
Story IV / Part XLVI: The Red Dawn of Crimson Sky (XIII) / The Wicked Fate That Awaits Us (V)

Terarien, Jetavien, 13th 2.481 A.E.V II

At 5.37 P.M.E

I was reviewing and discussing about formation and tactics I got from the meeting with my party members. Well, most of them have finished their works as well. Now, while waiting the dinner, everyone came and listening to my explanation seriously. Even Erick, Tim and Ello who normally aren't interested with difficult stuffs like tactics, politic, religions, armies or military formations listened to my explanation seriously.

It seems, my words about "If you don't want to die, wake up and listen" to Ello maybe had moved their "survival instinct" deep inside their brain. During the meeting, Erick mainly asked me about blind spots, safe places outside resting spots and topography of the battlefield. He smirked widely after listening my explanation. I knew it…I bet you will make experiments with your suspicious vials and testing your new traps on there. I can only hoping there will be no victim from our side.

"Kaichou…" Tim called me with his cute voice.

"Yes?" I keep reading the reports while replied at him.

"The battlefield will be an open land, am I correct?"

"Yes, is there some—" I glanced Tim is grinning and laughing like a madman. He is like a child that got his new toy. Hearing that, I put the reports down and looks at him.

"Tim, I put you under The United Forces command."

After I said that, he stopped laughing and falls to his knee, "NNNNNOOOOOOO….!!!!"

Everyone laughed over him, but I'm not. Poor Tim, but I can't let you wreaking havoc in this life and death situation. If you use your AoE spells with ridiculous power and range then fire it in wrong way, you can wipe out a single battalion with that.

Meanwhile, Erick is cheering him up by rubbing his head. We kept talking until Guild Master came and he brought Robert by dragging him in. It seemed Robert had a bad time with them. Look at his face and his teared cloth.

"Wow, you are so manly right now, dear imouto (little brother)." I teased him.

Oh right, Robert can't talk right now because he had beaten up into pulp, his nose is bleeding as well as his mouth and there are many bruises over his face and body, even his teeth rolling out from his mouth. Poor him, but I think he deserved to get that.

"Oh My Maker! What happened to you Robert-san?! Did the monsters do this to you?!" Zikiya dropped the plates and quickly approached Robert.

"Please, tend him Zikiya-san." Zikiya quickly tries to carry him by herself but because he is too heavy, she can't. Erick offered to help and he carries Robert to Infirmary instead.

Guild Master and other party's leaders pulled out the chairs and sit on it. They quickly drank the water that Hime poured for them. After that, Guild Master talked about our extra task (burden) that we received from Queen Anne. Originally, all parties' mission is to investigate and explore northern villages that had been ravaged by [Rain of Chaos].

Now, each of us received different task from Queen Anne and we must complete this (annoying) task because this is a [Nomination Quest]. However, if you have elite troops with excellent combat ability and skill, why bother sending bunch of adventurer parties to [Red Zone] rather than your own troops?

("A sacrifice is needed for the greater result")

Yes, yes, I can hear your inner voice, My Queen. But as long as you fulfill your promise, it's okay for us. We will head to Virizia Mountains tomorrow. Well, it can't be helped, it's Queen's order after all, but while I was thinking about something, the others had excused themselves and returned to their base.

At 10.14 P.M.E

I sit on my bedroom while arranging some documents for The United Forces and as usual, these documents are annoying as hell. Why Prime Minister gave it to me today if they can send it to me via magic? This is really waste of my time. Well, it can't be helped, this is kingdom's order after all. I can't keep complaining every time whenever they come, just let's finish this quickly and get some sleep. Then, I heard someone knocked the door.

"Come in, it's not locked."

A woman opened the door and walked in. Oh, it's is Ayumi…did she want to continue 'that'? No, no, no…! Why am I keep thinking like a pervert?! I remember if we do 'that' before married, we will receive The Maker's punishment in instant!

"Haru…are you…oh." She walked to me and then she sits on my bed.

"Hmm…Did you want to continue our sweet time?" I teased her a little and it won't break the law either way.

"No!" She blushes and shakes her head strongly.

(Hmm…seeing her blushing face can erase my fatigue a little)

She asked me what I am doing this late and I told her that I needed to arrange some document needed to transfer some of our party member under The United Forces command. I planned to send Megantha, Aira, Olga and some my party member that I think unsuited for this battle to Transporting, Guarding, and Mage Division. I will also send few of them to important divisions like Medic, Alchemy, and Crafting Division.

