
3.2 Real killer

"If you still don't feel okay, then I will inform mom. Don't worry I will just say that you remembered some work from your college. Go back to your room and rest for a while okay." Shu XinYi said bending down in front of the sitting Cheng.

Cheng went to college, he was doing a business major. Meanwhile Xiao only finished his high-school and didn't attend physical school any further. He wanted to explore his art and took online classes. Their father had advised Cheng to handle the business so that's why he took business major, irrespective of his will.

Cheng nodded and Shu XinYi helped him up, he was very patient with him. After taking Cheng to his room, Shu XinYi went down to dinner and told mom about about Cheng. After eating his serving he warmed up some food and brought it to Cheng's room. Cheng opened the door after two knocks and let Xiao in.

Shu XinYi placed the dish on the table and said "Eat up. I have something to show you. Will you come to the balcony tonight, whenever you are free?"

"What is it?" Cheng was back to his usual irritated self.

Shu XinYi smiled saying "Nothing special, just bought it when I thought of you. Oh and it will be a fine opportunity for you to scold me to your hearts content once you see it."

Shu XinYi left and went to the balcony after bringing the violin from his room. He tried playing a few notes and experimented a little. He tuned them violin and played a little clumsily, It wasn't that Shu XinYi couldn't play but "Lan Xiao" couldn't. So Shu XinYi just played like Lan Xiao would. Trying to get the notes right. After almost 45 minutes Cheng finally showed up.

Shu XinYi who was sitting against a wall on the balcony railing, stood up saying "I knew you'd come."

"Obviously, your out of tune playing will ruin my hearing. So I had to come stop you." Cheng said with an irritated face.

"Oh really, I think I played really well. Aren't you just saying that to mock me. It is just playing some notes, how can I not do it?" Shu XinYi said in a childish manner.

Cheng rolled his eyes too far back and snatched the violin out of his hands then said "Even the way you hold it is incorrect. Look at this." Cheng said while putting the violin on his shoulder the correct way.

"And it is not just playing some notes. It is playing a reality. Something that gives you freedom to imagine and feel. Like what you feel when listening to this." Cheng said as he played a little song. It was a slow song at first like a bird that had just learned to fly. But today was a rainy day. The song continued to and the bird flew higher and higher, like a tone of victory. So close to it's destination. The storm starts to rage and the tune becomes harsher. The highest tone, bird's feather is struck with lightning. It falls a slow fall and sees rays of sunshine through the clouds. The tone softens like the bird's soft landing on a blooming flower and the bud closes itself like the song.

Beautiful, Shu XinYi thought. It was not his first time listening to violin, In many other worlds he had done so, but Cheng would come in his top ten lists. He really was a skilled artist. Pity no one recognized his art. Since the accident Cheng had refused to play in front of others. The accident actually happened because Xiao was trying to fight with him to get the violin and all that happened. Their father was a bit angry that day, so when the incident happened, he broke Cheng's violin forbidding him to play.

Since then, Cheng only played secretly in his room. Last year after their father's death, Cheng still didn't have it in himself to play in front of others. Shu XinYi was truly amazed "You really are amazing, Gege." Shu XinYi said.

"Shut up." Cheng said rolling his eyes and returned the violin to Xiao. He had started to walk back when Shu XinYi said "No I really mean it. After what happened at the gallery, I kind of lost my inspiration. It feels like I don't even know what I am doing all this for. A project that I have put a year's worth effort became this unsuccessful just because someone decided to chose my gallery as the location for murder."

Cheng had paused his steps but he hadn't turned back so Shu XinYi quickly continued "That's why I was experimenting with the pheonix. As you may have noticed, it was not something that looks like it was made by an experienced professional. I didn't bought this violin for that intention but when you played it, I felt like I gained my reason back. It is creating a different reality. Something within reach yet far away. Something inconceivable yet desirable. So really. I think you play really well."

Cheng still didn't look back but he did say "The pheonix, was actually not bad. If you do it with dedication and better imagination next time, then it may be somewhat better. Now don't waste time here, Go to sleep."

"Yes Gege I understand." Shu XinYi walked back to his room. Cheng didn't make an irritated face when he said gege so it may be ok to start calling him that. It was a step by step progression but he wanted to win his brother back. One of Lan Xiao's regret was that he couldn't communicate well with his brother and because of this the distance only furthered between them.

