

Born with an unusual birthmark, the shape of a skeleton’s head with rose patterns round about it on her neck, many believed she would only bring bad luck to those around her. This belief was solidified when two of her suitors died unexpectedly right after a visit to her home. Such a thing should come as a bother to any woman but the same could not be said about Nyx. She didn't care if the beliefs about her were true or false. She never liked any of her suitors. Her heart had always been longing for a certain man whom she was very familiar with in her childhood but ceased to appear before her the moment she entered adolescence. Since she knew him one thing was very certain about him, he was not human since he never aged. Not even once. Believing he would one day come again, Nyx was prepared to wait until the day they would meet again. But not everything goes as planned. Having a sickly mother whose only wish was to see her daughter get married and an influential suitor who didn't mind the deaths around her, Nyx soon found herself married off and her mother passed away leaving a father who dreaded her existence and a husband she never loved. **** From a distance he watched her grow, keeping his distance from her, staying within the shadows. As she aged slowly into adulthood, the mark on her neck became more prominent and so was her scent. He wanted her to grow, but when she finally came of age, he thought she would be better without him. But as time wore on and other men began to show interest in her, he could not hold back nor could he let them have her. He discarded those who had an interest in her but one of them slipped through his fingers while he was away and took her. He waited to see if she was happy with her life, with that man, if she was, then he would let her be. She would be able to live a happy life this time unlike the previous one, but everything changed when the forces from the underworld learned of her existence and her connection with him. Her husband was killed which he permitted and her life was in constant danger. Keeping the distance was no longer an option and he once again appeared before her.

Blessing_O · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs

Flee the wedding

Adorned in a white wedding dress, Nyx was seated before the dressing mirror, staring deep into the reflection of her own eyes. Every girl in her position would be ecstatic just wearing the dress and the mere thought of walking down the aisles to the man awaiting her at the end of the road, but the same could not be said about Nyx.

Her expression was blank and her eyes ocean blue lacked the spark and shine that should have been in them. The hairstylist working on her hair had done an exquisite job but Nyx failed to see the beauty in it.

"You look lovely, Miss Anders," The stylist commented while taking the opportunity to admire her work. The makeup artist also stood beside her and both looked pleased with what they had done. They looked excited and gleeful about the wedding, just looking at the bride had them dreaming and wishing for theirs to come sooner.

But as for Nyx, today was a day that she wished a natural disaster would occur and stop the proceedings. If possible she would prefer this husband to be of hers to die without a cause like the previous suitors. She did not want to be here at all but she had to do this for her mother.

"You should smile more, Ma'am, I have seen you smile before and it is as bright as the sun, it suits you and brings out your charm," the makeup artist said. They both acted as if they did not notice her dissatisfaction in her.

She had protested against this right from the onset but her mother was hellbent on getting her married and her father would do anything to have her out of his house.

"Can I see it? Your smile, I have never had the opportunity to see it before," the hairstylist inquired.

All that Nyx did was stare at their reflection in the mirror with the same dull and lifeless eyes. Nothing they said meant anything to her and if she could, she would flee the wedding but where would she go? Her husband's people were all over the place as if to keep her caged in, leaving no room for escape.

"Such a shame, I thought I would get to see the famous smile of sunshine that many talk about," the stylist sighed but wore a smile of her own. "You look lovely nonetheless," she said with a little hand clap.

A knock on the door followed by the creaking sound of it being opened drew the attention of the two women standing beside her.

"Everyone has gathered, they await the bride's presence," a young woman who was dressed in a peach-coloured knee-length, body-hugging dress said as she walked through the door. "Nyx," she walked to the said woman who refused to pay her attention, she did not even look at her. "I know you are still mad at me, we can talk after this is over okay," she placed a hand on her shoulder but it was pushed away.

She dropped her hand to her side and stared at the floor for a moment before raising her head to look at Nyx, "I am still very sorry," she said and walked to the door and then stopped. "Your mother, she wants to speak with you before you go, I will stall for as long as possible."

"Beth," Nyx called, speaking for the first time since last night when she was brought into the mansion that she should call her new home. It was ironic, the wedding will be held here and she will live here from here on. Her husband was wealthy and an ideal man for all single ladies out there but all she wanted was to get away from it all. "I am not mad at you, I am just disappointed that you would do that to me," Nyx uttered and stood up. "Where is my mother? Take me to her."

Silently, with sunken shoulders, Beth led the way to another room where a woman in a wheelchair could be seen ready to be wheeled out by a nurse. Nyx stood by the entrance staring at her mother whose eyes had also found hers.

"Mother," Nyx called. She was hurt and angry that her mother had forced her to marry a man she did not love but she could not find it in herself to hate the woman. She had gone through too much for her sake. Nyx can still remember how lively and beautiful the woman used to be, but now, she was just a shell of her former self. Life was quickly leaving her and people believed she was the cause of it and that included her father.

"Come here, my child, let me touch you before you go," the woman reached out her hand which had Nyx walking forward to hold. "I want to be left alone with my daughter," she requested and the nurse nodded her head, waiting at the door were Beth and the two stylists who for some unknown reasons did not want to leave.

"You heard her, leave us alone," Nyx emphasized every word. They exchanged glances with each other before leaving after a silent agreement. "What is it, Mother?"

The woman wore a smile, a sad smile as she gazed upon her daughter's eyes and held her hands, she squeezed them gently trying to convey her emotions through them, albeit knowing she would have to use her words.

"I am sorry I had to ask you to do this, Nyx. I want to make sure you will be well taken care of when I am no more. Mr Mogan is not a bad man and he cares for you. Your father is not a bad man either, it is just…." she trailed off, not sure of how to put her words.

"He is wary of me. Afraid of me and blames me for your health," Nyx completed the unspoken words of her mother. "You didn't need to tell me that I know very well what he thinks of me. What many think of me."


"I am fine, Mother, save your strength, there is still time for another conversation." Nyx stood up. The conversation didn't make her feel any better at all, rather it made her feel worse than she already was.

"That is the problem, time, I feel like I am living on a borrowed life, you know that. Your gift, it allows you to…" She didn't need to complete her words for Nyx to understand what she meant and she was right.