
Death's Substitute

Destroy what stands to my part of greatness. I'm just a lazy boy who wants to leave a lazy life, disturb my peace, I year you to pieces. I am the one "The Devil" fears. I am Death's substitute. Join me on the journey of my lazy life and see how I year down my enemies

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43 Chs

Monster birthing "Monsters"

As the teacher gives the go-ahead for the students to commence the duel, the students eagerly make their way to the fighting arena with their respective opponents.

The first match features a showdown between two girls. They employ the virtual sandbox to create a fantastical battleground. Initially, their battle seems uneventful, as both combatants appear evenly matched. However, they soon focus on exploiting each other's weaknesses, resulting in a prolonged and hair-pulling duel, ultimately concluding in a draw.

In the following match, a boy faces off against a girl. The boy's strategy solely revolves around attempting to peek on the girl's panties, an endeavor that proves unsuccessful, leading to his defeat.

The most anticipated fight of the day is between Priscilla and Hart Farmer.

"Uh... Who is Priscilla fighting against?" Gideon inquires, turning to his closest seatmate, a boy with light orange hair and orange eyes.

"She's pitted against Hart Drafus," the boy responds.

"Drafus, you mean the Farmer guy?" Gideon questions, his expression void of understanding.

"Well, yeah, that's him. It's going to be an intense battle, perhaps even more so than Henry and Emma's bout," the boy explains.

"Why is that?" Gideon seeks clarification.

"Huh? You really don't know? How uninformed can you be?" the boy asks in astonishment.

"I confess to being quite ignorant. Would you mind enlightening me?" Gideon requests.

"Hunter comes from a prominent family known as the next generation of Guardians. They possess a unique technique called 'Sow,' allowing them to target an opponent's pressure points, rendering them immobile. They are rather formidable," the boy elaborates.

"Oh, so, are they involved in farming, given the name 'Farmer' and the 'Sow' technique?" Gideon inquires.

"No, you're way off the mark. That's just the moniker they go by. No one knows why, much like the enigma of the mute founder," the boy dramatically explains, gesticulating with his hands.

"Has anyone ever considered the possibility that they share a common hobby, such as farming?" Gideon suggests.

"Who would even contemplate that? That's absurd," the boy responds.

"Fair enough," Gideon concedes with a shrug. "What makes Priscilla remarkable?"

"She's the real deal. Her father is the number one Guardian and is poised to ascend to a high rank. Their family boasts numerous complex skills and techniques, with a rule to finish off opponents as swiftly as possible, even if it entails using their trump card right from the start. What's peculiar is that, unlike other families that took generations to gain recognition, this nuclear family only recently delved into martial arts, yet they've swiftly risen to the top," the boy details.

"Sounds fascinating. Thank you for the information," Gideon replies with a stoic expression.

"Yeah... with that expression, I doubt you mean it. By the way, I'm Charles Linton," the boy introduces himself.

"Okay, thank you, Charles," Gideon acknowledges before returning his attention to the impending match.

Gideon silently contemplates the upcoming battle. His thoughts are fixated on the idea of quick finishes and Priscilla's chances of achieving it. He ponders Hunter's abilities and the prospect of ascending to a high rank, wondering if the offspring of such a formidable figure could be equally formidable.

Emma and Hart proceed to the arena as a multitude of students observe with bated breath, particularly the top ten students, Emma, and Gideon. Many place their bets on Hart's victory, considering him a formidable adversary for Priscilla due to his mastery of pressure points. However, the reason he isn't the number one student is his lacking attitude, physical prowess, and overreliance on his family's skills. Some look upon them with admiration.

"I won't lose," Hart declares resolutely, fully aware of his opponent. He formulates a plan to employ a speed-boosting technique he has mastered. If he misses and Priscilla gains control, he knows it's all over. He also intends to employ psychological tactics to undermine her confidence, a crucial step towards securing victory.

The tension escalates as the tube opens, and they step out. Hart tosses a coin, which lands in his favor. He smirks and selects a desert landscape as the battleground.

"I'm well aware of your family's 'quick finish' move, but I intend to be the one finishing this quickly. I'll be relentless, so stay still to minimize harm," Hart confidently declares.

Priscilla remains silent.

"Once more, you underestimate me. If you believe you're a 'quick finisher,' I can incapacitate you with a few well-placed moves and secure victory. Do you comprehend now?" Hart continues.

Priscilla opens her mouth to respond but remains wordless.

"Very well, conserve your energy. You'll need it, as you'll be in agony later in my grasp," Hart taunts.

Priscilla checks her watch and then gazes blankly at Hart.

"Ready or not, here I come," Hart declares as he swiftly dashes toward Priscilla, moving even faster than Emma.

"Wow!" The spectators are captivated by Hart's incredible display of speed, their eyes widening in amazement.

"He's lost," Emma mutters with a smirk, anticipating the outcome.

Next chapter will be dedicated to my loyal supporter, Mohammed_Sabry o((*^▽^*))o( ◜‿◝ )♡

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