Jealousy ... Shu XinYi thought hearing the man behind the cell, but he did hear the Siren's song, so there must be some sort of effect. Was it the song that caused this Jealousy? No, the song only bought it out from the depth of his heart, "Did you regret it?" Shu XinYi asked to further investigate.
"Regret? Heh, why won't I regret it? But I also knew that my heart won't settle unless I do something. To be honest, I don't blame the Siren, I actually want to thank it." The man said in a reminiscent tone.
"For letting you kill your brother?" Shu XinYi said with a distaste in his mouth.
The man chuckled, "For letting me settle my heart, I feel free you know."
Shu XinYi found his demeanor very human, because humans are pathetic, "The Siren's song didn't settle your heart, your childish insecurity driving you to kill your brother is what set you free. It's a hideous and pathetic act, but I guess you see it as something victorious and glorified."