
Death Monarch

Another cliche fanfic about reincarnation. This fanfic was written by me, a newbie author so don't expect much from it.

True_Noblesse · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
22 Chs


(AN: Sorry if the story is slow)


On top of a mountain, the ground was full of lush grass and trees. Under a tree sat an otherworldly-looking kid. He seems to be thinking about some things as he sat there enjoying the wind that touches his face.

Lying beside him on his left, was a small cute looking white tiger. And on his right side was a small snake-like creature with azure blue-colored scales.

'Sigh...I wonder if I changed ever since reincarnating?' Leo thought about it, some aspects of him changed especially after he got stronger and his bloodline is almost unlocked.

He felt that he saw other people as the same. He felt that he wouldn't even care if they all died in front of him, which is quite different from his previous personality before his reincarnation.

The only exceptions from this are those he cares about or those he knew personally, or even those he knew as characters from different series previously.

But towards the normal people, he can't feel anything like he treats them as nothing more than ants or something. It's like the time in helping Faunus, although he did want to help them, it was like on his whim as he was bored at that time.


'Sigh...I guess it's no use thinking about it' He sighed in his mind while continuing his relaxation under the tree.

He was in a mountain he created in Menagerie when he helped the Faunus. It was his favorite relaxing spot as he created it to be so. He likes the clean air here different from cities where there are machines that create smoke.

And there's also the soft grass, perfect for relaxation. Along with the flower around that smells great. And the light warm from the sun touching his skin, it's the best.

"Hmm...this is truly the best. Aahhh...I just love the feeling of being able to laze around" He muttered while closing his eyes and eventually he fell asleep under the relaxing atmosphere of the place.

He has many things in mind so he was quite mentally tired. But now he can relax, which he was grateful for.


"Hmm..." Leo hummed a tune while walking on the streets of Argus City, in the kingdom of Mistral. He came back here as he really liked the food they make.

Of course his appearance attracted attention from the populace. He just ignored them as he continued his walk.

"Hm?" Leo spotted someone he knew, a girl with red hair and green eyes, Phyrrha Nikos. He saw her helping an old lady who has difficulty walking across the street.

Seeing that, Leo walked over there. Phyrrha already helped the old lady and the latter thank her.

"Hi! Phyrrha, nice to meet you again" Leo smiled as he greeted Phyrrha. Who upon hearing the voice turned her head and saw Leo.

"Leo! So you're back. I thought you said you are travelling?" she said

"Haha, well I liked the food here si I came back" He said, as the two of them walked. Subconsciously they started walking towards the place where Phyrrha trains.

"Haha, I see so you like our food here..." Phyrrha laughed a bit, but she seemed proud as their local products are being praise.

"Hmm...yeah, I don't really have many things to do. What about you? How's life doing for you?" He asked casually, he had been visiting this place for days now and everytime he was here he always meet Phyrrha.

"Well, I'n also doing good. I attend a combat school now here in Argus. But I prefer to train at the place we met since no one disturb me there" She said

"Hmm..." He hummed in agreement, and finally they arrived at the place. And Phyrrha started her training while Leo watched as well as giving advice frequently.

He watched the girl intently, he was interested in her. Not in a romantic way, at least not yet. He was interested in her personality since she was similar to his previous self's personality.

She was kind, likes to help people, sociable, etc. Everytime he is with her, he can feel like he was back in his previous self before reincarnating.

And as mentioned previously, his world view is slowly changing as he becomes stronger. He now sees other people as same, even if they're good or evil. However, there are some exceptions to it.

Like the girl in front of him, it's like whenever he was with her, he was going back to his previous personality. And he very much like her company too.


Getting out of thought, Leo slowly stood up from his sitting position. "Let's spar, Phyrrha" He suddenly said surprising the girl.

"Alright" She replied with a smile

"Then lets spar now, you can use your weapons while I'll go bare handed" he said but Phyrrha shook her head.

"I will not use weapons, so it will be fair"

Leo smiled as he shrugged, he appreciated her thoughts even though it was unnecessary since Leo can fight someone with weapon even if he is bare handed.

And so the two sparred, Leo gave her some tips while sparring. He was like a teacher teaching a student through sparring. And that's how his day went.