For the next week nothing major happened so he was just holed up in his studio, learning about sculpting and painting. Shu XinYi tried to gift the violin to Cheng in many ways but everytime the violin ended up back in his room. Was it that he bought an unsuitable violin or was Cheng just that moody? Shu XinYi thought he was patient with his attempt. He also showed his final piece of the week, to Cheng asking for his opinion. Cheng just rolled his eyes too far back since Shu XinYi had made a sculpture of a faceless man playing a violin but even though he had no features of his face, it could be understood that he was too indulged in playing and was imagining a happy memory.

Shu XinYi was getting better and better at making sculptures and controlling his hands while carving and crafting. Shu XinYi was working on his latest project today. He had thought to display it in his next show. Naming it: "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"

It was the second big project he had worked on this week. It was a man in a medieval attire with long hair. His face was covered and only his eyes were visible. The man's face was hiding heavenly beauty, even if you can see only the eyes, you will fall in love. The man's hand was extended out and was being held by an other hand. The other hand was holding the man's hand like it was holding his most beloved, most precious person. The other hand extended out to the elbow but started eroding away at the end. The other hand had no body no face only a hand holding his beloved.

The look in the beautiful man's eyes though was like he was seeing someone he loved the most, someone he desired with all his heart. Like what he saw was not empty space but a person he longed for. The beautiful man, whom anyone would fall in love with at first sight, had eyes only for the unfinished other hand. The people wouldn't even know who to be jealous from, who is it that holds this beauty's eye?

Shu XinYi was giving it the finishing touches when Lan Cheng entered the studio "Xiao .. XiaoXiao, you did well this time. What was the inspiration behind it?."

Shu XinYi wasn't paying a lot of attention to the real world while working on the sculpture so he only faintly heard what Cheng said.

"Huh?" Shu XinYi asked.

"What was the inspiration behind this sculpture?" Cheng asked again.

"Ah Gege, there is no inspiration really." Shu XinYi said somewhat honestly. He also didn't understand well why he made this.

"Don't lie. Such emotions are displayed in just those eyes and you say there was no inspiration? Or is it that you are unknowingly in love with someone?" Cheng said. Out of all the people Shu XinYi had met in the last two worlds, Cheng had the highest emotional intelligence. Except that being ofcourse.

Shu XinYi said in a dazed manner avoiding Cheng's eyes "Huh? No no. I don't even know who the other person is? How will I love them without even knowing how they look like?" Shu XinYi said truth fully. He didn't know who that unidentifiable being had become in this world. Although Leo did say that he would find him, he was bit scared of them not being able to find each other.

Cheng said rolling his eyes again "So what. Love is Love. Maybe you don't know what they look like or who they are but if you can feel that they exist then isn't it worth to find them or wait for them to find you."

Shu XinYi shyly nodded like a little brother being taught a lesson. "Gege is there anyone you love? Then how do you know they are the right person and you definitely love them?" Shu XinYi asked. It was not just brotherly talk but Shu XinYi also wanted to know if Cheng had met with Xue An; Xue Fan's daughter, yet.

"Well, when you fall in love you'll know. Your heart will start to race and your breathing will be burdened. You would want to be close to them like whenever I am near Xue ya- Ahem." Cheng started to fake cough a little too fake.

"like whenever you are near Xue ya- who?" Shu XinYi asked raising his eyebrows in mischief.

"No one, I am busy man. Don't ask stupid questions." Cheng said.

"Is this Xue Ya-Ahem person, someone you like, gege? Are you in love with them?" Shu XinYi asked like a friend teasing.

"Shut up... maybe.." Cheng said while looking out the window.

"Really? Then have you talked to them?" Shu XinYi asked.

"Mhm. But I don't know if they like me back." Cheng said.

"Oh, then why don't you spend more time with them. Allow yourself and them to understand each other, then maybe you will know the answer." Shu XinYi advised. It seemd that the person Cheng actually like was Xue An's sibling Xue Yao. In the original some events turned it so that Cheng wasn't able to understand his feelings and turned out that way.

Cheng nodded and told Xiao to come down for dinner. As Cheng was walking out of the study Shu XinYi said "I am happy that I can call you gege again. Let's remain this way please."

