
Prophecy and Yuffie

Lunafreya POV


Im a little short of breath as I reach the room radiating Lord Leviathans mana. When I open the door, I see a young boy sleeping peacefully on a bed with a ball of water hovering above his head. One of the guards are down on the floor shaking while the others are standing absolutely still. As I take a closer look at the hovering sphere of water, I noticed two shadowy eyes glaring at me from within.


Lunafreya: Lord Leviathan. It is a pleasure to see you. I was informed that you wanted to see me. How may I serve you?


Leviathan: Oracle, I have a prophecy for you. Get rid of the humans standing. Leave the one groveling on the floor.


Lunafreya: As you command. Guards, please leave without making a mess. Please inform King Noctis of what has happened before I arrived. Do not omit one single detail. My life might hang in the balance.


Guards: Yes, your Highness.


Leviathan: Oracle, the prophecy I have for is as follows..


~ 4 Chosen will rise.

The 4 are blessed by the 8 Gods of Power.

1 will be summoned while 3 will be found.

They will decide the tide of a future war.

The future is in their hands. ~


I will give you a hint. 1 will be found here.


Lunafreya: I shall protect this child. He will be given every advantage..


Leviathan: No. He doesnt desire preferential treatment. He wants to work for his strength. He has been given Gifts from the 8. Those will be the only advantages he will be given. His physical age is 10 for now. I want you to look after him till he is 18. At 18, his combat gift will manifest. Until then, teach him. His Primary goal in these upcoming 8 years are to find the other 3. You may not give him special help but the other 3 you may spoil. Keep him alive until then. He will adventure the realm with the other 3 then. Prepare transportation for them.


I have been here long enough. Know this Oracle... I will be watching.


Leviathan: Worm Grovelling on the floor. Leave this town. I dont want to smell your stench ever again. The only reason you are still alive is because my chosen shall occupy your residence. You have 1 week to take your possessions and vanish. You have been warned.


Lord Leviathan's water sphere splashed the guard and vanished.


Lunafreya: I am sorry that you are being forced to leave. Thank you for your service. The royal family will compensate you for your material lose.


Worm: Thank you your Highness.





I wake up in my room with my mountain of pillows. They dont feel as fluffy after I felt that tail. I hope my parents are fine. I wonder if the boy is ok.


Momma just walked into my room.


Ink: Momma! Are you ok? Is Lord Leviathan still going to drown the world?




Ink: Is the boy with the tail ok?


Lunafreya: He is fine for now but you must leave him to his rest. Lord Leviathan is watching over him at all times... so be careful. He is still sleeping in the room you found him. Now be good and get ready for school. Your uncle Ingis will drive you and Yuffie when you are ready.


Ink: NOOOO I wana see the tail boy!! Ill wake him up! He sleeps too much! Oh! Can I take him with me to learn from Ms.Yuffie? She brings Mr.Red 13 sometimes... 😁


Lunafreya: ... Just get ready for school. Leave the boy alone for now. We can talk when he wakes up.


Ink: Oooooooh kay.




After I finish getting dressed... Lets wake the tail boy up. It feels like he has slept forever. Why do I have to study while he gets to sleep? Its not fair... if I have to suffer Ms.Yuffie's Ultima teaching... then he should too. She has been teaching me some hand to hand combat and throwing skills. To be honest... I cant aim or throw a punch well. I like playing with her Materia though. The pretty balls that shine. She gets mad when I take them without asking though... She's funny when she is mad. But never make a small comment anout her boobies... She is really jealous of Ms.Tifa. I dont blame her though. Ms.Tifa's boobies are HUGE. Even bigger then momma's. I hope im big like Ms.Tifa.


There's a knock on my door.


Yuffie: Are you ready Princess Ink? I have a surprise for you. Todays lesson should be fun.


... Fun?




Yuffie POV


... I hear a huge ruckus happening in Princess Ink's room. It sounds like a wild Behemoth is going crazy in there.


The door flings open abruptly and I see Princess Ink... semi-dressed correctly. She is dressed in a nice yellow shirt with a respectably long skirt and her tiera... Except her shirt is inside out, she has 2 different socks on and her tiera is crooked. Before I point out her dressing mistakes... she starts laughing. I expected this reaction.


Ink: Ms.Yuffie, why are you dressed like Ms.Tifa? Your costume is almost perfect. There is a... uhh... sma... err... slight giveaway that lets someone know your Ms.Yuffie and not Ms.Tifa.


Yuffie: Nice save Princess. Only twice the normal homework. Go and fix your attire. Your shirt, socks, and tiera need to be fixed. Ill wait in a guest room. Take your time, you're a Princess so make sure you look the part.





Nooo, extra homework? But i didnt finish saying she is small. Wait... Guest room?Ms.Yuffie is going to relax in a guest room? Does she want to wake up the tail boy too? Hah! Momma told me to leave the tail boy alone... but she never said anything about letting Ms.Yuffie waking him up. I WILL GET TO PET THAT TAIL AGAIN!! MUAHAHAHAA


Ink: Ms.Yuffie, can you wake up my new friend? He is sleeping in one of the guest rooms. He has white and yellow hair, fox ears and THE MOST FLUFFY TAIL EVERRRRRR!!




Ink: You cant miss him.


I slam my door and hold my breath. Hopefully she falls for it. Lets get changed so we can watch. hehehe



Yuffie POV


Wake up Princess Ink's friend? The King and Queen let a boy spend the night over? I would be lying if i didnt say I was curious. Future prince maybe?












Ninja vanish!


Ok. So I have checked 5 rooms so far but I finally found him. He is sleeping on a guest bed like a sleeping princess. I will say this though. He will be a looker when he grows up. Nicely done Luna. Sigh... when will I find a prince charming? I start shaking his arm to wake him up.




He is still out like a light. I put a little more force into shaking him awake when he starts to talk in his sleep.


???: Im alive Nurse Tits-alot. Dont get your bra in a bunch. Just 5 more mi-


Before I could stop myself... I slapped him. In one swift motion, I scooped him up and flung him across the room. It was actually kinda impressive if i do say so myself...




Is he alive? I might have gone too far...




The boy gets up. The leftside of his face has swelled up. He looks at me with rage in his eyes. I am the adult. I should apologize for giving him a well earned slap.


Right before I open my mouth to say I am sorry... he digs his own grave.


???: Who the devil are you and why are you so flat?


This time... I swing for all im worth.


I killed a kid...

This is not the end of Slate but we are now back to the present.

Please comment on what you think because I have no clue which way this will be going.

thanks in advance

Beviscreators' thoughts