"Would you move Tim into Mage Division?"

"Yes, he is better there rather than joining us to the mountains. At the army, many strict commanders and captains will oversee his action. He will be under tight supervision so he can't mess thing up with his chaotic spellcasting."

"Oh, good idea! Umm…by the way, would you put me in The United Forces as well?"

"Honestly, yes…but after I thought this again, it's better for you to go with me. I don't like leaving you in middle of pervert muscle heads who know nothing other than fighting and courting ladies. My last reason is…mmm, you aren't like Tim. But I wonder why I can't let you go from my eyes…haha." I said while scratching my cheek.

Honestly, I was a little embarrassed after saying that. But I can't help but convey my feeling honestly to her, because we will become a husband and wife in the future.

"Ufufufufu…." She is laughing a little and then she is staring me with gentle eyes.

(Oh, shit this atmosphere is bad) I thought that while feeling restless.

"Haru-san, May I come—Oh…" Claire opened the door and she saw us, then she slowly closing the door.

"WAIT, DO NOT GO…!!!" I rushed to the door and I it but Claire tries to close it.

After I struggled for almost five minerval, Claire finally gave up out and heard me out. Now she sits on the bed while opening the documents she brought. She gave me the documents one by and one while explaining the documents to me. The contents that written on the documents mainly talked about the hidden supply routes, escape ways and secret bases that The United Forces had finished constructing a few heverra ago.

"But Queen Anne didn't tell us these things at meeting…? She even didn't tell the projects of secret base and supply routes as well…" I said that while reading the documents carefully.

"They just finished the construction few heverra ago and with that number of people working, you can even build a big fortress in just one night."

Claire continued her explanation until 11.00 P.M.E then she excused herself and returned to her room.

I put the documents on my inventory and I got a message from Khazim. He told me that he had finished the preparation. He also told me the people on Crafting Room and Lab have finished their works. I thanked him through my reply but when I'm writing the text, I saw Ayumi tried to walk out from my room. I pulled her hand and she fell onto my lap. Now she sits on my lap, but before she tries to escape, I hug her waist tightly.

"Awawawa…! Let me go, Haru-san…!"

I quickly closed the message tab and teased her body again as if I did before. I kissed her cheek, up to her eyes and forehead, then down and kissed her lips, then move to lick her ear. I moved down and kissed her neck.


"E-Eh?! I-Ishizaki-san—GYAAAA…!!!" I pushed her down. Now, this has become a very dangerous position, but who cares. I keep teasing her body until she gives up.

"H-Haru…! P-please stwaahpp!!!"

"Good." I sweetly whispered on her left ear and stroked her hair.

But I realized someone is listening behind the door. I stand up and walked to the door, I slam the door and at the same time, I heard someone screamed loudly. Oops, I think someone slammed by the door.

"What are you doing? No…What are ALL OF YOU DOING here…?"

There are Luna, Yuna, Rean, Miral, Ello, Arnold, Erick, Tamara in front of me right now. I found Toval, Khazim and Tim behind the door. I also found a recording device that laying in front of me and I crushed it. Meanwhile, Rania had escaped far before I open the door.

"I wonder why all of you are still awake right now…?" I gave them frightful smile while saying that.

All of them jolted and ran away from me, but Arnold and Erick returned to me and they dragged Khazim, Toval and Tim with them. After scolding them, I closed the door, locked it with magic seal and imbued [Silent Field] on it. When I turned back, I saw Ayumi wanted to escape from the toilet window, but I hug her from behind.

"Where do you want to go, Deeyrai Svertihart (Dear Sweetheart)." I whispered to her right ear and pulled her down back to my bed.

"Aahh..!!! Umm!!!" She struggled to loosen my hug, but because our strength is different, she gave up.

"Ssshh….sshh…I just want you to sleep with me here, I won't do anything to you. I swear to The Maker's name."

"Eh, ah…but…!" She tried to loosen my hug again, but she failed.

"Oyasuminasai, Ayumi." I secretly casted a sleeping magic and relaxation magic to her.

"Nggh…Ha…ru…" She slowly closed her eyes. Then, I also kissed her forehead and lips for the last time.

