it's been only a few chapters, so most of the incidents mentioned in the synopsis haven't taken place yet; they'll take quite a few chapters to tell you the tale well.

In short, this story is about Ciara Sue, a former dance student, who wants to accomplish her new dream that is, to become a detective and solve her parents' murder case the way it should have been. It was not only her parents's death that changed her, but also a particular horrible 'event' that defiled her. From her secured childhood, she was was thrown into the dark side of the world at the age of 19.

Five years later, she managed to get into the prestigious NDAI academy to become a detective. She met lots of people, lots of rumors were spread, lots of suspicious incidents occured but, that never stopped her from reaching her hand towards her dream.

She couldn't be happier; she made friends for the first time in years, became stronger and also found her first love. However, one unfortunate day, she made the mistake of eavesdropping on her Instructors' conversation and found the dark truth about her real 'purpose' in the academy; she was just the Prime Minister's daughter's decoy.

She was to be used as a bait to catch the to-be-assassins of the Prime Minister's daughter. Knowing this horrible truth crushed her but, she still didn't back down. Even if she were to sacrifice her life to save someone else's, she would do whatever it took to achieve her goal. And so, with the help of her teammates and her team trainer, Doris, she led down the journey from being 'naive to becoming the country's sharpest knife'.

In the end, she found out the real reason of her parents's death as well. She was well betrayed by the person she admired. She fell into the abyss of doubt and the one who got her out was.... *******

To Doris she was his 'bravest brother'.

To Momo she was her roommate and best friend.

To Marques she was... his ****.

To others she was their optimistic friend...

But, to the Government and Military, she was only..... a decoy...

I hope you'll enjoy the story that I enjoyed to make!

~ See y'all soon ~