
Dear EX

Anne_101 · Thanh xuân
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Squabbles : Why Shaun?

Summer woke up past 6:00, took her about 5 minutes to bring herself back to her reality, she laid on her bed for 5 minutes just looking at the ceiling

Summer's pov

   After cleaning up, I walked to my closet looking for a pretty but not so pretty dress, dazzling but not to dazzling since it was just a breakfast date in his house. I finally settled with a knee length multicoloured (majorly yellow) flower printed gown. The gown was giving picnic vibes. I let loose my strawberry blonde hair, curled it and curled my fringes. I stared at the mirror thinking of the best way the style my hair that would match with " a breakfast date", I thought of just letting the hair fall but I wanted something more simple,then I just did "Ariana's signature ponytail".

   "All dolled up and ready to go" I smiled looking at myself in the mirror, from my simple makeup (just eyeliner, foundation and lipgloss), down to my simple dress and flat shoes I was almost ready for my "breakfast date". All that was left was to prepare the breakfast, and luckily I am a good cook.

  I picked up my car keys which were attached to John's house key, downstairs I noticed my brother's car wasn't there which means he already left. Always in a hurry to Leave. Atleast he visited unlike Oliver ( my eldest brother, also the first child) who only came 5 times in a year; easter, Christmas, new year, Thanksgiving, and Mum and Dad anniversary. And he tried his best to not stay more than a day.  Any other time he comes is for a free babysitting service, he would drop his twins and little Olivia. Sometimes I don't blame him having two 8 years old boys and a 3 year old with Karen (his wife) expecting. Taking a look at my brother's life gives me enough reasons not to rush in marriage. And when I eventually do I don't plan on having more than 3 kids

   Less than 20 minutes I already got to John's house, I picked up my phone to check the time it was 7:02. I carefully parked my car and snuck into his kitchen to get cooking.

John's POV

   I woke up later than usual, probably because my body senses I'm on my leave. I twitched my nose not sure if I was still dreaming or I was actually smelling pancakes. I was confused since I fired my housekeeper last week. I walked downstairs still in my pajamas. "Look who decided to wake up, I was about to come up to wake you up" I heard someone say not sure who did. I tried looking through my sleepy eyes, "oh my!" I saw my table filled with pancakes, syrup and tea and then I noticed summer. "Oh you, what are you doing in my house" "wow looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Well good morning to you too my grumpy sir" summer walked towards me leaving a kiss on my cheeks "I didn't mean to sound harsh"  "whatever, come and eat I promised to make up for yesterday and I prepared you breakfast, we could have a breakfast date" "ohhk I'll just go freshen up" "whatever clean freak" I heard Summer murmur "you look hot by the way " I screamed on my way back up.

Summer's POV

I caught John just staring at me multiple times "can you focus on eating your food and not me" "I could do both" John chuckled which made me smile "I hope this makes up for last night, I was actually really busy with writing" "ohh maybe, when we are done I could show you something in my room on the bed,then maybe I'll feel better. I mean you look good in that dress but you'd look better without it" "oooh ok johnny" "so are you working on a new book?"  "Nope, why'd you ask?" "You said you were busy writing what were you writing?". "A letter" I murmured with my mouth full "sorry?, I didn't quite get you". At this point I just decided to tell him about "my crazy idea" . By the time I was John was just dumbfounded staring at me, he started laughing "you're joking right?" I just nodded no "so are you going to publish it like a book or email it to each of them?" "I might.." "what!" John cuts me "or might not" I finished "but why exactly?" " I was just thinking it would help me free the burden from my heart and forget all about it" "I don't get it?, So it was a burden? Or you still have feelings for him?" I knew who "him" was "Jesus John, it's not always about Shaun, and I just told you I'm writing to all of my ex not just Shaun, I've told you Shaun and I are over but you keep bringing him up. Why John?,  why?" At this point I was holding back tears. Shaun was my ex, well my most recent one and we had a dirty breakup, and I didn't want to accept we had broken up. I agree I was still in love with him even after a year with John honestly I don't think I'd love anyone the way I love him. "You the one who brought him up, I didn't mention any name, I only said him and maybe you are still thinking of him that's why had to bring him up, because dip down you know you are still in love with him and you can't forget about someone who used you" "this is exactly why I didn't want to tell you, you always feel inferior to Shaun, you think I can never love you enough, I tell you about a personal project I am starting and you bring "him"up again we both know you were referring to Shaun when you said "him", why can't you just trust me" At this point I started tearing up. This would not be the first time we are fighting because of Shaun and it always leads to John reminding me of my unfaithfulness to him and my stupidity (After I went back to Shaun after a fight with John only for Shaun to use me again, it's like I become brainless around him)  since that day John always makes sure he brings it up in any of our argument he was vent on reminding me of my stupidity. "How do you expect me to trust you after all the times you've cheated on me, yet I forgive you, but you are never satisfied with me" here it comes "you still went back to that bloody son of a bitch" "shut up John" I scream on my way out. "Let me guess you're going back to Shaun" he screams as I start my car"it doesn't always have to be Shaun, it could be any motherfucker that isn't you"

