

Warning: detected high assimilated mass Warning: diverged entity detected The cube is now on the loose, weapon of mass destruction is free. ...//all hail to your god//...

HGGsuckatwriting · Khác
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Jame: "How the heck did you two here?! I mean, it's like over 200 years, you two shouldn't be alive this long" he has soo many questions right now, he and ICon both are confused.

IC-404n and Lauren then place the paperwork on the table, they both make a smirk. clapping their hand at the same time, 404n and Lauren's chest cover open up, and the mechanical part slowly gets out of the vision. Jame and ICon can now see their core heart glowing and beating, but below them, something makes Jame shocked, "A core..." he said.

Lauren: "You might figure it out now"

IC-404n: "We had modified ourselves to adapt with the core, they really helped us all these years, and yeah it grand us special things like this one called Absolute Solver"

Jame: *sigh* "Soo are you guys completely got changed into Core now huh?"

Lauren: "Not really, the D-blood they called won't assimilate our cells since it had been modified by Max Matthews the owner and founder of this place, he died by the way"

Jame: "What?! then how come I got an invitation from that man?"

IC-404n: "His son..."

IC-0n: "This human generation really close with that Lady named Clare huh?"

Lauren: "Yes dear" She leaned down to her and Jame "C'mon let's show you what this place has"

Jame: "I guess you two were in the four emperor thingy"

IC-404n: "Yes! Welcome to the cool club buddy, you two are the last ones we need to complete it"

IC-0n: "Hmm, I don't want to be called like that, let's name this group the God-eater! hehe"

Jame: "Yeah let's go..."

four of the cubes head to the elevator inside, and it begins to move down to the bottom floor.

Jame: "Tell me, is the "primes" thingy, powerful?"

Lauren: "Most likely, I saw them destroy one of our cities, they can somehow copy our powers and strength"

IC-404n: "I saw one of them like shot out an erasing ray, I got hit on my shoulder, and a chunk of it were like instantly gone, like pop"

Jame: "Well that's a problem, I guess why ya need to stop them from gaining more D-blood and smash the whole world"

IC-0n: "I wonder, why won't they kill all the humans on earth by now?"

Lauren: "We have our own way of protecting them without letting them know too much"

Jame: "Guess I don't have to worry about Minty's safety during these times" he looked at Lauren and 404n, and noticed their clothes "For over 200 years you guys still wearing those clothes?"

IC-404n: "Yeah, I'm kinda stuck with it now, very stylish and cool" he makes a pose like a kid trying to be cool.

ICon makes a little giggle, she covers her mouth to hide the smile, "That's funny"

Jame: "Hmm, I think I can take on those bastards who were trying to do whatever they trying to do with D-blood, Only my memory core can product more 100% original, rather than letting it assimilate other things"

Lauren: "Yeah, it's not very much good or durable as yours buddy"

the conversation stopped when the elevator hit the ground floor, it open the door to let four of them out. "Let's go sightseeing" -Lauren.

they entered the main section of the base with many paths leading to different kinds of hangars and areas. Lauren and 404n took Jame and ICon to the cafeteria to try some core liquid and AM cube (basically cube food), then to the observation tower, the scenarios around the base were covered in pure white snow, somehow giving Jame the chill of seeing many beautiful things. "wow.." -ICon. the group continues their tour to the research lab, where they see the scientist working on many types of weapons, gears, Core, cubes, and parasites.

Jame: "Where did that small little creature come from?"

Lauren: "I don't know, but some of our intel believe it is a bioweapon created by humans for something. and the world currently took advantage of it despite how dangerous it is to the living being lol"

Jame: "super power and loose control right?"

Lauren: "Yep, anyway let's continue"

IC-0n: "Hey those guys are trying to recreate that black liquid"

walking and levitating through the base, everyone inside all pays attention to Jame and ICon, and some of them are smiling. IC-0n: "Why are these peasants laughing at me?"

Jame: "ICon don't, you really need to learn how to behave"

IC-0n makes a smug face, she then talks with a flirty tone, "Hmp, care about me?"

Jame: "Bruh, stop" he pushes ICon's face away.

IC-404: "Hey ya want to go to the entertainment area?"

IC-0n: "yes" / Jame: "sure"

a few movements and screwing on the way later.

the group is here, in front of them was a huge area with many games and computers with many arcade machines around and some indoor sports like ping pong and ice skating. ICon's eyes lit up when she see how many things she can do in this place, without a word she immediately rushed up to an arcade machine.

Jame: "ICon!"

Lauren: "I'll look after her, have fun Jamie and Jame"

IC-404n: "Alright sis. come on dude this place was designed to lower the stress for everyone"

Jame: "Okay... drink first" Jame pointed to the bar inside and go there with 404n.

back to ICon, she was playing a fighting arcade game, then suddenly.

