
Doctor's Visit

Slate POV


Man... That was the most relaxful nights rest ive gotten yet. Hades was definitely right. My arm is annoyingly sore. He recommended I pick up the Pugilist Class to make use of my newly strengthened bones. Ill see if the Queen has an extra one. Im going to take a long soak in my tub to see if that helps.


I heard a honking noise outside. I finished up in the restroom and went out to the Regalia.



Ignis: Goodmorning Slate. Had a rest? I hear you needed it.


Slate: Mornin. Yea I did. Best rest ever. I have some news for everyone when we get to the castle.


Ignis: Anything immediately urgent? We have a couple of pit stops to make. First is to get your Knife from Amulet. The second is to pick up the Royal Family doctor for a few checkups.


Slate: My knife?... I completely forgot about it. A Checkup? Is Ink ok? Cant you just use Cure Magic to heal anything?


Ignis gives me a understanding look.


Ignis: The Princess is fine. Noctis just wants to be safe.


Ignis: Cure Magic heals wounds done to you with intent. It does not normally keep you healthy. Regen does help with health most of the time... but having Regen constantly active takes an enormous amount of mana. The fact that you have it as a passive is absolutely mind boggling.


Slate: Then the explanations can wait.



Amulet POV


Its done. Good GODS that was an ordeal...


It is a crime to Master Crafters and Blacksmith in the Uni- Inverse to give this to a kid for simple wood carving...


2 Blooms of Orichalcum++,

1 Mithril Infused Adamantoise Horn,

The Goddess Shiva's Diamond Dust Power,

1 Ramuh Eye in the blade's spine and

and an Undead Behemoth Talon handle for good measure.


This should fulfill my word to the gods. This the best knife Ive ever made.


I hope the boy likes it.



Slate POV


We just got my knife. The blade is Sea Green with blue flakes within the metal. The handle is black by the blade and gets greyer at the other end. It has a gem on its back too...


It looks somewhat girly. Ill try to find a cooler one later.


We stop by The Leville hotel to pick up the family Doctor. I hope shes hot. Sexy doctor ftw and I must say...Not. Disappointed.



Red hair with red eyes, slender build with legs that you wouldnt mind being wrapped in. Her bust is lacking but her confidence as she walked up to us... yikes. She is dressed in black leggings with a white mini dress with long sleeves and a blue coat. She has a pouch strapped to her hip. Ive never seen her in any games before.


???: Sup Iggy.


Iggy? Who is Iggy? Who the flying hell would respond to Iggy?


Ignis: As beautiful as always Refia.




Slate: AHAHAHA IGGY! How is your nickname IGGY? AND YOU RESPONDED?


Ignis: Did you say something "Tail Boy"?


Slate: Ah .... Nope. Not a thing.


Ignis: Must have been the wind.


Refia: Whos the fox kid? Hes kinda cute.


Slate: Im not cute... Im handsome. There's a difference.


Refia: This... Iggy, I want one. Are you free today?


Ignis: I am ready for you anytime. Does that mean your finally leaving realm 14 and moving to 15?


Refia: Why dont you come to 14? Its quiet and we can make all the noise we want.. (Wink)


... wtf am I hearing?


Refia: Ah... sorry. Where are my manners? My name is Refia Scientia. Assistant Royal Doctor to most of Zero's Royal and Wealthy Families. Oh... and Wife of Ignis. Pleasure to Meet you "Handsome".


MARRIED?! Wait... Assistant Doctor? Who's the Head Doctor?





I will get to see Dr.Refia today and Dr-... I dont like doctors. I told Father that I feel fine but he said something about mutations and development... Im not sure what else said because I fell asleep. Tail boy is coming over again. Ill get my ribbons ready. I WILL win today. I turn to momma and ask her why they so late?


Lunafreya: Ignis stopped with Slate to get his carving knife before picking up Refia. They should be here soon sweetie.


Knife? The one from the Auntie? I forgot about it. Good job Ignis. We forgot.


Momma went yesterday to the mall and bought my new clothes. I cant be in Ms.Lulu's clothes all the time. Most of my new clothes have no back and short sleeves. It is a little cold but they look good. Ms.Lulu got a few as dresses so I can see what I will look like when im older.




After breakfast, Tail boy made it here with Dr.Refia.


Ink: Hi Dr.Rafia. Im ready for my check up. Where is Dr.Po?

Refia: Hes here. He likes to observe his patients when they are not paying attention so they cant hide anything. He says he gets a better read from them...


Slate: Dr.Po? Who's Dr.Po? Where is Dr.Po?


Refia: The Doctor. He has been looking at you sense you were checking out my legs.


Slate: DAFUK? Is he a Psychic?


Dr.Po: Kupo




Ah, there he is. So cute.





Po: Kupo


I know that noise... Moogle?

I see... A White Moogle... Dressed as a Chocobo... Dressed as a White mage. What the actual hell...

Po: Kupo po po

Refia: He says "Hello everyone. Who are my Patients? The Weasel Kin child is interesting" Weasel? Slate isnt a fox?




Po: Kupo


Refia: "Because Im a Doctor" He said. And yes, I translate and learn from Dr.Po.


... Im done. I cant even. A Moogle as a Chocobo in a White Mage outfit... Im out.

Slate: Ill go play with my knife as I wait for Ink to finish up then I need to talk with the King and Queen.


Po: Kupo?


Refia: "What about your check up?" He says.




Chills go up and down my back. My check up? Who?


Slate: Run that one by me again...


Po: Ku..po


Refia: Ofcourse Doctor. Ignis, please restrain the patient. He is about to run. Princess Ink. Would you get your father too please? We will need him as well. I hear Slate is quiet powerful if need be.



Reader POV


6 hours later.


Ink: That... was... FUN!!


Slate: I regret nothing. Screw all of you.


There are 14 royal guards, Ignis, Noctis, and Yuffie lying on the floor exhaust from trying to catch Slate. Slate on the other hand... is strung upside down like a cocoon from the roof.


Slate: Ive had enough checkups to last me forever.


Po: Kupo po po kupoooo


Refia: "He is perfectly healthy except for a cold his body is fighting... from his arm?" Doctor... did i translate that right?


Po: Kup po o


Refia: "Transplant"? I dont understand. We will talk later.


Po: Kupo po


Refia: Princess, it is your turn.



Slate POV


Slate: Next time... give me a weeks warning. Ill vanish from the face of this universe. You will never catch me alive.


Noctis: So dramatic. So you have news for me? Luna is in with Ink and Dr.Po. Ill let her know later. Whats your news?




Slate: I have a week to find my other 2 teammates or ill have to wait for 5 years. Hades can feel their ties to me but he will go into stasis within a week until I come of age. I need a way to travel to them and a if they would like, a home for them to stay in. My Anti form and Dark King Arms will be sealed till I come of age too by the way. So a guide would be nice.



Slate: What is the realm that can access the other realms the easiest? Is there a center to Zero?



Noctis: Well... for the next month... Realm 7 is in the center. The realms orbit the Inverse Gem hidden within the Chaos Sea.


Slate: Uhh Ill get the explanation later. I dont have much more time to waste today. The check up kinda screwed me. How can I travel to realm 7 and maybe the others if need be?


Noctis: The teleport gateways. Yuffie is going home today. Ask her if she can show you how they work. She lives in 7.


Slate: Cool. ill be back.

Finished KH3

Awesome game. It was kinda hard coming back to write this chap after. i guess the next game i play will be Anthem if it doesnt suck after a few months after release.

the doc is an original character but the Assistant is from ff3

hope you enjoy the chap

next chap... off to find the 2 party members in realm 7.

Beviscreators' thoughts