
Deadly - Desire

Meet Rachel Cole, the last carrier able to bear children for vampires. In an unfortunate event. Rachel finds herself having to make a deal with the Devil Dante Voss Prince of the vampires. Enemies of the werewolves who want all carriers dead. Will she be able to get through this deal without falling in love or losing her life.

Annelize_Venter619 · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Chapter Eleven- Kidnapped


I went for an early morning run to get some relief from all the stress, I stopped at the lake to catch my breath before I headed home.


At a distance, Alec and Jake have been trailing Rachel, as the Prince wants us guarding her at all times. As it is not clear how many werewolves know about her, so far they have managed to kill off any coming near her. Jake cleans the blood off his sword and Alec scans the surroundings. "doesn't look like there are more mutts around." Putting his sword back he looks over at the girl.

"If this continues we will need to ask the prince for more backup to protect the carrier." Said Jake with a frown. Alec smirks. "What don't you think the captain of the royal knights can't handle a few pesky mutts?" Grinning he knows he is pissing off Jake but he can't help it both of them have been on the clock twenty-four seven protecting her with no fun had in weeks. He feels the need to lighten up the mood a bit by teasing him, which backfires when Jake punches him in the stomach. "You know we are as good as dead if the werewolves kill that girl! She is to be protected at all costs."


Hearing a thud I look around but don't see anyone, lately, I get this eerie feeling I am being watched shivers run down my back. Turning around I head back home tonight me and Ash are going to go play some pool and relax. Before my bestie murdered me for burning out over all the stress.

On the outskirts of town, there is an old abandoned warehouse, and a pack of werewolves have gathered there. This particular pack is a small one and their pack alpha is against the war but being so small they cannot dismiss orders from the werewolf king. All they want is peace, unnecessary bloodshed has been going on for far too long. The alpha looks at the group and addresses them.

"Has anyone found out anything regarding that girl is she a carrier?" They are under orders to capture or kill any carriers. He and his pack have never killed a carrier they secretly let them escape as they feel these girls have nothing to do with the ongoing war. "We cannot get near her she is protected around the clock by the royal vampire knights." Says one of the werewolves gathered there. "Another pack went after her and they all got slaughtered by the two knights." Thinking everything over the alpha gets an idea.

After a busy day at work, I go shower and change into a nice purple top with little cleavage hugging my body nicely with blue ripped skinny jeans sitting snuggly paired with flats I let my hair loose and grab my bag just as I go through the back door, in walks Ash dressed in a black tight tank top, skinny jeans with black sneakers.

"Someone looks slutty we going to a bar, not a club you know." Grinning he drapes an arm around my shoulders "Maybe if you dressed more slutty Rex will notice you." He dodges when I try to hit him. "Come on kids stop making a ruckus." Says my mom standing behind the counter. We laugh and wave goodbye before leaving. Unknowing to us we were being followed by werewolves and vampires.

We arrive at the bar grab some food, eat drinking a playing pool. Ash bumps his elbow into my side. "There is a very hot guy staring at you why don't you flirt with him? I know he is not Rex but you need a little fun." He says winks and bends over to shoot the ball. Hmm, he is my type blond hair green eyes nicely built. I leave to go to the restroom to freshen up, As I walk back I bump into the hot blond guy.

"Hey sexy, how you doing." He says smiling and winking at me moving closer I can feel my face heating up. I quickly look away and take a deep breath to compose myself looking back up I maintain eye contact, his eyes are a forest green His hair is bright blond and wavy, he is so tall he towers over me and he looks very good in skinny jeans, black t-shirt, and black jacket. "I'm doing good and you're handsome," I say with a smile. "Can I buy you a drink?" He asks me my heart skips a beat its been a while since I was flirting with a guy.

"Yeah, sure I like that." I follow him to a table in the corner of the bar where we sit down at one of the round tables. "What would you like to drink?" He asks "Just a cocktail please." He leaves and heads to the bar to order our drinks. Ash sends me a text: you go girl that boy is fine. so is the guy you're hooking up? He grins at me from across the room. The guy returns with our drinks we chat and laugh at the music in the background at that moment everything was perfect. I excuse myself to the ladies' room. I have a nice buzz going on and feel relaxed. After talking so long this guy is my type although I still like Rex.


The wolf sees an opportunity and everyone falls in place outside the two vamps are surrounded to keep them busy. Outside Alec is extremely pissed the mutts have acutely managed to sneak one up on him! This has not happened since his early years as I vamp. At a glance, they have ten wolves on them but there is more inside if anything happens to the girl the prince will be very cruel with punishment. Getting ready in a fighting stance he notices Jake putting his phone looks like he called for backup.

