
Great Dungeon

The hero's party is inside the great dungeon, They're watching the fight of Brian, and the other veteran knight's in perfect sync, they're fighting without any hesitation as if they know what will their comrade do for the next movements. For the heroes, they always deal all the monsters they met with one hit from either Shizuku or Arata. That it made the main formation is somewhat useless. Even Yamato is able to finish off a monster with his shield.

That's why the scene before their eyes made the 4 Heroes watch the knights fighting scene with their eyes wide opened.

Just in case, Runa brings a short sword to anticipate a scenario where she need to fight in close combat. It was for the sake of her friend, so she'll be able to stay beside Shizuku, so they'll be able to stay together.

"That was Amazing! Brian-san! How did you guys move in perfect sync like that?"

It was Arata who said it with his eyes sparkling with excitement from watching the knight fights.

"I wonder? Maybe because we spent good and hardship together that before we know it, we already know what our comrade is thinking."

"I see, so that's how it is." Arata paused a moment as he looks at Shizuku and Yamato. "Then, maybe we can do it too. In the near future."

"Ou!" Yamato said it with a smile on his muscle head face.

But this made Shizuku who stood beside Runa displaying her irritated face. She was about to raise her voice to complain to Arata because he doesn't look at Runa when he said so. But she's stopped when she felt a tap on her shoulder. It was Runa who stopped her with her wryly smile.

"It's okay," Runa said as she tried to stop Shizuku.

"But.." Shizuku said it in her irritated tone but only to be stopped with a stronger grip on her shoulder.

Looking at Runa, Shizuku gripped her hand trying to give it up. With this, they've conquered the 20th floor easily. They keep advancing floor by floor without any difficulty and put an end for that day at the 22nd floor.

"Let's get back for today."

"Why? We're still able to advance. Let's keep going." Arata said it with his face that showed no sign of fatigue.

"No. We'll stop here for the day," Brian said it with his face looking down.

Runa realized that Brian is a bit strange. Usually, Brian would keep advancing until the end of the day. In fact, they keep advanced until the 17th floor yesterday and return to the kingdom only because the sun's already replaced by the moon at the surface.

"What's wrong, Brian-san?"

It was Runa who said with her usual expression. Shizuku is beside her, merely looking at Runa and Brian.

"Mm? No, it's nothing." Brian said it with his usual expression, trying to deceive Runa.

"There's no way. Usually, you will order us to keep advancing until evening. Now, we only advanced five floors, and you suggested returning with that anxious face of yours."

"Sharp as ever 'huh?" He paused for a moment, "Can you hear it? that faint stepping voice."

"I heard it everywhere. As we step."

"No. It's not that, it was something more big and strong.... I have this bad feeling if we keep advancing now, it will ambush us sooner or later."

It was unusual for Brian to be this anxious, is there any monster that can make Brian this anxious at the next floor? But it was just a hunch with no proof.

"Is it really okay to leave things to a hunch like that? as a knight leader." it was Runa who said it with her usual expression, that it made her seemed somehow cold.

"It's okay, sometimes human need to give in to their instincts. Don't think too hard, feel it. Isn't it the thing you do in your mock battle against her?" Brain said it as he looked both at Runa and Shizuku.

"True," Runa thought inside her head as she shrugged her shoulder. If it's already like this, even Runa couldn't say anything more and just give in. Well, she has something to do, so it helps her that they returned to the kingdom early.


It was inside the dungeon, on the 25th floor.

"You heard? The heroes are here to conquer this dungeon."

A man said it within a carefree tone. It was a tone that's not supposed to be heard inside the Great Dungeon. The man brought a shield and a flail with each of his hand.

"Ah, I heard. It seems like they stopped at the 22nd floor for the day. I wonder why is that?"

A woman with a magician robe said it. The purple robe is moving according to the movement of her body.

"Still, they're a bunch of monsters. to break through 22 floors within 2 days only."

This time is a man with a big sword on his back. It was a sword that the Sword master job inside RPG game always carries everywhere, it's big. It was about 120cm in length with the blade narrowed that gave of how sharp it is.

"I must agree. Even though we need about three months to get this far, they only need two days? They surely will turn into a monster if they have an unstable emotion."

With a pessimistic tone, a girl that wore an easy to move outfit is with them, there is a pair of dagger behind her hips.

"Let's hope that they don't turn into an asshole."

The man with the big sword replied. They're a group that people called Adventurer. On their neck they used a silver metal plate. They're a silver ranked adventurer, on the guild, Silver rank is high class, they're right under the highest rank on the guild. The rank inside the guild is Bronze, Red, Green, White, Black, Silver, and Gold. And there is one more rank that's granted to those who have equal power to Heroes, it was Platinum.

"At least we reached the door that leads to the next floor stairs." Said the girl with a magician robe.

"Yeah, even though we have the map, it's still difficult to get through all that monsters." Said the swordsman as he looked at the map.

"Yeah, some of them camouflaged, some of them swarming, some of them is flying around that it is annoying to hit them." Said the dagger girl as she scratches her head recalling all the monster they encounter on this floor.

"Ah... I get what you mean. I wonder why am I taking adventurer as my job? Now that I think of it, this job is kinda stupid." The one with a shield said it with his cool face.

The shield-man opened the door, Crack, the sound of the door echoing inside the dungeon. But they can see no stair, more like the road behind the door's blocked by a wall. The adventurers don't understand what is happening. "Why the hell it's blocked by a wall?" they thought inside their head while searching for the answer.

"Is this monsters doing?" The girl with a robe said it.

"I don't think so." The man with a sword said it as he touched the wall.

The wall in front of them are way to smooth to be made by monsters. The wall looked like it was carefully made from cement it doesn't have any rough texture.

"Then is it human doings?" The girl with dagger said so while scratching her head.

"That is possible. But, what for? I couldn't think the reasons behind all of this." The man with shield said it with his cool tone.

When they've immersed themselves with the thought of the reason behind the wall. The ground trembles slightly, but they didn't feel that trembling sensation. It kept happening for a while until the dagger girl looked at the source of the trembling.

She opened both of her eyes wide, before her, there was a monster with 3m tall the body is similar to a human... no, it was something like a walking mountain with its whole body is a stone full of mosses. On its back there are countless ruby embedded with its body. Its face is also a stone, with mosses that act as a beard.

The dagger girl couldn't move her body even if she tried to. The presence of the monster before her was too overwhelming. She feels like if she's made even a small movement, it 'll crush her to the ground.

The dagger girl just staring at the monster with a frightened expression and trembling body. One of her comrades came to her sense and noticed the thing that has been watching them from a close view.

"Uwaaaaa..." The swordsman that noticed the monster letting out a surprised voice. That made the other members came to their sense. The moment they see the huge figure of the monster, they're unable to move their body at all, as they're overwhelmed.

The monster bring its face closer to intimidate them even more. Next, the monster took a deep inhale, hold it inside its body for a while. Then,


The roar echoing inside the floor as if a death god is already came to collect their soul. Then, the monster swung its huge hand upside down.


That instantly crushed and turned the 4 adventurers to a piece of meat as rain of blood's falling before they're able to let out their death cry.