
Dealer's choice

It was a normal in Victor's life, a college student in Los Angeles, until that happened. The moment that changed lives of every person on earth. Everybody went from enjoying modern age to fighting for survival. The world is never going to be the same.....

DnB4ever · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

CH 21 - Brook wants to join in

"You! Ahh whatever. You got me. I surrender. You are good at this!" Brook spoke as she raised hands into the air in sign of surrender.

"Please don't be angry at me!" She spoke as she looked at Karla.

"Honestly, I am not angry at you neither I am angry at Jessica. If you didn't do what you did, I would never be with man I love. Don't misunderstand I don't like him being hurt but if you treated the relationship properly, I would have no chance being with him. Sorry Vic, but it is a sad truth." Karla spoke.

"I know that, you are right. And to be honest I am starting to be happy it happened. You are perfect. You are everything I ever wanted and needed in girlfriend. It may sound weird but being with you is making all that shit that happened and happening look like it's fine, as long I have you, I feel I can go on.  You feel to me like the light at the end of nasty, stinky tunnel. As, long I have that light I know I can get out of all that shit and be fine."

Karla blushed a little.

"You two didn't you just fucked all night; can you please wait for next night for another round. But if you let me join in, we can go right away." Brook spoke.

"Brook, horny as ever." I spoke chuckling.

"It's not just about sex, I would be lying if I told you that I don't want you to fuck my brains out. But that's not all, I feel safe with you. I always liked spending time with you, I always saw you as good friend that was fun to be with, and was fucking attractive. But I could never move in to try anything else since Jess would go ape shit crazy if any of us touched you. But now she can go fuck herself. What I am trying to say is that I am interested not just in your cock, I am interested in you as whole."  Brook was visible shaking. It looked like speaking all this out loud took a toll on her.  "And I would never want to separate the two of you, you are perfect together. Seeing you talk, seeing you fight, listening to you fuck. You just belong together. Something in me just hoped that I could squeeze in and be with you two. You can start laughing or call me a bitch or whatever you want, I just really hoped that I can have a piece of happiness in this fucked up world with you two." Brook started crying and seemed as she was about to run out of the door.

Ma and Karla both stepped in and hugged her from each side. Brook tuned to me as we sandwiched her between us. She was crying on my chest as we caressed her hair.

"Nobody is going to laugh at you, and nobody is going to call you a bitch." Karla spoke "You are just having hard time being alone in these fucked up times and you wanted to be with the person you trust that can give you what you need."

She looked at me. "Can we work something out?"

"You mean?" I asked. I was stunned by what I heard.

"Don't look at me like that, old norms went to shit when ghouls started running around trying to snack on us. Don't you think? And with her in the mix maybe I will get to finish the session without passing out out of pleasure."

"Look Karla I would be lying if I told you that the thought having you both with me is not alluring. I would be also lying if I told you that I am not attracted to Brook. But I don't want to hurt you. You are the last person in this world I would want to see suffer." I spoke.

"Don't be weirded out but you are not the only one attracted to Brook, I am not a lesbian but having threesome. Me, man I love and beautiful women. I always wanted to do that. Just thinking about it makes me horny. The moment I saw her I wanted her to join in secretly, I wanted her to watch me ride your dick as she rides your face. And the other way around. It's too much. So, would really mind so much taking in a stray Brook?" She proceeded to make a puppy eye on me.

Those were closely followed by Brook's puppy eyes filled with tears.

"Just to recap the situation, I am being talked in to having relationship with two beautiful women  at once? Look Karla I would have done it for you just because you want it even if you asked for the third person to be somebody who I was not interested in, but you even had to choose Brook. You know how many cold showers I had to take after dancing with her over the time we knew each other. How many times I had to go to toilet to get rid of my boner while we danced hoping she didn't notice? Don't be mistaken I never felt in love to her, it was more primal. It felt like I was meant to be fucking her all day long every day."

Both girls chuckled. And after a short moment Brook spoke.

"So, it was not just me? I also was always wet the moment we danced together for a while; I always felt the same. Primal urge to let you fuck my brains out again and again. Every day, for the rest of my life."

Karla shook her head. "And I was silent until now because I thought you would call me fucking pervert. If I knew you had such a good chemistry, I would not waste so much time. So how about we go at it right away?"

Before Brook could react, I spoke. "I want to give out contents of blue chests to the settlement, and pull out the gear for you Brook. And we should eat before fucking."

Brook looked at Karla for a while and both nodded. "Ok we will have a little girl talk and prepare some food, while you handle the chests. And don't worry neither of us is interested in starting without you. Correct Brook?"

Brook nodded. "Not that I have something against you Karla but I prefer thick dick to a women's touch."

Karla laughed. "Well said Brook. No worries I am the same. We just need to set up some ground rules. Like no more thots. And when I say no more, I mean it. Not even your little friend Jessica."

Brook put on serious face and spoke. "Look she had her shot to have him, she fucked it up. I don't owe her anything and last thing I want is another thot to share my dick with. Two women to one man is perfect. You get to enjoy woman's touch while you are getting hammered by a good cock. What's not to love?"

Karla smiled and spoke. "I found a soul mate. Vic hurry we need to have a session soon. And a big one!"

I just shook my head and chuckled. After that I went to work and quickly pulled stuff for Brook. After that I quickly ran to pick up the list of what they needed and pulled it out the blue boxes. After that I delivered it to the teachers and went back. We had a nice meal given the circumstances and after the meal.

We went at it. Oh boy it was a session to remember. Karla was normally wild, but this time she went all out like something unlocked the gear and she shifted into it right away. And Brook, she was hungry. Very hungry. Bot of them were like dynamite. When we fell asleep in the middle of night I could not wait for the next night.

"I am a lucky man." I spoke before I fell asleep with a smile.