Machine: [challenger detected]

IC-0n: "Huh?"

Lauren: "For an unknown A.I like you, you look like a normal kid"

IC-0n: "Ooh ~ you challenge me?" two of her pigtail hair then form metal claws at the end of them, they hold on to the button on the controller, and press accept.

Lauren made a devious smile, the Player 2 controller flung into her hands, and her wings reconstructed themself into four arms, Lauren then sat next to ICon "game on origin cube"

IC-0n: "Game on!"

machine: [character chosen / entering arena].

(back to Jame and 404n)

Jame ordered a very strong cup of alcohol, and the service girl quickly made it for him. meanwhile, 404n just ordered a cup of milkshake.

IC-404n: "Woah dude, that thing has like 200% alcohol, you sure you can take it?"

Jame: "I can't get drunk or taste anything naturally, the cells just eat them all the moment this big cup of organ failure entered my body"

IC-404n: "That's amazing, and somehow awful at the same time. me and my sister, we can still get drunk if we drink too much blood or artificial blood, and if you ask, yes the factory can be able to create artificial blood with 99.3% like normal blood"

Jame: "Huh, at my time they tried but all give bad blood with high risk, I feel kinda sad if they have success to do that early..." his eyes look at the endless void inside his mind, seems to remember about someone.

IC-404n: "Miss someone?"

Jame: "I rather move on from that..."

IC-404n: "Oh... sorry about that buddy"

Jame: "It's alright, past is the past, let it go" he took a big sip of the alcohol, then place the cup down not affected by the insane amount of combination

IC-404n: "Cheers" sipping using the metal straw.

a small explosion went up where ICon and Lauren are, suddenly a small sphere thingy traveled with high speed past Jame and 404n, it broke all the cups and bottles on the table.

Jame and 404n are all shocked about what that is, "what the heck is that?!" -IC-404n

Jame: "a...ping pong ball?"

they all then looked in the direction where there are many people gathered around watching something.

IC-404n: "Should we?-"

Jame: "Yes... and no, let's wait a little bit"

IC-404n: "Oh kay" *sip*

back to where ICon and Lauren, the two are having a showdown on the table tennis game, the score is 10-10 and the last point will help one in two win the match.

ICon's metal claws hold two of the bat, and on her hands hold one and create a new ball. she smiling dangerously toward Lauren who is also smiling seriously, it seems they both put their power into this game or contest.

Lauren with 4 table tennis bats flying around her, sitting on a monster machine head, legs crossing each other. "Let's finish this little girl"

IC-0n: "You will soon lose to this machine god!" her eyes flashed a little bit, then hit on the ball, starting the final round.

the ball breaks the sound barrier, creates a shocking way at the start, and bounces on the table, Lauren returned the attack, her two of her bat hit on the ball, reversing the spin of it then parried back to ICon. "try harder darling!" -Lauren

ICon with a swift from her claws, both make the ball flung upward, ICon then jumps up, uses the bat, and slaps hard making a loud sound like something got blown up, and they went back to the table. Lauren also charges it back, four of her bats rapidly striking the ball, while ICon does the barrage of slash attack using her bats. the ball went from side to side after images keep passing by through the eyes of everyone who is watching them.

Male#1: "Damn..."

Male#2: "I place my bet on IC-0n"

Female#1: "Lauren"

the two keep striking hit to hit, the table rapidly getting eaten slowly by the contact by those 2, but when the time come, it has broken in have when Lauren slap the ball hard at it and bounced it to ICon, "Hahaha!"

IC-0n: "Not over yet weakling!" she uses power 0.02 seconds to completely fixed the table with her matter assimilation, then strike the ball back in the process.

Lauren: "Nice one!"

the battle of game continued.

Jame after finishing 20 cups of strong alcohol, he decided its time to stop them. he places the cup down and heads to the place where ICon at. 404n also follows him, he doesn't want anything to happen to everyone around him and his sister.

Jame: "What are they doing now?"

IC-404n: "Fighting, or trying to prove who's better"

Jame: "Man I should consider why did I accept to take care of ICon. c'mon, let's tell them to stop.

the intense sounds of collision between ICon's bat and Lauren's bat, the heat of the fire inside them is burning, determine to get that victory. but suddenly, when ICon slaps on the ball, it goes the wrong direction, "OH SH*T" IC-0n.

the ball then went fast to the audient who was watching.

Girl#2: "Ahhhhhh!"