    "Hey" "hey, are you crying?" Lanie aks over the phone" where are you?, Please I need you and I'm too tired to go home crying because I'd have to explain to my Mum and she's only going to support him" "hey calm down, who's him?" " John and I had a fight, and it was about Shaun again" " hey where are you I'm coming to get you, just text me where you are. okay?" "Sure" I hung up

   Lanie was having a party at her place not that I'm surprised, I'm just surprised she didn't invite me" why didn't you invite me" I had to scream it again because she didn't hear me the first time who would with this music. "I didn't want to disturb your writing". People were making out everywhere and of course Claretta was there. "Hey do want to join" asked a guy who had his dick in a girl's face one hand holding her head the other hand inside another girl. "Just ignore them" Lanie pulled me to her bedroom. The only sex-free zone. I thought.

   We sat on her bed, "okay so talk to me" "so, his went to his house for a surprise breakfast" I kept pausing, because I was now sobbing in between "and then I decided to tell him about my letter but then" I broke down at this point " hey calm down, shhhh"  "and then he brought up Shaun" "he started calling me names, and I don't like it when we fight especially about Shaun" "shh shhhh" " he doesn't trust me, I swear I'm not doing this for Shaun, I..." " Hey it's not your fault, shhhh John is being a dickhead , shhhh.."

   I fell asleep in Lanie's arms, but by the time I woke up Lanie wasn't there. Past two already, wow. "Lanie?" I heard someone try to get in the room. Luckily it was Lanie"phew, I thought it might be one of your guests looking for a room" we both laughed. "Thought you might be hungry, so I made lunch" she handed me a tray of fish and chips (fries)  "Yeah you made lunch" I emphasized on the last part. Obviously Lanie didn't make this. It was too good. "Fine you caught me,why cook when you can have Johnny English deliver to you"

   We ate in silence for a while until Lanie broke the silence, I wish she didn't. "About John..." "Please, I don't want to lose my appetite" "we'll eventually have to talk about it" " yh eventually" "I just think John is right on this one" I gave a questioning look "not the insult parts, but the part of you writing a ridiculous letter" "what even you" "I'm just saying you could transfer the energy into writing a book or a poem" " a poem?" " You could write a sad one" " I thought you were in support of my idea, and now just because John says something you are now supporting him" " I was never in support.., or against" " you can't be in the middle" " okay, I was more against than in support" " what but we both agreed" " no we didn't" " you even said I should write you a letter" " I'm just saying, okay how'd you feel if John was writing a letter to all his ex surely you wouldn't be happy about the that. So I can't blame John for acting the way he did." " I don't think I'd mind" " oh please, I would give a fuck, Lanie I don't want to argue with you too, especially over something that is none of your business"  "okay, wow none of my business, I'm only trying to help a friend" " well thanks for your help but it would be better if you focused on what you know how to do best rather than relationship counseling" "and if I may what is that best at? " "Partying, stuck to your crazy parties, and stay the fuck out of my relationship, you expect me to take advice from someone that hasn't been able to keep a relationship for more than a year" I was really pissed of and regretted saying that last part out

Lanie P.O.V

   I can't believe this shithead just said that" wow, and here I was thinking we were friends" "I didn't mean it Lanie I swear" "I know I haven't been in a committed relationship but I didn't need you to tell me" "I'm sorry for that par.." " no you are not just because I'm trying to help a bitch like you doesn't mean you should open your mouth to say shit to me" " I think I should leave" "yes you should" I can't believe I was close to tears, I just didn't believe what summer thinks of me. I mean I know I haven't been able to keep a woman or a man but I didn't need her saying it to my face. What a bitch