Cheng didn't look back but instead just said "I hope you find whoever you are looking for." and walked away.

Shu XinYi felt that his relationship with his brother had improved a lot. Now he wished that it improved with the detective as well. At first Shu XinYi wasn't sure if LiFeng was the detective or not but later on while he was contemplating, Snow had told him that Xiang Li was his given name. For Xiang Li to tell Lan Xiao, someone who he just met, his given name was telling something.

Moreover the "Li" in his name was the same character as the "Li" in LiFeng. Maybe all this was just a coincidence but Shu XinYi couldn't deny the feelings in his heart. The way he felt peaceful around Xiang Li was too familiar to him. The only problem is that Xiang Li is a very vigilant detective, Snow had told him about his past where his father had been betrayed and was falsely accused of theft and murder. At that time he was only 14 but from then on he had made it his reason to make sure nothing like this happens again in his vicinity atleast.

Once he started working in the field, he rarely trusted people, not even his subordinates. So it was understandable that the detective wouldn't want to involve with Lan Xiao apart from the investigation. Shu XinYi though wasn't restless. He understood that everything takes time. If Xiang Li is really that person then, they will be together sooner or later.

Right now he should focus on the Bai family and the Xue family. 4 days into the next week, there were still no new reports by Xiang Li but a trial date had been implemented by the court for the coming week. The Bai family was the one pushing the court to put Xue Fan on trial. Xue Fan didn't want to involve with any of this but it seemed that there was a pretty solid case against him.

Not only was there a murder motive but traces of him being near the gallery were also found. Although he wasn't attending the show, his car was still found outside the vicinity on the day of murder.

At the trial obviously Shu XinYi had to be present. On the day of the trial Shu XinYi was giving finishing touched to his painting, his 3rd major project. An old man standing in front of a cherry blossom tree. The oranges of the setting sun cassacading on the pink petals. The old man was reaching out to the cherry blossom tree which was disintegrated from the top. The shadows on the ground though told an other story. It was the man's shadow that had started to disintegrate and the tree was blooming, reaching out one of it's branches towards a man offering a flower. Like a final good bye to an old friend.

Shu XinYi set the canvas on a different stand, beside the other 2 pieces. The violin playing man and the unknown lover. Shu XinYi had already decided to arrange for a new show. He had also started being more active on his social media page and had gained a lot of followers.

Mrs.Lan had also wanted to come to the hearing but Shu XinYi suggested that she doesn't. It won't be good for her reputation as the head and also Shu XinYi had a bad feeling about today.

He went to the court hearing alone. Xue Fan was standing on the trial stand. One by one evidences were presented and countered. The public defense was obviously was the Xue family. The Bai family had also arranged a lawyer, who was the prosecutor.

Shu XinYi didn't involve himself but also paid attention to everything. Xue Fan claimed that he was there that day for a meeting. The person he was meeting had no identity and always wore a mask so he couldn't identify him. Then he gave some contract papers showing his negotiations with Bai Jiao, the deal he was signing with the board members was somewhat approved by Bai Jiao as well. Although later on he had suddenly refuted it and ended his contract then and there. They also had terms for ending the contract so it was a mutual decision.

It's not anyone from the Xue family. Nor is it anyone from the Lan family.. then? Maybe the Bai family, Shu XinYi thought. He needed more time and evidence to sort this out. The Bai family, mother and son, didn't need to kill Bai Jiao for getting his property and funds. Bai Jiao was already going to give a fair amount of inheritance to Bai Meng, Shu XinYi had found this out through snow.

The Xue family had a reason to kill him but neither is there any solid evidence nor does it makes sense to murder Bai Jiao that way in front of everyone. The Lan family, Although they owe a pretty good sum of money to the Yama Groups, Including Lan Xiao separately being in debt to them, It is not an amount that the Lan family is utterly unable to payback. So even though, the Lan family could be blamed for the murder like the Xue family, there won't be any solid evidence, unless it could be faked.

If fake evidence is brought into play then from the 3 families, any family could take the blame. For Shu XinYi though, It was more feasible to find the real killer.

I was reading this back for editing and thought this line is a bit poetic "Finding hopelessness in hope. Finding a fault in perfection." I don't remember how I came up with this line but it hits.

Snowblade_08creators' thoughts