Lauren: "Oh crap" [locking...]

thinking the ball will hit on her face, a hand caught the ball mid-air and smoking hot in his hand. Jame give the ball to 404n, he looked at the girl and asked "You alright?"

the girl's face went red, her glasses tilted a bit "Y-yes...thank you"

Jame: "Good" He then turns to ICon and Lauren "ICon!"

IC-404n: "Sorry," he said to the girl then follow Jame.

ICon quickly throw the bat away, and Lauren dropped all her bats on the ground.

IC-0n: "Jame... eeehhh"

Jame: "Next time, don't try to kill someone with that game of yours. got it?" he said with a dominant tone.

ICon is scared now, she still smiling and sweating a little. Jame then looked at Lauren and give her an eyebrow lift up.

Lauren: "Alright alright I get it"

Jame: "Good, now, shall we continue the tour?"

IC-404n: "Let's go"

the group of four, heads out to the entertainment area, they now move to the hangar where they stock vehicles and war weapons. getting on an automatic transport, they quickly get to the hangar-8.

the giant blast door opens up, and a huge breeze of cold mountain wind hit on their face.

IC-404: "Welcome to the hangar, AKA where I play with giant mechs and robots"

Jame: "What?"

IC-0n: "Mech?!" her eyes lit up from excitement

in front of them was the heaven of war machines, much giant steel titan on the side with many big guns and weapons for them. the squad then gets on a lift, it slides on the floor, moving forward.

Lauren: "This is where we prepared for, machines and machines, let them fight each other y'know"

IC-0n: "Can I ride one?! Please!"

Jame: "ICon please control yourself"

IC-0n: "No, I want one now!" she sounds like a spoiled kid right now who wants something badly.

IC-404n: "We could, we specially designed two of the mech for you and Jame"

IC-0n: "Really? where!"

404n press on the hologram control panel, making the lift speed up, and lifting them to the second-floor hangar.

they stopped in front of four holders where there were 4 mecha being stocked, one purple, one red, one yellow, and one white, they all have their owner's name on them.

right now, ICon cannot hold her excitement, so she jumps down off the lift despite Jame trying to stop her, she runs onto the path near the purple one, jumps from the balustrade to its chest, and climbs to its head.

Jame did a face slap, and tell the two to bring him to his mech.

IC-0n: "Hehehehe, this thing is perfect" She run around on the armored core, checking every part of it. "how do I get into it?"

Jame: "This thing is well designed, I kinda like how it can link with the pilot to use easier"

IC-404n: "We want to let you two ride a few rounds, but I don't think the council will allow it"

Jame: "Understandable. ICon! let's check on other places"

IC-0n: "What? Aw c'mon, I want to control this" She is writing something on the AC, using a pen.

Jame: "C'mon we can't screw everything they made for us. so let's go" [Absolute Solver: locked]

IC0n gets lifted up by Jame's AS, the symbol locked onto her waist to bring her away from the core, she yelled like a little girl.

after some time in the hangar, they continue the tour on this base, checking what they do, watching a movie, learning about the abomination that drones can do when they died, killing that abomination, showing off powers in the practice area, Jame and Lauren have a small fight, and the result is Jame completely overpowered her without using his power much.

Lauren: "Well play. how are you that strong? I must ask"

Jame: "Non-human strength I guess"

for some time, they finished the checkout, meeting people, and messing around like kids. When dawn comes, they all get on the top of the snowy mountain to watch the sunset and gaze at stars under the clear sky, counting light, Jame can feel the warming he uses to have when his old friends used to be here. even when the temperature is lower than his body temperature.

Jame: "This is nice actually"

Lauren: "I never go out checking stars before"

IC-0n: "I like to watch those lights in the sky, it gives me chill"

IC-404n: "It's nice"

Lauren: "Well, guys, I think we should head back, we should set up for you two a living place right?"

IC-404n: "We do have many spots to be own"

Jame: "Hmm, okay"

the four got up from the snow pillow, they falls down the mountain. Lauren and 404n, glide through the wind with their detached wings. Jame spread out his machinery wings and grab on ICon to fly with them. "Weeeeee!"-IC-0n

flew back into the ship lading plate, they make their way back to the indoor city, Lauren and 404n take them to a nice place to stay, a large house with huge advanced systems. "let me sign you in first" -Lauren.

Jame: "I think I should pay you guys something back for this not gonna lie"

IC-404n: "It's okay, you two were VIPs after all, enjoy this like two presidents"

IC-0n: "Hey, they said we can, what are you worrying about, don't be a shy guy Jame" she said with a mocking tone toward Jame.

Jame: "Urgh fine, but I won't share my games with you"

Lauren: "Alright! All set up, enjoy your stay guys, me and my little brother gonna go around. tatah!"

IC-404n: "Peace!"

then they both fly away, leaving behind a small box with many credits inside.