The White Falcon killed the Spirit of Light and covered himself comfortably with warm blanket that he brought. He closed his eyes after caressing the lass who sleeps peacefully and innocently inside his embrace. The lass who have stolen his heart and gaze as well as the lass who will fill his boring and fearful life until his meaningless death. Dost thou ever realize how pathetic and weak art thou? Dear mine foolish ———. Dost thou ever wished for eternal solitude until thy death? How foolish. Such beautiful yet cruel things called "happiness", "trust", "peace", and "joy" are a façade and sweet dream in this "plane" whom —— created.

Alas, commenting on the "dead" and "deaf" ——— is no use, but he ought to be punished. There is a thousand chance better "entertainment" for these eyes to see and the perfect example for that is the group of 13 who have been enjoying Darkofalen and Wintherania's graceful presence this time. They are leisurely talking to each other even though the cold wind from Aerylwina's breath has been biting their bones and skin. They persist to sit under the Crimson Wina while enduring the Icirush's soft tears. How admirable for "above average" creatures that Dragon Gods and Gaia created wholeheartedly. —— might have an opportunity to enjoy their worthless talk.

Rean waves his hand, "Osh, Robert thanks for your hard work."

"Oh? I didn't know you love cold and dark night sky, Rean."

Robert approached a group of 12 people that is sitting on the top of a cliff, under a tree that Haru and he used for resting place few daesh ago. They are gazing the crimson night sky while chewing something soft and drinking some warm beverage. When Robert sits near Rean, the Priest gave him similar food that she eats right now.

"Oh, thanks Zikiya-san. I also didn't know you love night sky."

"Honestly, I have loved stargazing with my father and mother ever since I was young, but since they are working for Great Cathedral right now, while me myself is serving The Maker and Dragon Gods through my medication, I don't have any times to spare to do this lovely activity."

Rean and the Dwarf sipped their drink slowly. Their expression shows a great pleasure…it might be the drink that gave a warm and ticklish sensation to their bodies. But suddenly, an Arachne fell from the tree and she gripped both of her arms tightly. Her mouth is quivering and a trail of cold breath came from her mouth. She changed from Arachne form to normal human form then she quickly approaches Rean.

"How cold! Rean-chan let me cuddle and fluff you!"

"Eh, wait, Rania-san——OUFF!"

Rania cuddles and fluffs Rean very tightly. Every time she rubs her cheek onto Rean's head and fluffs his tail with her hands, she shows an extreme pleasure. Meanwhile, Rean is choked by her powerful hug that his face becomes blue. Looking at that, the Sylph Elf asked her to loosen her grip and let him breath for a while.

"Gah, I almost died. I saw Sanzu River in front of me."

"Aw sorry cutie. It's entirely your fault because you are so soft and fluffy. I might as well bring you into my bed!"

"Nope, not gonna—Mmmphhh!!!"

Rania pressed her breasts into Rean's face and hugged him tightly. Robert only sighed and rubbed his head while seeing the obscene scenery in front of him. Then, he leans his back on the tree and starts talking with the others.

"Maybe, The Winter Festival has begun in every kingdom in the world. If I'm not trapped with this shit, I might have visited the wagons that come from Russian Empire who sells high quality [Ice Stone] and furs."

"Yeah, true. In Yamato Island itself, we don't have many Winter Fest—Mmmppphhh!!!"

Rania cuddled Rean again and then Robert glanced at her, "Nee-chan…are you okay?"

Rania stopped cuddling Rean and turned her head to Robert. At the same time Thomas, Khazim, Ello, Zikiya, Yavia, Jack, Julio, Luna, Yuna, and Erick are also glancing at her. Understand what their gazes meant, Rania can only waft her hands and then she sighed.

"I'm okay inside out, thanks for asking me Robert-chan. Since I was the one who made him upset like that in the first place. I wish I had [Clairvoyance] before."

"Reflect on your action, Rania, as well as all of you here. He became like that because your 'ignorance'…"

"Yeah, yeah…thanks for your boring sermon, Fanatic Nun." Rania glances away.

Luna sipped her drink, "Well considering the fact, now we better be careful how we talk and act in front of him next time. I don't want him to be like when he was in the [Land of The Dead] long time ago. Honestly, I thought "that side" of his had disappeared since Ayumi gave him a painful memory back then."

"Whatever it is, if any one of you makes him act like that time in the [Land of The Dead], I will purge your mind, soul and body mercilessly." Zikiya gave them a death glare and walked to another side of the tree.

The night grows colder as the freezing wind comes, and the worthless talk of these warriors came to end.