

Born with an unusual birthmark, the shape of a skeleton’s head with rose patterns round about it on her neck, many believed she would only bring bad luck to those around her. This belief was solidified when two of her suitors died unexpectedly right after a visit to her home. Such a thing should come as a bother to any woman but the same could not be said about Nyx. She didn't care if the beliefs about her were true or false. She never liked any of her suitors. Her heart had always been longing for a certain man whom she was very familiar with in her childhood but ceased to appear before her the moment she entered adolescence. Since she knew him one thing was very certain about him, he was not human since he never aged. Not even once. Believing he would one day come again, Nyx was prepared to wait until the day they would meet again. But not everything goes as planned. Having a sickly mother whose only wish was to see her daughter get married and an influential suitor who didn't mind the deaths around her, Nyx soon found herself married off and her mother passed away leaving a father who dreaded her existence and a husband she never loved. **** From a distance he watched her grow, keeping his distance from her, staying within the shadows. As she aged slowly into adulthood, the mark on her neck became more prominent and so was her scent. He wanted her to grow, but when she finally came of age, he thought she would be better without him. But as time wore on and other men began to show interest in her, he could not hold back nor could he let them have her. He discarded those who had an interest in her but one of them slipped through his fingers while he was away and took her. He waited to see if she was happy with her life, with that man, if she was, then he would let her be. She would be able to live a happy life this time unlike the previous one, but everything changed when the forces from the underworld learned of her existence and her connection with him. Her husband was killed which he permitted and her life was in constant danger. Keeping the distance was no longer an option and he once again appeared before her.

Blessing_O · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs

Take me and let him go

"Father," Nyx called as she made her way to his room. Reaching there, she found the door partly open and pushed it further, widening the gap so she could see inside. The inside was empty, and papers could be seen littered all over the floor, and the bedsheets were also scattered.

The irritating and sickening feeling that she felt grew in waves, and she suddenly felt nauseous. Her stomach churned along with her fear of what could have possibly happened to the I habitants of the house.

"Father…" Nyx yelled and ran out of the room. Going down the stairs, she came to stop in front of the study door. With uncertainties in her heart, she held the doorknob and turned it. Slowly, she pushed the door open and looked inside, and her heart almost stopped beating at what she saw.

"It appears she still cares for you, Mr. Anders," Someone whom she had never met before said.

She looked at his holding the pistol to her father's head and then looked at her father, who was currently bleeding from some small cuts on his body. His face was bruised and swollen, and he was forced to kneel. From the position he was in, it was obviously abnormally painful to kneel that way, but the man holding the pistol didn't seem to care about him at all.

The housekeeper and a two.ma8d who were probably on duty this morning could be seen unconscious next to the wall at some corner of the study. Their chests were still moving, so she knew they were still alive.

"Father what is…?" She tried to ask but was interrupted.

"Stay back, Nyx," Mr. Anders managed to say, but it was too late as another man who was hidden by the half opened door suddenly appeared in front of her and grabbed her hand, pulling her inside, and then he closed it.

"Welcome to the party. You are the special guest we have been waiting for, Miss Anders," the man who grabbed her said as he threw her to the floor. "Or would you prefer Mrs Morgan instead?"

Nyx winced from the painful impact. Her right wrist hurt because she prevented a fatla landing, and her hands made an awkward impact with the ground. Nonetheless, she drew closer to Mr. Anders to check up on him.

"You shouldn't have come here today. I made sure to call to inform Skye not to let you come here," he said she paused to look at him. "I assume that must have been after you had left," he said and shut his eyes.

"Stop talking and acting tough, I know you are hurt. It won't kill you to act like it," Nyx scolded. She could somehow relate to the kind of pain he was going through even though she had never experienced anything like it before. It was more than just being human and can sympathize with others. It was more like someone who has had a similar experience.

"So you are ignoring us," the first man with the pistol said with a sadistic smirk. He moved the pistol from Mr. Anders pointed it at Nyx instead. "It does not matter whether we are ignored or not. Today, you shall.meet your demise," he said fired but intentionally missed shooting the little space between her feet on the floor.

Nyx felt her heart leap to her throat the moment she saw the bullet approaching her. Images flashed across her memories, but they were too scattered to piece together. People say they see their life flash before their eyes on near death situations, but she didn't think that was what happened to her. Rather, it felt more like deja vu.

"A strong mind, I see. What else could I expect from an evil woman like you?" The one who fired asked, and they both clicked their tongues in distaste.

"She didn't even flinch," the other added as he stepped forward. He raised his leg to kick Nyx in the stomach hut sur blocked it with her hands, but the impact was enough to send flying backwards, and her already hurting wrist got worse. "So you can feel pain," he said with a nod as if he had discovered something new and fascinating.

"Easy there, Roy, you don't want her to die too quickly, do you?" The other man asked, and the man called Roy shrugged his shoulders.

"My bad," he said nonchalantly. He then steps away from her with disgust on his face. "She deserves a little more pain, and I was just doing the honours. Don't tell me you have gotten soft after seeing how she looks, Bobby," he joked, and Bobby chuckled.

"I am not as foolish as my older brother to fall for her," Bobby said with a click of his tongue.

"I agree. They were foolish to not have known the more beautiful a flower is, the deadlier it is," Roy agreed.

Their conversations left Nyx wondering what they were talking about. Even Mr. Anders looked at them a bit lost but soon pieced the spoken and unspoken words together and arrived at a realization.

"You are their families," Mr. Anders said, which successfully drew their attention to himself. "You should know that their deaths were not caused by anyone. Fate made it so," he and Bobby spat at his words.

"Fate only knew to make it so after meeting her? After he decided he would marry her? Fate my *ss," he said in irritation. He raise the pistol and pointed at him. "Fate has just decided that you would die today, old man Anders. How is that for fate's abruptly decision?"

"Let him go," Nyx said and stood up. Her body ached and screamed to be allow to rest but she couldn't sit idly and watch them kill the man who is meant to be her father. Despite the lack of affection for each other, that title still remains. "I am the one you want, take me. Kill me and let him go. Them all go," she came to stand in front of him, raised her hands and held the pistol's mouth.