

"Marooned on Death Island, a group of friends must band together to uncover its sinister secrets and find a way off before it's too late. Will they be able to escape or will they become the Island's latest victims?..."

SCARFace_55 · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 9: The Warning


In the hidden chamber, the masked overseer leaned back in his chair, a sense of satisfaction washing over him. "Yes," he murmured, his voice filled with dark anticipation. "Let the game truly begin."

Chapter 9: The Warning

Far north on Death Island, Hyun's camp was a stark contrast to Jack's. While Jack's camp enjoyed a moment of tranquility and camaraderie, Hyun's camp was tense, filled with warriors and strategists constantly preparing for the worst.

Inside a large, dimly lit tent, Pervy, one of the camp's co-leaders, was busy caressing one of his female companions. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and the soft murmur of whispered promises. Pervy, a muscular man with a scar across his abdomen and a lecherous grin, pulled his companion closer, his intentions clear.

Just as they were about to engage in copulation, a scout burst into the tent, collapsing on the floor with blood streaming from a wound in his side. The sudden intrusion caused a stir, and Pervy quickly covered himself, cursing under his breath.

"What the hell is this?" Pervy barked, half-naked and visibly annoyed.

The camp's inhabitants gathered around the tent, their faces etched with concern. Kei, the charismatic and strong co-leader of the camp, stepped forward. Clad in simple, practical clothing, he wielded a katana with ease, his eyes narrowed in confusion and worry.

"What's going on here?" Kei demanded, his voice cutting through the murmurs of the crowd.

The injured scout, gasping for breath, struggled to speak. "The camp... we're in danger," he managed to say, his voice weak but urgent. "We were scouting... and encountered a monster... a tall cyclopean abomination. I'm the only survivor."

Gasps and murmurs spread through the crowd like wildfire. Kei's grip on his katana tightened as he processed the scout's words.

"We need to flee," the scout continued, desperation in his eyes. "The monster is coming this way. We have to leave, now!"

Hyun, a wiry and determined man, stepped forward, his face a mask of resolve. "Fleeing would make us look weak," he protested. "We should stay and fight. Show this monster what we're made of!"

Pervy nodded in agreement, a sly grin spreading across his face. "Hyun's right. We can't just run. We need to stand our ground."

All eyes turned to Kei, awaiting his decision. The silence was thick with anticipation.

Kei sighed, his eyes flickering with indecision. "Whatever," he said finally, his voice heavy with resignation. "We'll do what Pervy wants for now. Prepare the defenses. If the monster comes, we'll be ready."

Back at Jack's camp, the day was in full swing. Rez and James were busy with security, patrolling the perimeter and ensuring the camp's safety. Their silent efficiency was a testament to their skill and dedication.

Tom, Melissa, and the rest of the hunting team were deep in training, honing their skills with bows, spears, and knives. Laughter and shouts of encouragement filled the air as they pushed each other to improve.

Sarah and some of the other female members of the camp were preparing food, their hands deftly working with fresh vegetables and meats. The smell of cooking filled the air, a comforting reminder of the small pleasures they could still enjoy.

Remi and the other young kids of the camp were playing nearby, their laughter a bright spot in the otherwise somber atmosphere. They chased each other around, oblivious to the dangers that lurked just beyond the camp's boundaries.

Adrian, the camp leader, and some of the elders were busy strategizing and running the logistics of the camp. Their discussions were serious, their faces etched with lines of worry and determination.

In a quiet corner of the camp, Jack was busy sharpening his weapon, his eyes focused and intense. The rhythmic sound of the whetstone against metal was soothing, a small ritual that helped him clear his mind.

From the forest, a girl dressed only in animal skins and adorned with many tattoos emerged, her presence startling in its suddenness. Jack's eyes snapped up, and he quickly apprehended her, his grip firm but not unkind.

"Who are you?" Jack demanded, his voice low and wary. "What do you want?"

The girl, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and determination, spoke quickly. "I come in peace," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "For days I've been watching your camp, looking for a way to approach. I am part of an indigenous tribe of Death Island... the Zulu tribe. I bear an important message for you and your camp."

Jack's grip loosened slightly, his curiosity piqued. "Go on," he said, his voice softer but still guarded. "What is this message?"

The girl took a deep breath, her eyes locking onto Jack's. "My name is Nia," she began. "My tribe has lived on this island for generations. We know its secrets, its dangers. Recently, we sensed a great disturbance... a monster has awoken in the northern caves. It is coming this way. You and your camp are in grave danger."

Jack's heart sank as he listened to Nia's words. He glanced around the camp, seeing his friends and companions busy with their duties, unaware of the looming threat.

"We need to prepare," Jack said firmly, his mind racing. "Nia, come with me. We need to tell Adrian and the others."

As Jack led Nia through the camp, he felt a renewed sense of urgency. The peace they had enjoyed was fragile, and the challenges they faced were far from over. But with Nia's warning and their combined strength, he knew they had a chance to survive the trials ahead.