
Chapter 12

  Audrey entered the room she shares with the other girls exhausted. She had expended all her energy cleaning Lord's Adonis quarters, she definitely can't have him interrogating her the second time for negligence towards her duty if she cherish her head, besides It had given her a moment to take her mind off what had happened.

Audrey made for her bed but was stopped by a girl who gave her an unpleasant look before speaking.

"Do you mind explaining what happened earlier at the hall?"

Audrey was too tired to give answers, she took a quick glance at the girl's tag. She had number five boldly written on it.

"Look all I want is to be left alone and I'll appreciate if you can respect that." Audrey said walking away from her but she was stopped again by a different girl. She was wearing tag number thirteen.

"If you really want to be left alone then I'm afraid you will have to explain to us what transpired between you and second master else"

"Else what? Since when do I owe you an explanation?" Audrey cut the girl short as she felt anger surging within her.

It was more than enough that she had to deal with Lord Adonis and Azrail. She definitely does not want to deal with the girls... But she knew she had to be calm and tactical about it. Exchanging words with girls will lead to an altercation and with the look on everyone's face, no one would be on her side. The girl with tag number thirteen seems to be way more annoying than the girl with tag number five. Audrey then decided to approach the girl calmly.

"I know you're worried about what happened earlier and I'm sorry I lost it for a second. I lost my way and got Azrail infuriated." Audrey tried explaining

"Azrail? You call second master like you are close to him." Came the voice of the girl with the tag number five again

"My bad, I meant to say second master." Audrey was at the verge of losing it completely as she stood in between the two girls. How would she explain to them that she needed to be alone.

"There seems to be something going on you ain't telling us" The girl with the tag number twelve said from her bed as she interrupted them

The other girls nodded in agreement and soon they've all shown interest by leaving their bed space 

"If you infuriated second master, how come you haven't lost your head? The last time we were tutored, we were told second chance within this walls will never be given, thus mistakes will be paid for." The girl with tag number ten asked from behind Audrey.

"She must be close to him, little wonder he appointed her to be our supervisor." The girl with tag number thirteen said moving a little closer to Audrey.

"Bingo." The girl with tag number five consented.

"I'm not close to second master, if I was, I wouldn't be here slaving away in a place where my life could be taken at anytime?" Audrey countered their accusation.

"Makes sense" agreed the girl with number six.

"The girl with tag number six was welcomed with deadly stares from the other girls.

"Did you seduced him?" The girl with tag number five asked

"What?" Audrey almost couldn't believe her ears 

"So how did you wiggle your way out? If you know something, then you should tell us after all, we are in this together." The girl with tag number thirteen questioned Audrey

"I didn't wriggle my way out, my punishment will come. Master is deliberating on what to do with me. Now if that answers your question. Please let me be" Audrey said with a teary voice

"I think you're lying." the girl with tag number three quickly chipped in

"I don't care about what you think" Audrey snapped at the girl

"She isn't lying" Another girl replied the girl with the tag number eleven.

Audrey stole a glance at the girl and was surprised there was someone on her side. Audrey looked at her tag briefly 

"Thank you" Audrey mouthed to the girl

"Number eleven, how can you be so sure she isn't lying?" Number thirteen queried the girl moving closer to her.

"Stop it everyone!!! Please I'm about to lose it." Audrey walked towards her bed space and this time around, no one made any attempt to stop her. The girl that has earlier attested that she wasn't lying walked behind her . They got to Audrey's bed space. 

The girl with tag number six also left for her bed space but the remaining girls kept staring at them with leery looks.

"Hi, I'm number eleven." The girl offered Audrey a handshake, Audrey took her hand.

"My name is Audrey. Thanks for the other time, it meant a lot to me."

"Oh you can call me Lucia." What is going to happen us now?" Lucia asked in a whisper 

"Us? I don't understand what you're saying." Audrey asked not understanding her question 

"I splashed water on second master and he said he was going to deliberate on my punishment. Ain't we done for?" Lucia asked in a very low tone.

Audrey was about to say something when she was cut short by number five.

"You girls look suspicious. Whatever it is you're plotting. Don't drag us down with you." 

The girls looked at one another and soon disperse to their various bed spaces.

Audrey looked at Lucia and wish she could explain in details but she decided against it. She took a deep breath before talking

"I wish I could wrap my head round what is happening but I can't. Let's wait and see what tomorrow brings Lucia and hope we pull through." Audrey managed to say

"Ain't you afraid?" 

"Of course I am. If I'm not, then I'm not human but in the face of fear, we must hope for a miracle Lucia."

Lucia nodded in affirmative.

"It's been a long day, go get some rest." Audrey managed to say with a smile on a face.

Lucia returned her smile and soon left for her space.

Audrey couldn't rest her eyes, She felt so cold from having to stay in close contact with Adonis and Azrail. Her heart was also still very much troubled. She couldn't stop being grateful for Azrail's help.

"Maybe he isn't cold after all. I wonder if he is alright." she recalled how Lord Adonis had slammed Azrail's back against the ground.

She tossed repeatedly on her bed and her thoughts wandered to Adonis

"That blood sucking monster" she cursed under her breath. She wanted nothing to do with him.

Her eyes wandered through the room and she wondered if truly a miracle could happen and she will be lucky enough to escape the prison she had found herself. She closed her eyes but sleep seems to have gone on a journey eluding her eyes.

Soon the bell rang sending a signal to the girls to get up but this time, it rang differently. It rang nine times. 

instantly the girls were filled with fears.

"Isn't that the signal for red code" the girl with tag number two asked to be sure

"I knew this was going to happen. It turned out I was right." number thirteen yelled turning to Audrey's direction.

Lucia stood up from her bed and went to Audrey's

"Audrey, we are done for. It's the red code."

"I know and you don't have to ring it to my ears Lucia." Audrey said panicking

"I'm sorry but what is going to happen now?

Audrey quickly comported herself and cleared her throat.

"Staying here is going to do us more harm than good. Let's step out immediately."

"You're in no position to tell us what to do. After all, it has nothing to do with the rest of us. You're the reason the red code bell was rang and you still have the effrontery to talk to us like you are still our supervisor. I'm pretty sure after your punishment, second master will have to appoint another supervisor." Number thirteen yelled

  Audrey wondered how she would explain to the girls that Azrail wasn't the problem but Lord Adonis.

"Second master isn't the problem. Our master, Lord Adonis is the one to melt out my punishment." Audrey said amidst short breaths

"What?" The girls asked in unison 

"You mean master himself? We are done for." it was Lucia's voice this time. She was fidgeting

"It has nothing to do with you Lucia." Audrey holding Lucia's shoulders.

It was the girls turn to be surprise.

"What is going on here." Number five quickly asked

"You'll soon find out but before then, I'm sure none of you wants to be late to the hall and be in my shoes, in that case, I'll advice you start moving now. Don't forget, Master never forgives. It's a piece of advice from someone who knows that well" Audrey replied without talking to anyone in particular.

"You're right'" the girl with tag number one ran out of the room and others followed suite.

Audrey's heart was heavy but her legs were heavier. This was definitely the end, she was certain there was no miracle in sight.