
Deadly - Desire

Meet Rachel Cole, the last carrier able to bear children for vampires. In an unfortunate event. Rachel finds herself having to make a deal with the Devil Dante Voss Prince of the vampires. Enemies of the werewolves who want all carriers dead. Will she be able to get through this deal without falling in love or losing her life.

Annelize_Venter619 · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Chapter Six- Mom is angry


As I walk out of the club, the cool evening breeze feels refreshing on my face. I head towards my car in the parking lot. The parking lot is at the back of the club. Although finding a parking space is always a nightmare as the club is always full. I just save myself the trouble and park at the back. Sandy did a number on me. I may need to ask Mom for a few days off. Sigh, I am not ready to face that conversation. A fight is sure to happen. Reaching my car, I put my bag in the back and got in the driver's seat.

I drive a blue Volkswagen Polo Vivo. The area in which the club is located is always busy with activity there are a few other pubs around and fast-food restaurants. Making it safe to travel around alone. As I am driving home, I think about my conversation with Mr Voss. I can't believe the nonsense he was spouting! He claims to be a vampire prince. Then saying I'm some carrier and that werewolves would kill me if they found me. I can't wrap my head around the fact that a hot, powerful man like him is crazy.

Everything he said is so unbelievable like he reads too many fantasy books. Leaving behind the busy streets, I drive towards my neighborhood. The streets are empty, and the place is quiet it is after two am in the mornings. When I reach my house I park my car in the garage. Grabbing my bag, I close the car door quietly. Closing the garage door, I walk up the cobblestones to the front of the house. Walking slowly up to the porch, I quietly open the front door and slip inside.

The house is quiet, and no lights are on. It looks like everyone is asleep. Good Mom did not notice I sneaked out earlier. I slowly make my way up the stairs, careful not to make a sound. When I reach my room, I slip inside. I breathed a sigh of relief that I had made it without bumping into anyone or anything. I slowly get undressed, pull on PJs, and get into bed. I don't have to work tomorrow morning so I can at least sleep in late.


I watch as she storms out of my office. The look of clear disbelief on her face. I know she must think I'm crazy, as the creatures of the night are kept secret from the human world. Most humans think the underworld is just human bad guys. Your standard gangs, drug dealers, the black market. But there is more to the underworld than humans are aware of. part of It is us the vampires, werewolves, and your occasional witch.

My clan, the Shadow Hordes is the largest in the world. My father Javier is the king of vampires. I look just like him, with Gold eyes and white hair he keeps his in a shortcut, and he is also tall and muscular with a very dominating aura. My mother Isabella was a carrier after giving birth to me my father turned her. She has long blond hair and purple eyes, when she was human it was blue. She is a head shorter than my father and slim. She is a very gentle soul complete opposite of my father. Picking up my smartphone, I dial Clark he picks up immediately. "Yes, Your Highness," I told him to come to my office. Clark is my PA and also a vampire. I sired him four hundred years ago. Because he was sired by a royal vampire, he can also go out into the sun. but not for long periods, or he will burn to a crisp. The sun doesn't affect royal and noble vampires.

Only vampires sired by the royal family will have the ability to move about in the sun. Normal vampires incinerate if they make contact with the sun. Royal vampires have gold eyes, and nobles have silver eyes. The vampire's sired eyes turn red. A carrier's eyes turn purple when sired into a vampire. There's a knock at my door. "Your Highness, It's me." Clark has just arrived. "Come in," I tell him. He steps into my office, stopping in front of my desk. I give him orders. "Get her bodyguards.

There were wolves caught here today. They are refusing to speak. I don't know if they noticed her, but they could have already informed others. I want her protected at all times." Giving me a slight bow with his hand on his chest, he replies. "On it, your Highness will make arrangements immediately." He turns around and leaves my office. I need this carrier at all costs, and I will do anything to get my way. Having an heir will automatically make me eligible to become king.


The next morning, I groan when I try to roll over. My head is throbbing like mad, and my body hurts. I haven't gone all out in a fight in a while. The last girl to give me such hell was I just started underground fighting. Sadly, I lost that fight. I roll over, reach into my bedside drawer, and grab the bottle of painkillers. Next, I take out ointment for pain and rub it on my ribs and my lower abdomen. Wrapping myself with a bandage. I get up slowly and go to my bathroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face.

I get out the disinfectant in the bathroom cabinet and clean the cut on the side of my head. Putting on a plaster, I go and get back in bed it's only nine am I'm going to sleep some more. Mom is going to freak out. I always try my best to cover my face, I didn't expect Sandy to throw me against the cage. The money I got last night should cover some of the bills, and for a while, we should be able to live more comfortably. As long as Ryan doesn't need another surgery. Closing my eyes it's not long before I fall asleep again.

Later, the sound of knocking on my door wakes me up. Feeling groggy, I open my eyes and squint. "Who's there?" I call out. The knocking stops, followed by my mother's voice. "Rachel, Honey, can I come in?" Shit! What's mom doing at home? What time is it? Looking at the clock, I see I have slept till three pm. Why is she home so early? I panic. There is no way I can hide my face. Slowly, I push myself to sit up in bed. "Yeah, Mom, you can come on in." She comes into my room smiling until she lays eyes on me.

Her face contorted in pure rage. Her eyes went a darker shade of green. She is super pissed off now. Her voice trembles when she addresses me. "Did you go fight again?!" she comes towards me, crossing her arms over her chest as she glares at me. I clear my throat before answering. "Yes, mom." No use in lying as the evidence is all over my face.