

Does love hurt or it makes your heart flutter? Teresita, a 25-year-old always asked these questions every time she finished reading her books or watched dramas on television. She wished to meet her prince charming and felt love like the characters in the story. Not until she vanished from the city library to the unknown world where she will meet her lover.

Whiteangel_27 · Thành thị
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33 Chs

Chapter 5

" I didn't see you when the commotion started yesterday" Ji Han said while preparing the table for breakfast.

" The king talked to me." I said while putting the plates on the table.

I saw the reaction of Min Yun. He shrugged.

" He thanked me."

" That's the second time around that you involve yourself in the palace. " he looks amazed.

I just smiled. " It is just a coincidence."

" You really look like a fortune teller. You seem to know everything that will happen in the palace" He said then seated.

We all sat for our breakfast. Min Yun was just listening to us.

" It's my day off today. Wanna go to the market? " Ji Han asked.

" sure." I feel excited because this is the first time I am going to their market.

" We have dinner with the king later. Just don't forget it" Min Yun interrupted.

I nodded.

" You want to come with us? today is your day off right?" Ji Han asked Min Yun.

"Yeah, why not come with us?"

" I have some errands to do. but we can just meet at the market."

" Then treat us to lunch?" Ji Han requested.

Min Yun gave us a half smile.

" I will go now. "

" Did you eat?" I asked and inspected his bowl . There's rice left.

" I am not hungry, that's why" he answered. " I need to go"

Then he left. He didn't even wait for us to reply to him.

Ji Han and I continued eating.


(Min Yun's POV)

Today, I went to the mountain to visit the grave of my loved one. It is her 2nd death anniversary.

When I arrived, I touched the layers of the stone and put the flower on top of it. I just brought the flower while walking.

" I missed you" I said.

I sat on the ground while staring at the grave.

" I met a woman who looks similar to you. She is beautiful just like you. " I smiled.

" Ji Han really likes her. He took care of her just how he took care of you when you were still alive"

I don't even notice the tears falling down my cheeks.

" I can't still move on. It feels fresh and new." I wipe my tears.

" How can I forget the memories we shared? How can I forget that I once treasure you?"

" I can spend my whole night here just to be with you. But I promise Ji Han and I-Jun to treat them to lunch." I laughed. " Ji Han is still as talkative as before. He never changed. He could easily move on and forget sad memories. While I am stuck with the memories we had shared."


(Teresita/ I-Jun's POV)

" Woah, it tastes so good" My eyes got bigger because of the honey biscuit. I think this will be my favorite snack.

" I can buy you plenty of that" Ji Han said.

" Thank you" I murmured.

We went to the other stall where they sell unique umbrellas, flower braided sandals/shoes, hair clips , manual fans and there are also stalls where they do fortune-telling.

Since before, I have never tried to go to a fortune teller. I always thought that they were just lying for money. But right now I want to give it a try.

"Ji Han, lets go to the fortune teller"

"Do you believe them?"

" You don't believe them?" I lower my voice.

"It is not that I don't believe them. I am just hesitant"

" Let's try it . maybe we got lucky today" I insisted.

We went near the stall where the fortune teller sat.

" You want me to read your future?" He asked Ji Han.

" Yes ,where here to do this" I answered on behalf of Ji Han.

I could see his hesitation to give his hand.

The fortune teller closed her eyes and started mumbling foreign words.

"I can smell a higher position in the future" the fortune teller said.

Ji Han wanted to react but the fortune teller was not finished yet.

" Happy love life, good friends, wealth and power. All of these ,you will obtain in the future."

" Wow. " I couldn't help but to say that. I am so happy for Ji Han if it will happen to him.

" Next!"

I lean forward to her. She closed her eyes again but opened it again.

" You" she said.

" you don't belong here"

I was shocked. I never even thought she would tell it to me.

She looked at me while still holding my hands.

" Who are you?" She whispered.

Ji Han is listening to us.

I wanted to know something about me. Maybe she could predict how to escape in this book .

I think of a reason for Ji Han to leave", Ji Han. I still want honey biscuits, could you please buy me more?" I asked.

"Sure" he said innocently. I bit my lower lip .

I went back to the fortune teller.

" You will be the king's fortune. A rare fortune"

she continued.

" What are you talking about?"

" There were 2 accidents that have happened. First when the King was in the pavilion and second was when celebrating the festival"

How did she know all about this?

" There will be more accidents to happen and you will be the king's savior"

" I don't have powers"

" But you came from the other world."

" How did you know about me?"

" I predicted it."

"Do you also know that I'm inside the book?"

She sadly smiled. " That we're not real? yes."

" Do you see it coming?"

" I see you coming. "

" I never told anyone about this. even my friend who's with me."

" It will create chaos. That's why be careful."

" How can I go back home?"

"If you don't want to go back home. "


"Did the fortune teller tell you about something?" Ji Han asked while walking.

I keep on eating honey biscuits while staring at nothing.

("How can I go back home?"

" If you don't want to go back home")

I stopped walking.

" I don't get it" I told Ji Han while still holding the honey biscuit.

" What you don't get? You act differently after we meet the fortune teller. Is it because she said you don't belong here?"

I looked at him. I forgot that he heard that one.

" It's just a prank." I said that to him and continued eating and walking.