Coming out of the bathroom a hand covers my mouth with a cloth I hit and kick but start to lose consciousness the drug is too strong my vision blurs as I try to fight it my body goes limp. The wolf picks her up and makes a run for the exit four other wolves follow him. He hits the exit door open to find only four wolves are left of the ten six of them are lying bloodied and bruised. The two vamps are fighting back to back.

He now understands the power of a vampire knight and why only two were covering the girl. He and the others make a run for the van he makes eye contact with the dark-haired one knight and his eyes flash with pure murder quickly getting in he gently puts the girl on the matt and they speed away heading towards the abandoned warehouse mind linking the alpha that they got the girl. "FUCK!" Screams Alec when the wolves drive away, now he is fucking pissed these wolfs had to pay to look at Jake is pissed off as well.

Quickly dealing with the rest of the wolves they run to their car they may not have a werewolf smell but they can still catch scent here and there it would have been so much quicker on foot! Jake is furiously busy on his phone getting us information. "The van had been spotted heading out of the city." I slam my hand against the steering wheel. "What the hell is outside of the city? realization dawns on me the old abandoned warehouse. "Tell the others to meet us at the old abandoned warehouse."


Waking up my head is foggy I hear people talking in the background. "It's confirmed she is a carrier, we should help her to escape like the previous carriers before her. Or else the wolf king is going to kill her." No, no I can't leave my family behind and why do they sound like Mr Voss from the club? Lifting my head I slowly look around I seem to be in some kind of warehouse. A group of mostly men is surrounding me I am tied up to a chair with rope and my hands tied behind my back.

One of them notices I am awake and signals to the large man in the room who I presume is their leader. He walks towards me and fears set in, my head racing with thoughts he stops a few steps away from me and raises his hands. "Easy there we do not want to hurt you, we want to help you get away so that the people who do want to kill you won't be able to." The only other time I have felt pure helpless fear like this was the day of the accident. These people are crazy I saw the hot guy I was flirting with so it was him that grabbed me out of the bar, I realize I must have dropped my purse when they grabbed me at the bar, I hope I left my phone in my jacket pocket, first I need to think of a way to get myself untied.

I wiggle my hands and the rope cuts into my wrist I wince from the burn. The big man growls at me I stare up at him in shock did he just growl like an animal? "Stop! Hurting yourself." He yells at me frozen at the anger in his voice what the fuck?! Who makes such noises? Now I am scared my heart is racing fear clouding my vision I am all alone stuck in a warehouse with strange people, My family and friends don't know where I am, Ash might assume I left with the hunk and forgot to tell him.

They will realize too late I am missing and start looking for me I could be dead or worse human trafficked across the world. My blood turns cold shivers go up and down my spine, I struggle to breathe come on keep a clear head I need to find a way out of this no way I am going to die like this I refuse! Another guy comes and grabs the big guy's arm. "Calm down Alpha, you're scaring the girl" The big guy takes a deep breath and right at that moment there is a crash as the door bursts open, and in walks, a group of men mostly dressed in black the guy in front has murder written all over his face.

"Fuck, the vampires already found us." Did I hear right did he say, vampires? Are these people messing with me? Suddenly the strange group of people around me started turning into wolves right before my eyes! Actual wolves. What the fuck is happening? I must be dreaming yes that's it I am still passed out no way this can be real. The pack of wolves starts to growl and bare their teeth at the group of men that have entered.

My voice is stuck in my throat I wanted to tell them to run it's dangerous. The dark head guy in front starts grinning with malice his eyes turning red like blood, fangs coming out of his mouth, his hands turning into claws looking behind him the whole group that has entered had turned into freaking vampires! Two creatures of myth are surrounding me. I hyperventilate my chest heaving up and down my body shaking my vision clouding over then one of them speaks to me. "Rachel, I need you to keep calm everything will be okay." That was all I heard before I blacked out.


Alec watches as Rachel passes out poor girl has been shocked beyond belief. A werewolf rushes at him judging by how the others follow him he must be the alpha wolf. Grinning I rush forward so fast the human eye wouldn't be able to catch me I tackle the wolf mid jump take him to the ground with me and start laying the punches on him, another wolf comes at me and I grab its throat snarling at me the wolf tries to free himself.

It is pointless as I am much stronger than your average wolf and vamp with a flick of my wrist I snap its neck and watch as its body goes limp. I stand up looking at the bloodied wolf at my feet. "Are you going to talk or do I have to torture you first?" I ask him with an angry growl he shifts back sitting in a pool of his blood. "I will talk, stop killing my pack we mean the girl no harm." Stepping out of the warehouse Rachel is limp in my arms I gently put her on the back seat. We are to bring her to the prince immediately.