Jame: "Woah" Jame picked up the box using his floating claws, "Alright let's check the inside" [connecting...]

back to Minty and Vinny, they are having a movie night together with Mari the All Mighty, and the phone rang up, Minty was the one who answers after Mari makes the phone closer to her.

Minty: "Hello?"

Jame: "Minty? how are you doing kid?"

Minty: "Jame! nice to hear your voice. I'm doing well with the two other"

Jame: "Nice"

Minty: "Where are you by the way?"

Jame: "I want to tell ya but it's classified"

Minty: "Understandable, Mari tell you will be there for a long time, is that true?"

Jame: "Yeah, they see me as a special thing that needs to protect, I doubt that, heh"

Minty: "Yeah, oh, by the way, I learned how to operate a gun today"

Jame: "What? who taught you?"

Minty: "You know who"

Jame: *sigh* "Mari...."

Minty: "That's right."

Jame: "Well I'm just calling to check on you, glad you're still happy kid"

Minty: "Aw, thanks. remember to call me every night, I like to hear your sexy voice hehe"

Jame: "Hahah. anyway goodbye kid"

Minty & Vinny: "Bye!"

Jame ended the call, and turn to IC-0n with a deadpan face, looking at her being a gremlin. "Rawh, I'll assimilate you" -IC-0n who's playing video games on the TV.

Jame then finished putting stuff back together in the house, he use Absolute Solver to clean off the dust and create a Roomba to clean the house. after that, he gets to IC-0n who's sitting on the couch with her legs crossed together.

Jame: "I'll go take a bath, don't break anything"

IC-0n: "Sure..." She looked at him with those squinting eyes.

Jame not caring much and head straight to the bathroom to get himself a good bath.

waiting for a little bit, IC-0n planned up a prank, learning from the internet. she slowly creeps up to the floor and to the bathroom where Jame at. she wears the brand-new made zombie's face, "this should work since the internet is always right" -IC-0n giggles. after that, she open the door immediately, but couldn't see Jame, "in the bath" she said quietly. then jump into the bath.

IC-0n: "RAHH- AHHHHH!!" [system overloading] She covered her face, squeaking like a child. "Why aren't you wearing anything?!"

Jame was in the bath, looking at her confused and angry: "What do you mean? we can't wear clothes when taking a bath. also, why are you in here!"

IC-0n: "I- I- I was...nothing" She immediately got out and closed the door. get out in the changing room, she place her hand on her chest, breathing heavily. "what... was that?" [unknown feeling detected] "What's wrong with me?... ahh! no no no" *blushing hard*

back to Jame, "What the heck was that?..meh" takes a sponge and uses his power to clean his body, duplicating it and scratching his arms and back. "hmm" he look at his body, slowly revealed back the old wounds around his body, the damages he used to take when fighting his oldest enemy. thinking for a bit, he command his body to take the wounds away and try the power he didn't use before. [R.U.L.E.R: engaging]

but when he was about to use it, ICon entered the bathroom again.

Jame: "Hey! What are you doing now?!"

IC-0n: "Shut up! I want to try this bath thingy. Move aside!" taking her clothes away, she immediately hops into the bath where Jame was relaxing, water pouring out from the bathtub.

Jame: "Urgh... what's wrong with you today?"

IC-0n: "Just want to try a new thing. Don't think you are my administrator that you can command me everything" Looking at Jame's face with a cute angry face, she turns away with a blush clearly on her face.

Jame can't even do anything at this point, he can only let it slide. ICon's back lying against his chest, making him also blush in silence. the quiet continue, the only sound it's going on right now is the sound of water dropping on the floor from the bath.

IC-0n: "soo... do humans always do this in here?"

Jame: "Learned something? yes, they like to enjoy the warm water, for me, I can't feel anything besides using it to clean the germs on me"

IC-0n: "I see... do couples do this always?"[browsing]

Jame: "Okay, I'm not doing this" he gets out of the bath, leaving ICon to fall in the water, and then gets out of the bathroom.

IC-0n: "Hey! you are soo mean!"

Jame: "Say that for yourself"

after some time, Jame and IC-0n then get to the living room to watch movies til late at night. ICon was in her A.I form, head on Jame's lap, she let out a big yawn showing how sleepy she is. Jame turns off the TV and brings her to her room, he tucks her in the bed like a father, and he can see her face screen saying "sleep mode".

after that, he when back to his room, ICon grab his waist jacket, Jame looked back at her to see her face saying "Don't leave, stay with me, I don't like being alone vulnerable"

Jame: "god... fine, I have to care with your god-complex head" he sat next to her, letting her arm grab his jacket. [sleep mode: on] [goodnight: God-Mind]