
Chapter 1

Usually, I'm not very good at telling stories, never been good at listening to them either.

But the story I'm about to tell you has to be known.

My father used to tell me about a world, a world where everyone would be happy. There would be no diseases, no hunger, no nothing, just happiness.

Found out pretty soon that that was a fucking lie.

My father used to work for a pharmaceutical company, he was a scientist there, a damn good one. My mother had died during childbirth, so the only person I had was my father. He was my hero, my best friend, my rock. 

Life was good until that day, the day my whole life changed. 

We had just finished dinner and, as usual, we were going to play cards before I had to go to bed. But before my father could shuffle the cards and make faces that were only to make me laugh, the doorbell rang.

My father opened the door and, from behind his legs, I peered out to see who it was. There were four men at the door, all dressed up in business suits, and I recognized them as being my father's colleagues. Apparently, there had been an accident in my father's lab.

I remember my father had turned to me, looked me in the eyes, and sighed. He nodded and went to get his coat. When he came back, he bent down before me and told me he would come back quickly. It was the last time I saw him.

The next day one of the men who had come for my father took me to an orphanage, and the only thing he told me was that my father would never come back.

I was devastated and lost. 

I wasn't adopted for a while, no one wanted to deal with a broken child, but when I reached seven, an American woman came to the orphanage and adopted two children. I was one of them, the other was a girl, a little older than me.

At the time I did not know that the woman, named Lucy Mathews, was an agent for the CIA, and we, the girl and I, were the newest recruits. I do not know why we were chosen, but I know that the recruiting of children by intelligence agencies was done so that the child would be trained from an early age.

And that's what happened, for the next ten years the girl and I were trained side by side, bleeding and struggling to be the best. When I was 17 years old, she and I were separated, and we never saw each other again.

At the age of 18, my training was over, and it was time for my first mission, the mission I had been preparing for since I joined the CIA. It's a long story, so the only thing I'm going to say is that I avenged my father and killed for the first time. Maybe one day I'll tell you that story...but not today.

I quickly became known in the agency for the various missions I then took afterward, and when my superiors heard not so very good rumors about Umbrella, they realized that they needed someone inside and I was the one chosen for the job.

They wanted me to infiltrate Umbrella, one of the largest and most powerful commercial entities in the world, and find as much about the company as I could.

I infiltrated Umbrella as a Biohazard Countermeasure Service operative, and I did the job for a year until my CIA superiors told me that I had two choices. The first one, I aborted the mission and came back or the second, I became a freelance and continued my investigations. Apparently, if I were discovered the agency would not want anything to connect us so as not to compromise the missions that were being made by other agents.

I made my decision quickly, and for the next year I continued my mission and worked with and, two men that became my partners on assignments for Umbrella.

For a while, it seemed like I was going to be able to find something useful about Umbrella to bring to my superiors.

But that never happened...

My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and this is my story.


The helicopter propellers were the only thing he could hear, and the wind on his face woke him up from his unsettled slumber. He leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees and sighed as he placed his head on his hands. 

The fucking nightmares again, something that never left him, despite so many years. Many were from the night he saw his father for the last time, but others were from what he saw and dealt with during his time at the CIA.  

He let the rhythmic sound of the propellers surround him, focus him as he rested on his seat of the chopper that was returning from a mission that he and his two partners had just completed. 

It was nighttime in Raccoon City, the only lights he could see were the ones that shone from the city beneath them.

"Chopper Delta, new orders. Proceed directly to Ravens Gate Bridge. Reinforcements urgently needed." He heard through the headset's radio.

"Copy that base. On our way." the pilot of the chopper responded.

He felt the chopper tilt and set a new route. He lifted his head and straightened his back. 

It seems the night was just beginning. 

He withdrew his two black Desert Eagles from their shoulder holsters and checked the ammo in the 8 round magazine. Flipping the safeties off and on he placed them back in the holsters. Reaching down he raised the G36-K he had placed between his legs when he had when he had stepped into the helicopter, it had a magazine with 44 rounds with a compact holographic sight.

Naruto tried to adjust himself in the uncomfortable seat, his clothes not making it easy. 

He was wearing the custom uniform of Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service. He had a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up with double shoulder holsters for his two handguns, elbow pads and black combat pants with a gray camouflage-type pattern. He had a black padded bulletproof vest that had the UBCS logo on the back with the name Naruto Uzumaki on top of the logo. He had heavy duty black laced boots, black knee pads, wears black fingerless gloves and had a watch on his right wrist. Around his neck and over the shirt was a silver cross, which had been given to him by Lucy when he had finished his training, resting on the bulletproof vest.

