
The Betrayal

The action caught everyone by surprise in the room.

"Betraying me was literally the worse thing you could ever do. now you are going to tell me exactly why you did this, or i will allow this nice lady here have some fun flaying the muscles on yiour arm. then your face." i said glaring at the recently chained cheif.

"You little bitch, i thought your team was the best money had to offer? why is there only you, he's only one man." the chief growled at the girl behind me.

"Well you see, if it had been literally anyone else in this world they would of had me. Hands down without a doubt. However I'm guessing your lack of knowledge of whom you tried to have killed was your downfall. You can't kill me you dumbass. I am literally the " I said placing my hand on the chiefs shoulder.

his face turned white.

"Wha…" as he mumbled I slammed my head against his.

a soft crunch told me I broke his nose.

"the hell." the chief muttered.

I turned to the other chief, who had been standing in shock up till now. he was sending death glares towards the man that once was his equal. I could feel the hatred pouring out from him. the man walked towards me and fell to his knees.

"m'lord I had no idea this buffoon was up to I apologize." he said bowing his face to the ground.

I smiled at him.

"it's not like you can control his actions. what's your name?" I asked

"My name is Kaiser m'lord." he replied.

"your no longer a chief, instead you shall become my personal body guard." I said turning from him.

"you however I told you to start talking why have you been silent." I growled towards the now cowering man.

"you weren't talking to me." he stumbled.

"She is more then capable to take your statement worm." I yelled.

the loudness of my voice caused the maids to burst in.

"M'lord are you ok." Anna asked with a bow.

"I'm peachy my dear. I apologize for raising my voice. an attempt on ones life tends to leave one aggravated. did you bury the men?" I asked.

"Yes sir." Lucia popped up from behind Anna.

"thank you my dears, please get dinner ready for my guests. kindly have pepper dig one more hole. we shall be there momentarily." i said with a wave off my hand.

"Your going to kill me? that will be war on you! do you not know whose son i am?" the man stammered.

"good tell me so i can send him your head." i replied smiling evily.

the mans face went to pasty pale. his eyes fell to the ground.

"His father is arch Duke Daxiom. his brother was Vivian. which is why he hired me to kill you M'lord. please forgive me." the girl piped up.

i looked at her.

"i want you to understand something my dear, i am upset however not at you. you were hired to do a job. i cant blame you for putting food on your tables. i apologize for killing your comrades, and i know those words may seem empty, but they are true." i said bowing to her.

her face turned red and she looked down at the floor.

"M'lord please allow me to serve you as your shadow." she asked quietly.

"if thats what you want very well." i said smiling.

i turned back to the whimpering man.

"you cost this woman such pain, your death shall be at her hands at a public execution in a week. your people shall witness your fall. in fact i will send word to your father, with a warning. he will be next if he intervenes in my business again." i said waving my hand.

that chains tightened on the man and hooked into my hand. i walked out of the study dragging the disgraced man.

"are you going to drag him everywhere?" the girl asked.

"No, i shall leave him swinging from a branch outside. my magic is strong enough he has no hope of escaping, not even with aide." i said.

i walked outside, attatching my chain to a high branch. then i began warding the area, placing traps and sensory magic.

"this is such a pain." i muttered to myself.

"What is m'lord." the girls voice whispered in my ear.

"Shit fuck!!! damn i knew you were going to be my shadow but shit it takes some getting used to." i said nearly jumping out of my skin.

the girl giggled. she looked up at her former employer.

"thank you for allowing me to avenge those who fell. we should of never taken that job. oh by the way my name is Naomi" she said bowing.

i placed my hand on her head.

"Don't let me down, im counting on you and the others my dear." i smiled.

her face hinted at happiness but all she did was nod.

"Anna. i need you my dear." i called out.

a slight breeze and suddenly Anna was beside me.

"Yes m'lord?" she asked.

"prepare for war. get armor for everyone. we are going to begin my plans faster then i wanted." i said looking at her.

her face brightened with a sick grin.

"of course my darling." her voice changed.

i knew she liked fighting but holy cow. she could be scary. i laughed slightly walking back into the manor. in the dinning room i could hear Darrious talking to my new bodyguard.

"Darrious my friend i apologize for keeping you waiting." i said with a beeming smile.

"My boy no trouble at all. i heard about the issues from Kaiser. who knew Daxious would show his hand this early." Darrious said getting up and hugging me.

"About Daxious. we are going to war with him, however he will be the one to declare it." i looked at Darrious's face.

"oh boy. Well my friend what do you need?" he asked.

"your best construction teams and a team of mages to support Maxius. i will be taking the grunt of the forces." i replied.

"consider it done" Darrious.

"great now lets enjoy this feast that the beautiful Roxy has prepared for us!" i exclaimed.

Roxy rushed out with a few of the maids placing down platters of steaming food.

"Ere me'lord. thank ya for ya compliment." Roxy blushed.

i smiled. i had a family here. something i had longed for so much on earth.

"a toast. to family, each one of you here are now apart of my family. closer then any blood could be to me. i would lay everything down for each one of you." i said raising a glass.

"To Family!" Everyone clanged glasses.