
It started out with a Kick

I remember that day vividly. i still chuckle about it from time to time. though those days are long past nostalgia can be a terrible trap but one we all seem far too comfortable to fall into. its a bit odd to be willingly falling into this familiar trap usually it just happens without us meaning for it to happen.

the halls of Lisbon high were loud as usual as the mass of students made their way to the lunchroom I was running full tilt eager to escape the insufferable class I had finished though which one it was escapes me at this time nevertheless as I ran as if possessed by the very spirits of the wind the very essence of speed! not but a blur to these mere mortals!!! at least that's what I thought in all reality it probably looked pretty dumb and with me stumbling over my own clumsy feet. boy did it feel exhilarating though. I was soaring through the halls when I saw it. the inevitable fate that approached me. and as I zoomed towards my imminent demise I was reminded of a quote I once read on a playing card "sometimes you cant see fate coming other times you can see it come miles away and be helpless to stop it." this was definitely one of those times." time seemed to slow down as I approached unable to stop yet even as my doom arrived swift as the reapers stroke all I could think of were but a few words "oh this b**** is evil" and with that final thought and her foot sticking out I tripped and was sent headfirst to the awaiting floor below. even now I can still almost hear the sickening thud of my face hitting the tile floor. it sounded way worse than it actually was but boy did everyone in the hallway panic. I was bleeding profusely from my nose and it got everywhere as I turned onto my back to look at the person who made it all happen my eyes were instead blessed by the sight of an angel (cough) I mean demon no sooner had I seen this beauty did I feel a weight on my chest I looked to see what it was and I saw a goddamn bonafide black leather high heeled boot. punk rocker style. thankfully before I could go and develop any weird fetishes involving S&M and feet the owner of said shoe immediately grabbed my attention. she had dirty blonde hair with a pink streak at the front that covered over her right eye she had a light spray of freckles across her nose and the most beautiful green eyes you'll ever see they were evergreen like the old pine forests id wander aimlessly in for hours and like those self-same forests I could've stared into those eyes just as long they glittered with an air of mischief. breaking the moment of bliss the nameless woman removed her foot and straddled herself on my torso. leaning in close, her breath on my ear she said in a low voice "you...." she said pointing at me "me..." pointing at herself "dinner, tonight don't be late." and as quickly as she entered my life she popped right up and disappeared in a flash leaving me feeling shocked, in pain and oddly disappointed.