
Deceptive Seduction

Xue (Blood) Trinity is an organized crime syndicate involved in human trafficking, drug trafficking and arms smuggling among others. Kimura Yong-gun is a dreaded gangster lover of the most feared Asian crime boss in all of USA, Guo Huizhong. Yong-gun must seduce Eric Nguyen, the law-abiding heir to a Media Corporation and the biological son of his crime boss. Eric refuses to have anything to with organized crime thanks to his Vietnamese American CEO mother's influence. Now, it is up to Yong-gun to charm his way into Eric's heart and lure him towards the world of organized crime.

Bianca_Nyx · LGBT+
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Xue Trinity. Xue, a Mandarin word for "Blood" The name was one that invoked fear all over the US. An organized crime syndicate that was involved in human trafficking, drug trafficking and arms smuggling.

Everyone had heard the name of Kimura Yong-gun, the dreaded gangster lover of the most feared Asian crime boss of US, Guo Huizhong. 

This is the tale of Yong-gun and Eric Nguyen, the son of Guo Huizhong. 


I walked impatiently towards my boss' bedroom. His bodyguards moved aside with a respectful bow. 

I acknowledged their bows and quickened my pace. I could hear that the boss was having another orgy. 

The lewd noises reached the far end of the corridors. I slide open the door to witness sprawling naked men on the bed and carpeted floor. 

The boss was aggressively thrusting into the mouth of a cute guy. He came vigorously on the boy's face, splashing it with cum. 

I cleared my throat and my boss said curtly to everyone present except me, "Get out. Now!"

I waited until all the naked men left the room and the bedroom door was slid shut again. 

"What did you want to speak to me about?" I asked, abruptly. 

No one other than me ever dared to speak to the boss in such an informal way. My informality came from a place of familiarity. I have been following him since the age of ten. I became his regular sex partner and lover at the age of sixteen. He taught me everything that I knew in bed. 

I had fucked men in my boss' presence and been fucked by other men while he witnessed it. 

My boss was a lover of variety and he wanted me to try every sex position ever created. As someone who enjoyed cuckolding, he ensured that I slept with more than 500 men till date while he masturbated to that sight. 

My boss' voice cut into my thoughts, "Come here" he said, gruffly. 

I went up to him and knelt on the floor, awaiting his instructions. 

"Look at this" he muttered while he threw a newspaper onto my lap.

I opened it and read the headlines on the front page, 


"That damned woman wants to turn my son into a businessman. She has no intentions of letting him ever inherit my empire" cursed my boss. 

I nodded gravely, I knew that the boss and his wife had divorced more than twenty years ago. Over the years, the boss kept trying to convince his wife to let their son inherit his empire. However, the lady was adamant and she ensured that her son was always protected by several elite bodyguards. Further, our spies tell us that she has poisoned the boy's mind against his father and against anything to do with organized crime. 

"She has taught my son a black and white view of morality. She has taught him that we gangsters are nothing but scum. Now, he hates me and he refuses to do anything with me. If only I was not too busy with my ambition back then, today, I would have had an heir to inherit my empire" 

"What can I do to help, boss?" I asked. 

There was only one man the boss trusted enough to share his personal issues and that was me. My boss who never let anyone see chinks in his armour, never hesitated to bare his heart to me. 

He sighed and shivered lightly, I suddenly recalled that he was still naked. I took off my coat and draped it across his shoulders. I increased the temperature of the AC from 18 to 24 degrees. 

He reached out and gently stroked my cheek, "You are the only one who I can trust with this mission. Will you please do me a personal favour?"

"Anything" I whispered and gently kissed the knuckles of his fist. 

"I want you to win over my son. Win his trust. I want you to seduce him and make him fall for you. I want you to slowly persuade him to come over to our side."

I stared at him in shock for a few seconds and leapt to my feet. "How can you ask something so disgusting of me?" I demanded, enraged. 

"We are members of organized crime. We have been involved in many fraudulent and illegal activities. Now, this late in the game, have you discovered your conscience at the thought of deceiving someone?" my boss laughed.

"No" I said, firmly, "I am not saying 'no' because I am deceiving him or whatever. I don't give a damn about that. I have done much worse things in my life for your sake. I have never felt even a shred of remorse for any of my sins. Why would I start now? I am your lover, boss and we have shared the bed too many times to count. Asking me to seduce your son feels like incest to me. If he is your son, then, he is like my son too."

Boss shook his head while he chuckled, "Don't you think thirty five is too young to become a father to a twenty two year old? Even at fifty years of age, I still find it hard on my ego to accept that my son is now more than two decades old" 

I sigh in annoyance, Boss took both my hands in his own, engulfing them with warmth. 

"Please…" he asked, "Do this for me." 

If there is one thing I know about me, I cannot refuse anything my Boss asks me to. I have punched, kicked, shot, stabbed and strangled people like it was nothing. I have sold tens of thousands of people into sex work. I have dealt in illegal supply of arms which directly lead to the loss of countless innocent lives. I have earnt a fearsome reputation and the widely dreaded title "Hong Long" aka Red Dragon. Everyone here know that I fear nothing and that I can stoop to any level to achieve the goals of this gang. 

As an unwanted child born to a Korean prostitute and her Japanese Yakuza ex-lover, I thought I was destined for a life of neglect and abuse. My mother hated the fact that I bore striking resemblance to my biological father. She never failed to let out all her bitterness at me, by words, fists or both. After all, he was the man who sold her into a brothel. Yet she wanted me to take his surname because he was a bigshot and she hoped for a father-son reunion someday. Since it was her dying wish, I agreed. I am sure my Yakuza father would find it amusing if he ever knew that his son too became a gangster. 

Back then, I was absolutely convinced that my life was worthless. I once believed that I was nothing more than a maggot crawling in the gutter. 

Then, I met Boss, who generously took a 'nobody' like me under his wing. He was the only one in my life who ever gave me a place to belong. A home to call my own and a place to sleep. He was the one who put food on my table. I was one of the youngest members to join his gang and the boss always had a special place in his heart for me because of that. 

Since the day I joined the gang when I was a ten year old to this day, I live for my Boss. My life is in his hands, if he asks me to offer my life to him, I would, without question. 

To me, he was everything – he was my father, my mother, my first friend and my first lover. For him, I would take lives and for him and him alone, I would readily give up my own life. 

Have some idea about my story?

Plz comment it and let me know :)

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