His blond hair had a buzz cut, and he had a short beard. His eyes were blue, and he had a well-shaped face with a defined jaw. On his right forearm, he had the kanji 神のしもべ (God's Servant) tattooed and on his left one, 死の使者 (Death's Emissary). He had made the tattoos when he returned to Japan because of a mission a few years ago.

Suddenly, a female scream that the noise of the helicopter could not drown out startled him. He looked down at the roof of the building they were flying over and saw a woman running desperately, trying to escape a group of infected people who were stumbling and groaning trying to reach her.

"Civilian in trouble!" He shouted to the pilot as he leaned over the side of the chopper. "Three o'clock, go down! Take us down!"

"We can't, we have our orders!" the pilot turned to the blond as he gritted his teeth at the refusal of the pilot and could hear the desperate cries of the woman as the undead grew closer to her. 

"They're gonna kill her! Take us the fuck down now!" He glared at the pilot making his blue eyes flash dangerously.

The pilot turned his head back. "She is a civilian. It doesn't matter. We have our orders!" he stated decisively.

"Fuck orders!" he spat angrily at the pilot and turned to his partner. "Nicholai tie me off." He got up, placed his feet on the chopper's landing gear and prepared to jump. 

He could feel the adrenaline starting to pump inside his veins, and he smirked. The familiar rush of excitement ran through him as he looked down.

When he saw an opportunity, he jumped with a rope attached to his belt and, as he fell, Naruto drew his two handguns from their holsters. Flipping the safeties off and pulling the hammer back he started shooting each one of the things going after the crying woman.



BANG! Three

One by one, they started to fall on the ground dead, they always did, Naruto mused in a split second of contemplation from a shot to the next.  

As he continues firing, he hears Nicholai shout "Now!" and his descent was abruptly interrupted. And right on time too, he was a few inches from slamming face first on the rooftop. His two handguns were empty, with the slide drawn back and held in place by the slide catch. 

Placing his feet firmly on the ground, he stood, took the rope from his waist, and walked up to the last infected, whose attention he had captured, and that was now stumbling to him with its mouth wide open to take a bite. It wasn't a pretty sight, even dressed in a business suit it did not hide its pale skin, almost gray, and bloodshot eyes.

He looked up and could not help but sigh in relief, if Nicholai had not stopped him from hitting the roof in time he would have died.

When he was close enough, Naruto tensed his body and, with the skill that showed years of training, kicked it in the forehead, breaking its neck and making it drop on the floor dead.

He continued walking to the woman as he released the slide by depressing the slide catch and placed the empty guns back in their holsters. As he got closer, he raised his hands on a peaceful gesture trying to calm the fearful, trembling woman.

"Hey, hey are you ok?" He asked the woman as she backed away to the edge of the roof. "Hey now, step away from the edge and come over to me." he tried while extending his hand to her. He smiled reassuringly at her, his blue eyes shining invitingly. "Everything's gonna be fine..."

"No, it won't!" the woman, Marla Mapes, who was a telemarketer at the office building, shouted with tears running down her face. She looked down at the bottom of the building then turned back to the blond. "I've seen what happens when you're bitten."

Naruto looked at her arm, it was bleeding from a bite injury that one of the infected had done. It didn't look good. 

"We can help you." he tried getting a little closer so if she attempted to jump, maybe he could get to her before that.

The woman shook her head sadly, face covered in tears. "There's no going back!" and, turning around, jumped.

"No!" the young Umbrella operative ran to the edge and saw the dead woman below on the street dead. "Fucking hell." he cursed as his partners approached and looked down as well. 

"Hey!" Yuri called him, making the blue eye man turn from the gruesome scene. "We are being called to assist the STARS. Come on!"

Giving one last look at the dead woman below he frowned and made his way to the chopper. As he got in the pilot turned around to face him with a mocking smirk on face.

"Turn around and take us where we're needed before I rip that grin off your face." the blue-eyed man snarled, making the pilot pale and turn around to do just that. Drawing one of his guns from its holster, he removed the empty magazine and gave it to Yuri, who started filling it back up, and reached into one of the many pockets of his pants and pulled out a full one. Inserting the full magazine and holstering the gun he repeated the same action with his other handgun. Then he took the now full magazines from Yuri and pocketed them.

Looking down to the city below Naruto couldn't avoid thinking 'Fucking Umbrella.' and leaned back, now with his rifle to his chest, ready for what came next.

Or so he thought...