
Dear Author: Please Change The End

A fantasy world, where people who gain magical powers are called Ascenders, the Ascenders are decades of fighting against the army of the demons, won, they defeated the demon king and an era of peace reigned. And their function and goal lost it's meaning. Now in a world where Ascenders fighting against monsters became enterteiment, a show for mundane people watch and enjoy, Ascenders became celebreties, where most only strive for fame and wealth. But an era of terror is coming, and the Ascenders are not ready to fight against it. ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ That is the synpose of [Tales of Outer Worlds] the best novel that our main character has read, but unfortunaly for him, The ending of [Tales of Outer Worlds] was the worst that he could ever imagine. However, he is given a chance to change it when he is transmigrated into the body of Iske Grace, a second-rate villain from the novel. With a goal in mind, he is determined to alter that horrible ending. ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ The art on the cover is not mine, if you are the owner just contact me and I will gladly take out. Discord: harry1315

HarrY · Kỳ huyễn
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90 Chs

Exam (4)

"You will be alright without me?" Ian asked.

"I'll be better without you" I answered.

"If you say so" He said and threw towards me my coat.

Then he went towards the examiner, talked with him a bit, then both disappeared. I watched them disappear, then I wore my coat back.

Now that I solved Ian's issue, I need to go find a flag for myself. But first, let's rest a bit.

I sat on the ground, realizing the extent of the injuries I had sustained in the earlier battle. Both my arms were deeply bruised, I had some broken ribs, and I was suffering from a concussion.

And he wasn't even half serious, he only used a bit of his mana manipulation and reinforcement, nothing more. If it was a real battle I would be dead.

Looking at the sky I saw it was about to get dark. But I have a lot of time in my hands, I'll sleep and recover a bit for now, and I'll find a flag for me after that.


Days later.

The examiner was alone in the beginning of the test as he awaits. It's been three days since the start of the exam, and he was waiting for those who were still to pass and return with a flag.

All the oranges, as well yellow flags were found, and their owners passed to the next exam, now the examiner is only waiting for those with the green flags to return.

And one by one, people carrying the green flags started appearing, one, two, three, four, and five. But the examiner didn't see the face he was expecting to see.

'He didn't manage to find a flag?'

His question was answered when the sixth person that obtained the flag appeared, Iske was yawning, his face still bruised by the examiner's own attack, but overall better than the last time.

Iske appeared and sat below a tree as he waited, and the examiner started observing the surroundings and gave a few more minutes for anyone else to arrive, but it was meaningless, since no more people appeared.

Seeing that no else would come, the examiner spoke, "Congratulations for passing through the first exam, from the 50 flags scattered around the forest, only twenty two were found, 6 green, 11 yellow, 4 orange, and a red"

Everyone who heard that a red one was found were surprised and shocked, no one expected that a participant would defeat an examiner and get that flag.

The examiner continued, "It was almost half, I expected less, congratulations, but the exam is not over, there are other two steps"

As he said that the space beside him started to distort, and it broke forming a door, the examiner quickly moved and opened the door.

"Your second exam is beyond this door. Good luck"


I passed the door and ended up on an immense cliff. The whole area extended for thousands of kilometers from left to right, and in front of me there was an enormous abyss, that only god knows the height of that fall, and beyond that abyss, is another cliff.

Looking around I saw that I was not alone, besides those who appeared with the green flag together with me, there were many other participants around, participants of other sections reunited together for the second exam.

Perhaps I'll finally be able to meet the main cast here. Some time passed and people started to whisper to each other.

But everyone was silenced when a person appeared out of nowhere in the air, looking at every participant from above.

Long messy hair with violet eyes and glasses, wearing a suit with the blazer, revealing his messy white shirt. I recognized him, because there was only a single person as messy as this inside the World Academy.

Adam Neilen, the vice director of World Academy, in the novel he was described as a messy and lazy person, and his appearance matches that.

"Hello… Ehhhh, the headmaster is not currently here, he was the one supposed to do the speech…"

He stopped for a second and muttered under his breath, "I hate this"

Then he continued, "Anyway, the next exam is simply"

As he said that he summoned a rope that appeared and magically connected the two cliffs passing through the abyss.

"Whoever pass to the other side will complete this exam"

Without further explanations he disappeared. Truly as what was described of him in the novel.

With him disappearing, many started to whisper to each other, things like who Adam was, or if he was even qualified to conduct a test, some are whispering about the exam, and what will happen if someone falls into that dark abyss.

Everyone was silenced as a person step ahead of all the others, approaching the edge of the cliff, completely calm and collected.

Dark brown hair and yellow eyes, an aura of confidence, pride and power, that guy must be the Mc's rival.

Approaching the edge, he entered in a stance that looked like professional runners, and then his figure disappeared in a lightning, passing through the abyss and reappearing on the other side.

Then a robotic voice echoed throughout the entire space, "Lucas Medici, passed!"

Lucas Medici, mc's rival, and one of the future generals of humanity, a kid from the Three Great Families, just like Iske, he's as talented as the mc, and very prideful, yet not arrogant, but extremely competitive.

After his demonstration another participant approached the edge, boasting that the exam was extremely easy, and then he fell, right into the abyss, to not be seen anymore.

That's what they left implied, but he's alive, the abyss is just an illusion, the World Academy wouldn't kill people on their exams.

It 's too soon yet.

Seeing that one of the participants failed, and fell into the abyss, the other became afraid and apprehensive, but another person walked towards the edge.

A girl, gray hair and green eyes, walking with complete confidence and a bit of arrogance.

She must be Ella Murray, one of the many girls surrounding the mc.

She jumped high and ended up falling on the rope, and instead of losing balance and falling, she walked by the rope as if she was dancing, and arrived safely on the other side.

"Ella Murray, passed!" The voice announced.

She used her affinity with Wind to not lose balance. She's very skillful.

Her demonstration inspired the other participants like what happened with Lucas, but like the way it ended with Lucas, more people failed and fell into the abyss.

I kept watching them failing, one by one, and waited to see if any other person from the main cast would appear, but after some time no one I noticed appeared, so I decided to go.

But it was when I saw someone passing through the other participants.

Blonde hair and golden eyes, with a naive face, he was as beautiful as a saint, and pure as one too. His demonstration was much more bright and flashy then all others.

He summoned countless blocks of light that go through the abyss, and every step he took towards the other side, the blocks would disappear.

He reached the other side and the voice announced, "Liam Vanheart, passed!"

Liam Vanheart, the last hero of humanity, the pillar of the alliance, the main character of Tales of Outer Worlds.