
Dear Vlad

What if the myth is true? What if creatures from the underworld are real and they are coming after you? Dahlia Vilhelm's peaceful life started to unravel after returning from a vacation in Romania with her fiancé. A mysterious figure, both handsome and terrifying, began to haunt her. Each day, his presence grew stronger, dominating her life. Strange, inexplicable events occurred one after another. Until finally, Dahlia discovered the true identity of the mysterious figure. She found herself trapped between two choices that would determine her future. Who is the mysterious man and what does he want from Dahlia? Notes: The cover of this book is my design.

Alice_Gio · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs


The Kingdom of Morroi, 1720

Winter nights revealed their true nature, dark and foreboding. Silence made the atmosphere even more menacing. No creature dared to make a sound, and even the wind seemed reluctant to blow. Only the cold air enveloped everything, biting into the skin.

Fifteen towering spires dominated the night sky, part of a massive castle at the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains. Encircled by tall, sturdy red stone walls, this castle was the most magnificent structure stretching from Central to Eastern Europe. Dozens of armored soldiers stood vigil atop the surrounding towers, observing the castle's interior and exterior through telescopes. Far below their watchful gaze, in the castle's dungeon, a man stood with his arms outstretched, shackled in silver chains, his head bowed. Shoulder-length light brown hair concealed his pale face.

Moments later, the steel door of the dungeon creaked open. Two fully armored soldiers, swords at their waists, stepped inside. Behind them followed a middle-aged man with gray hair, clad in a black robe adorned with crystals. The gray-haired man cast a sharp glance at the shackled man. His eyes, filled with a burning fury, darkened from brown to the color of blood.

"Will you change your mind now, Vladimir de Lioncourt?" His voice was a menacing growl.

"I will not alter my stance, Father." Vladimir raised his face, meeting the ruler of Morroi with an equally intense stare.

"You're about to create a dhampire that could threaten our clan's existence, Vlad. Do you want our clan to perish because of your folly with that strange human?" the King declared passionately.

Vladimir's lips curled into a devilish grin. With a mocking tone, he replied, "You're a leader, a king. The King of Vampires. Our clan is the strongest. How amusing that you fear an unborn dhampire."

"Mind your tongue, Vladimir! You are a born vampire, a pureblood. My blood! The survival of our race will be at risk if you and your human girl insist on giving birth to a dhampir." The King turned to one of his guards. "David, bring the girl here!"

David nodded obediently and exited the dungeon. Vladimir's eyes widened, and his chiseled jaw clenched. He could anticipate what his father intended for his beloved. His fears were confirmed. Moments later, David returned with a girl, gripping her arm tightly, nearly dragging her in.

Her face was wet with tears, her eyes reflecting pure terror. Her body trembled, and when David pushed her onto the dusty, straw-covered floor, she screamed.

"Ow!" The girl fell onto the straw pile.

"My love!" Vladimir cried out. He looked at his beloved with sorrow, then cast a warning glare at David.

Though he said nothing, David understood Vladimir's look. Yet, he remained silent, bound by the King's orders.

Struggling to her feet, the girl staggered towards Vladimir, her white dress trailing on the floor. She wrapped her arms around his waist. "Remember, no matter what happens, I will always love you, my lord."

"Hold on, my dear." Pain stabbed at Vladimir's chest. His desire to embrace and protect her was thwarted by the chains that bound him.

"You leave me no choice, Vlad." The King asserted his dominance. He approached his son's lover, his gaze sweeping over her face before settling on the sapphire butterfly pendant hanging around her neck. The King yanked it off, breaking the chain.

In a swift motion, he grabbed a whip from the wall and lashed it across the girl's slender body multiple times. She cried out in pain.

"Mhina! Father, please, stop! Kill me instead! Not my Mhina!" Vladimir pleaded, struggling against the silver chains that burned his skin.

"Vlad, I love you," the girl whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Mhina, hold on! Father, release Mhina!" Vladimir shouted.

The King fixed Vladimir with a blood-red glare, signaling there would be no mercy for the forbidden lovers. After a final look at his son, the King turned to David.

"End the human girl with this!" The King drew a diamond-encrusted dagger from his waist and tossed it to David. "She is not an ordinary human. She is a creature that could destroy us."

"No!" Vladimir screamed, thrashing against the chains as his wrists burned and peeled.

David raised the dagger and plunged it into the girl's chest. She gasped, her breaths growing shallower until they ceased.

"No! Mhina!" Vladimir's scream pierced the night, shattering the silence.

"That is the fate of traitors!" The King turned and left.

Vladimir clenched his teeth, his jaw hardening and his blue eyes turning red. Rage consumed him. "I hate you all! I will hunt you down and destroy you! You cannot hide from me. I will chase and hunt you wherever you go!"

Hi Loves,

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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