

A soldier walked into Bremo office, "Commander" He saluted.

"Chairman Phillip of the municipal council called to ask you to talk about British concession " The soldier said.

"Didn't you see I'm talking with supervisor Bremo? Where are your manners? Get out" Richard said strictly.

"Yes commander" The poor soldier saluted and left.

"Marshal Bremo, I'm really sorry he is too foolish. There are so many trivials things to deal with, it's not proper for us to offend the British people. How about this? I'll just meet him i promise I'll be back in an hour to talk about the arrangement for the soldiers. Wait for me. Richmond let's go hurry" Richard said and walked out of the office.

"Marshal Bremo i think he is deliberately avoiding meeting you" the assistant beside him said.

"It doesn't matter, he can't avoid meeting me forever" Bremo replied leisurely.

Richard walked out of the office building with a smirk on his lips, Flow already waiting for him outside.