
Death's return (A LitRPG story)

Suddenly, while riding the bus home, Noah Jade was enveloped by a mysterious mist. When the mist cleared, he found himself in a completely unfamiliar and hostile place. Although everything seemed intent on killing him at first, Noah discovered that even in death, he could prevail over the others. ----- My discord server for conversations and pictures of the protagonists of my works, as well as possible spoilers of my future stories. https://discord.gg/g7YrnpbTYq

Rowen_Kun · Kỳ huyễn
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113 Chs

Chapter 11 - Ecopulsation

As we left the forest, we were "welcomed" by the other bus passengers, though "ignored" would be a more accurate description. Everyone was clearly distant from me and Ellen. I don't know why, but something tells me that Leo jerk is involved in this.

Anyway, honestly, I didn't care. In fact, it was perfect. If they didn't want to get close to me, I wouldn't need to save them if things went wrong. And, in the end, I never intended to do so from the beginning anyway.

By the way, tomorrow Ellen and I would probably go out to get some food. Honestly, I don't think I could eat something like a Goblin, Hobgoblin, or the Ogre. But probably something like the giant sloth I could manage.

That's why I intend to acquire some tracking ability before the end of the day today. I don't want to be wandering around in that forest. Just thinking about what else might be hiding in there gives me chills.

As we got on the bus, Ellen and I headed straight to the back where Noelle was sitting. While Ellen approached to talk to her sister, I settled in and resumed my training with the Ether. My first approach had been a complete failure, so I decided to try a different approach this time.

With that, I focused the Ether around my body and then sent it ahead of the bus like a wave. Suddenly, the outlines of the passengers began to become visible to my eyes, even though some were out of my direct line of sight.

Just as I expected, the bat's location method seems to have worked, and to confirm this, a new translucent screen appeared before me.

You acquired a new ability through an action [Ecopulsation]

A natural smile lit up my face at that Ether response. This only reinforced the idea that Ether could be much more useful than we had previously imagined, sparking my curiosity again.

I didn't have time to investigate this earlier as we were fighting, but now, my mind turned back to Ellen's electricity power. How exactly did that power work in her body? It was a question I was eager to explore.

But for now, I decided to focus solely on my new ability. I wanted to explore how far it could take me, or more precisely, what I would be able to locate with it. With that goal in mind, I activated [Ecopulsation] Instantly, it felt as if a radar was being emitted from my body, extending towards the forest.

While I could direct the pulse in all directions, I chose to focus it specifically on the forest, aiming to reach greater distances. To better understand how this power works, whenever it comes into contact with an object, it emits a pulsating feedback to me. Although I can't discern precisely what I'm feeling, I can get a sense based on size and nature, distinguishing whether it's human or not.

As my [Ecopulsation] ability continued to explore, I suddenly came across something relatively close to our location. It seemed to be a stream, and at that moment, I was sure it was something akin to a creek.

I was genuinely pleased with this discovery as I knew we would need water later on. To be honest, our water supplies were limited from the start. We only had a few bottles, which we decided to reserve for those who had gone longer without drinking, especially those who ventured into the forest with us.

It's really intriguing. Everyone is aware of the system and the presence of monsters out there. Also, with the kids comparing everything to a game all the time, it's surprising that no one but us has tried to enter the forest so far. However, personally, I don't care about that. If they prefer to stay here, let them do so.

"Ellen, I found an interesting place nearby, in the middle of the forest. I'm thinking of taking a look" I said, turning to Ellen.

"Okay. I'll talk to Noelle, and then we'll leave" Ellen replied.

"No, I'll go alone. Stay here with your sister. Besides, I don't want to take her there without being sure... it would be a waste of time"

Upon hearing my words, Ellen turned towards me and simply nodded. It was what I expected. Ellen didn't seem too concerned about my actions. Ultimately, we're just using each other to achieve our goals: mine to get back home and hers to protect her little sister.

"By the way, I think we should take your sister with us next time we go out. Honestly, she needs to level up, and I don't think this place is safe enough for someone her age... at least consider it"

Ellen remained silent in the face of my words, and honestly, I wasn't looking for an immediate response from her. It was a matter she would have to ponder for herself. After all, I couldn't protect Noelle forever. Eventually, she might find herself in a situation where she needs to take care of herself. Ignoring that possibility would be sheer folly. Although it was easy to talk about, in practice, I didn't know if I could put my sister in danger.

Leaving that matter aside, I got off the bus and came across Leo. He gave me a brief glance before returning to his orders for the other people, who had been busy collecting wood for some time. I imagine they were planning to make a fire or reinforce the bus's protections, but honestly, I wasn't sure what they were up to.

As soon as I stepped into the woods, I kept my skill [Ecopulsation] activated constantly. I can't deny that knowing what surrounds me brings me a sense of calm. Moreover, using it as a guide, I located the monsters much more easily.

[Goblin] - (Lv: - 4)

[Goblin] - (Lv: - 4)

[Goblin] - (Lv: - 3)

[Hobgoblin] - (Lv: - 7)

Once I activated my skill [Identify] on the monsters ahead of me, four translucent screens appeared. However, my focus was on leveling up as quickly as possible, and that would probably be more effective if I hunted them alone.

(Haah... At times like these, I feel a hint of envy for those who acquired attack skills. Killing these creatures with just a dagger is really difficult, especially when it's already almost broken)

It's not like I haven't pondered this before. How exactly do skills work? What determines whether we gain a skill or not? Are they assigned specifically or distributed randomly like in a roulette? Honestly, I had no answer to any of these questions.

However, that's why I considered that if I could observe how Ether behaves at the moment of activating these skills, maybe I could replicate them and use them on myself.

Putting these thoughts aside, I return to the goal in front of me. The creatures are gathered around an improvised fire. It's surprising that I didn't notice the fire from a distance.

As I move through the bushes, I cautiously approach the nearest Goblin. I'm alone this time, so I opt for a slightly different approach.

Strengthening my body with Ether, I grab the Goblin near the bush and drag it behind the vegetation. Holding its mouth firmly to muffle any sound, I deliver a precise blow to its neck. The Goblin struggles and fights, but soon its movements cease altogether.

You defeated [Goblin - Lv - 4] Experience gained.

Without wasting time, I make a noise in the bush. The Goblin, curious, turns in my direction and advances. I wasn't sure if this would work, but these creatures seem to be quite curious. In an instant, my dagger pierces the neck of the other Goblin as I firmly hold its mouth.

You defeated [Goblin - Lv - 3] Experience gained.

With that, there were only two left. However, both the Goblin and the Hobgoblin began to become alert, sensing something unusual around. As the Goblin approaches me, I repeat the same procedure used earlier with the previous Goblin.

You defeated [Goblin - Lv - 4] Experience gained.

With that, only the Hobgoblin remained. As I climb a tree, I gain a privileged view of the terrain below. The Hobgoblin continues to look around, trying to locate me. As he passes near my tree, I jump directly onto him, pumping as much Ether as possible into my heart.

I feel intense pulses running through my body, strengthening my arms to the limit. Without averting my gaze, I plunge my dagger into the head of the Hobgoblin, who has no time to react, falling lifeless to the ground.

You defeated [Hobgoblin - Lv - 7] Experience gained.

You leveled up [5] -> [6] and gained 5 stat points and 1 skill point.