Our conversation was interrupted when Min Yun came.

" Captain Min Yun!" Ji Han shouted.

I stared at him and smiled.

" Let's eat lunch together?" Min Yun asked.

" I thought you would not take it seriously" said Ji Han.

"What do you want to eat?"

" Fried chicken" I said

"Soup chicken!" Ji Han said .

" What is fried chicken?" Both of them asked.

"ha? ahhh. I mean chicken will do"

" soup chicken then" Ji Han looked happy.

We went to a restaurant near the market. This looks like a traditional resto that I have always watched in dramas. The ambiance is good and it has few people.

"fried chicken, coffee, milk tea, pork cutlet" I uttered in my mind. Damn! I miss those foods.

" You stared at nothing again" Ji Han noticed.

" Huh?"

" I observed that too. " Min Yun said.

" We went to the fortune teller and after that she looked like this" Ji Han explained.

"They just lie for money" Min Yun said.

I also thought about that before not until she told me exactly what had happened to the king. And she even knew they were not real.

" There you are again" Ji Han observed.

" I...I'm just hungry" I exclaimed.

After a while, the food was already served.

" Wow. It looks delicious!" Ji Han looked excited.

" Can I have the leg part?" I requested.

" Sure" Both of them agreed and Min Yun got the leg part and put it on my plate.

" Thank you" I said and started eating.

" Hmmm. this really tastes delicious" I happily exclaimed while my mouth was full. I saw Min Yun smile genuinely . He became more handsome after he did that.

I didn't notice that Min Yun kept looking at me. I was so busy eating that I didn't even notice that I had dirt in my face.

" Let me wipe it" Min Yun said then wipe my face using the piece of cloth.

I was stunned by what he did. I didn't move a bit because of shame.

Even Ji Han was shocked at what Min Yun did.

" You can continue eating" he smiled. My heart melts. How can I continue eating after he did that?

I shyly smile and put the chicken bone in my plate. " I think I am done eating" I announced.

The waiter served us green tea after we ate the main course.

" ahhhh. I am so full" Ji Han said while rubbing his tummy.

I laughed at his expression. He looked so happy and enjoyed the food.

" Are you full?" Min Yun asked me.

I nodded. " Thank you" I don't know but after he wiped my face I felt something. My heart beats faster and I thought there were butterflies in my stomach.

Don't get me wrong. It is my first time experiencing it. I never had a boyfriend and I don't have boy friends in my world. I only have Von as my family.

After we drank the tea ,we walked home.

" I-jun, tomorrow night there will be a fireworks display . You want to come and let's watch it together?" Ji Hun asked.

" Of course" I answered.

" You are too lucky, this year we have many things to celebrate. This is the year of love." He said while looking at the sky.

I laughed at him. " you are too positive . I like it"

" You mean you like me?" Ji Han's eyes sparkled.

"Yes. I like you as my friend" I answered.

He hugged me. " I like you too."

I hugged him back.

I think he is my first boy friend.

I didn't notice that Min Yun grabbed Ji Han's collar to separate us.

" You are taking advantage of her" he looked serious.

" I am not. I am just happy that we are friends and I really like her"

" Don't take it deeper" he said then walked away.

"Is he jealous?" Ji Han whispered.

" What?"


At night, Min Yun and I prepared ourselves. I wore the precious and expensive hanbok of Min Yun's sister for tonight's dinner.

" You came from a rich and noble family" I said while looking at the hanbok I am wearing.

I tied my hair and put the traditional accessories in my hair.

I am lucky because I know how to use it.

" Done" I said while inside the room.

I went out and saw Min Yun wearing a blue hanbok with his black traditional hat.

He is really handsome. My heart beats faster again.

He smiled. " Let's go?"

"Where is Ji Han?"

" He went to the lake to meet someone. Let's go"

We went out of the house and saw a black horse.

We went to the palace riding a horse.


After a while, we arrived at our destination.

We went to the king's room and greeted him.

" Thank you for inviting us" Min Yun said.

We bow to him.

" I'm glad you came" the king smiled then the king looked at me.

" Let's sit down and start eating."

We sit on the floor with the table full of dishes. I have my own table filled with food, Min Yun also has his own table and the King is sitting on his throne with a table full of dishes.

"I hope you will like it" the king said.

We started eating. I first tasted the boiled fish with garlic and onion as the toppings.

"Hmmm. " The chef who cooked this did an excellent job. I don't even have the chance to taste it in the real world.

Next I tasted their own version of kimchi . Ji Han already made kimchi for me but this is the best version so far. (sorry Ji Han)

Then I eat boiled pork with soy. Looks like adobo.

I looked at the men. They are busy munching their food. They seem to enjoy it just like me.

" Do you like it?" The king asked after we ate.

"Yes, your majesty" we both say in chorus.

" Let's drink tea"

The king gave a signal to the head court lady.

" I eat well today" the king happily said.

"We eat well as well" Min Yun said. " Thank you for being the good host"

" Your Highness, the tea is here" announced the court lady.

She served the tea to us.

We are happy drinking tea when someone barges into the room.

Kim Man Shik!

We are both shocked by his presence. He smiles like a dog.

He bows to the king and says, " How can you eat when there are problems outside the palace? eating comfortably is a mockery to the people of this country."