
The Darkest Night

I felt worn out. the battle had taken a lot of energy. i had holed myself in my room, laying on my bed. i stared at the canopy hanging above me. So many thoughts rippled through my head. I began drifting to sleep. i could feel Maxius and Anna slip into bed with me. their hands resting on my chest. Suddenly i was out. it felt like i was tumbling around in the darkness. Then faces, faces of those i had killed. agony ecthed into their skin. silent screams echoed in my head. hundreds of voices asking why. I could feel the swirling intensifying. the smells of the battlefield drifted into my nose. At one point I stood in a field, fire all around me. I saw the bodies of my friends strewn about, an epic battle had been waged. In front of me stood a female, her sadistic grin flashing teeth. Her golden hair stained with blood, her hands held a sword. her mouth moved in a way I couldn't tell, her eyes set upon me. Suddenly I was awake yelling. Both Anna and Maxius startled awake.

"You ok?" Anna Asked touching my arm.

"Just a nightmare." I muttered standing up.

I walked to the balcony and stood outside. the fresh air was a bit bitter with cold. the wind gentle yet steady. The moon was a weird purple color, things were also extremely quiet. I looked around, the grounds were colored purple from the moon. things were weird, I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Hey Maxius why is the moon purple?" I called out.

"Did you say purple!" maxius exclaimed almost falling out of bed.

she ran over to me and looked up.

"Shit." she said running out of my room.

I looked at anna and shrugged. I walked out looking for Maxius. I felt as if I was being watched, like hands waited for me to let my guard down. As I stumbled down the stairs I heard Maxius and another female talking.

"Why are you here!" maxius harshly whispered.

"I am here for him obviously. he isn't from this world, that mean's he's like I am right?" the female voice blatantly said.

"He's nothing, and i mean nothing like you Patricia. he is'nt evil. he doesn't want to take over the world. you do. he wants to protect those around him, and only fights when someone wrongs him." her whispers turned angry.

"You know, about a hundred years ago i was the same, watching those you love die turns you bitter. why not control everything? why shouldnt i be in charge? with him by my side we could do it with hardly any effort. You realize he is beyond you? i know you slept with him. i can smell him all over you my student." the other female sounded bored.

"So what if i did?" Maxius shot back.

"I'm shocked with you, the eater of men, the destroyer of hearts, woohed by such a man. he was the only to feel your embrace? I hope he was worth breaking your vow." the female voice mocked Maxius.

"Beyond worth it. i would lay my life down for him. i would give my last heart beat to him." Maxius said quietly.

"Ladies i think the sneaking around is through." i said walking in.

Next to Maxius stood a tall, slender, curvy woman. she wore a black gothic dress, her purple hair in a short bob. in her hands a laced fan. her silver eyes glared at me. she folded her fan and pointed it at me.

"Your from Earth right? im from japan!" her voice excited.

"I am, im from the united states." i replied.

"The what now? thats not a country from my world." she scratched her head in confusion.

"no matter, Maxius why are you upset?" i asked looking at maxius's troubled face.

she turned red and turned towards the female.

"This is my mentor Patricia." Maxius said with a small bow.

"Patricia why are you in my home at this hour?" i asked looking at her.

"to take you with me. we can have everything we wanted, you could rule this world." she said looking excited.

"i have a feeling your rule and my rule are two entire meanings. i'm not trying to subjugate anyone. i'm liberating. this world treats those who are different like garbage. i wish to see that end, to do so i must do things a certain way." i replied non-chalantly.

"Are you telling me no?" she seemed to grow upset.

"I'm telling you to get bent lady. i can feel the impure motives emmitting from you. you basicly reek of evil." i said with a chuckle.

suddenly she shrieked at me. like a banshee she went into a fit of rage. she began throwing things around, anything she could get her hands on.

"How dare you say no to me, how dare you! i was willing to give you everything and you stand here insulting me. how dare you!." she screeched. her arms flayling at me. her nails gauging out skin with each strike.

"Get ahold of yourself woman. theres no need to tantrum. did you honestly think i'ld kill just to kill?? i'm not like that." i said grabbing her arms

her angry eyes glared a hole into me. hatred seethed from her every breath. she gritted her teeth trying to catch her breath.

"You will submit eventually, we are both immortal after all." she said with a sickening grin.

a grin that suddenly flashed in my mind. i felt like things just got dangerous for those around me. i shuddered.

"Let me warn you, theres worse things then death, do not tempt me patricia. do not push me to that point is that understood." i growled.

She let out a tremendous laugh and vanished. i turned to Maxius who had fallen to her knees sobbing.

its been a rough week, writing has slowed. I will try my best to put out at least something as much as I can

Hollowsevecreators' thoughts