
Story III / Part XXVIII: Before The Red Dawn (XVI) / Raid Battle (III)

Now, we managed to break nine hundred mini HP Bars of the Abyssal Reaper after seven heverra battling against it without even taking a break. Since we are near to breaking the Abyssal Reaper's fourth big HP Bar, Robert and I stopped on the roof for a bit and jumped down to strike its head with our strongest original skills. We can reduce the Abyssal Reaper's HP fast because the Archers are raining down the Abyssal Reaper with their strongest skills.

They are firing their arrows on the [Safe Zone] and the Abyssal Reaper can't damage them with its spells or physical attacks. I can imagine if we don't have [Safe Zone] on this raid, maybe we would be completely wiped out when the Abyssal Reaper transformed its body to a small humanoid skeleton or when it attacked us with its skill called [The Soul Harvester: Vortex of Purple Vengeance].

"[Archer], [Ranger], [Arcane Archer], and [Magic Archer], as well as [Magic Gunslinger] keep up your barrage! Mages, now it's your time to buff all of the Archers with [CRIT Rate Up] and [Ignore DEF] Buffs! Archers, attract the boss attention from the defenders on western side! The Defenders team on southern and eastern side takes aggro from the northern and western side while stalling the boss! Does this after the Archers finished their attacks! [Berserk Healer] and [Missionary] Squad go to western side after the defenders taunted the boss!"

As I ordered, everyone moved to his or her positions and Daendles maintain my command by giving order to the [Monk] Squad to join into the battlefield. A moment after the [Monks] positioned themselves, the Abyssal Reaper casted its AoE Spell called [Violet Inferno].

From the appearance of the flame itself, I can understand that flame has [Nightmare] and [Deep Burn] debuff, but thanks to the [Monks] who mitigated all the flames by absorbing them as well as debuffs and damage from the spell into their body with a special [CS] [Class Skill] called [Elemental Reversion].

The [Monks] used their spell to activate another special [CS] [Class Skill] that combines [Punishment] and [Revenge] Skill into one skill called [Retaliation Hammer] that able to deal 50% — 300% damage to the target if the user was attacked first and returning the debuffs they received from the attacks. The user is also able to do more than 50% [Bonus DMG] if the target has [Evil] Alignment. Well, they made a good combination skill, but I think we can't stall this battle any longer.

"Robert, I think we can't finish this right now!"

"It's true Aniki! We started this battle at 9 A.M.E, shit what heverra right now?"

As Robert finished his words, I entered the portal and arrived on its head. I attacked him with [Divine Javelin] Magic. The damage was quite high that it made a series of small explosion on the Abyssal Reaper's head.

"My watch shows me 8 P.M.E right now! If we don't finish this quickly, I'm afraid we will be welcomed by "them"." Then, I jumped to nearby pillar and Robert shortly followed me after that.

I have still my worries about "them" that can appear anywhere and anytime. I'm afraid they will appear on the boss room and break our focus here. We met them two daesh ago and the village that becomes their nest located a bit close from here. But when I was busy thinking about "them", I glimpsed the Abyssal Reaper starts to emitting violet aura and the purple flame inside the lantern it brought also getting bigger as we reduced its HP. Moreover, I realized the spells that the Mages launched on the Abyssal Reaper seemed to be ineffective.

(Ah…as I thought, it is really the same with the demon that I fought in the past…Shit, I need to retreat and tell Daendles-dono now!)

"ANIKI DODGE!" Thanks to Robert's warning, we survived a stone pillar that thrown at us. What the heck.

"Robert, take over command from here. I need to retreat." I catch my breath quickly.

"Are you feeling unwell?!" Robert wiped the sweats around his neck.

"No, I am not. I have a bad feeling since the boss started to use [Raise Magic Defense] Spells…"

"Information, [White Falcon] Leader, Ishizaki Haruhisa von Alexandria has retreated from battleground. The command had given to Alberto Robert Hawk, [White Falcon] Party's Vice Leader. I inform, The First until Tenth Squad is now under Alberto Robert Hawk's command. Continue the battle as normal." Mikazuchi informed other squads through [Broadcast].

"What's it Ishizaki-dono? Feels tired yet?" Zack called me through telepathy.

"I am not, Zack-dono. But I suggest you better get ready to kill countless small fries."

"Ha…?" I cut the call with him and walked to Enchanters Room near Healers Room.

"Hello Kaichou, need rest?" Megantha asked me with gentle tone.

"No, no problem Megantha. Right, Daendles-dono, I need to speak with you frankly, please follow me." I walked out from the Enchanters Room and went to an empty room a bit far from the Enchanters Room.

Daendles raises his left eyebrow, "Is there something that makes you feel uneasy?"

"Yes. From my battle experiences I had so far, if the boss is slowed down and use their [Defensive Mode], which means we will face countless of its minions sooner or later."

"Hmm, you said the same thing like those diviners told me about. Don't worry, I have prepared many strategies for that. Did you come over here to tell me that?"

"No. I still haven't finished my words yet. Hear me…this is something that you must hear."

He looked me with curious expression. After I explained something, he is shocked and he ran back to his room.

After I finished my talk, I headed to Healers Room and Priests Room. I asked them to do "something" when Daendles-dono gives a signal. I also told them to do "go full when giving buffs" to finish this battle faster. Lastly, I asked the [Alchemists] to give the Mages and Archers a lot of [Full Mana Recovery] Potions when Daendles gives a signal to them. They just nodded quietly and moved to another floor where the Mages and Archer stationed. Well, it's good they understand my order so quickly without asking something about it.

"Are you sure, Ishizaki-dono?" Dan asked me with worried expression.

"Don't worry Dan and everyone here too. We need to finish this battle fast or something will kill all of us for sure." After I said that, I returned to battleground.

I continued attacking the Abyssal Reaper without raising my DPS and focus on monitoring the Abyssal Reaper's status and attack pattern. A moment after that, Robert came from the [Gate] and he stands near me.

"Have you finished your business Aniki? I worried because Daendles suddenly closed [Broadcast]."

I told Robert to move to second floor when I give him signal. He seems confused with that because I'm not telling him any reason. Then, I jumped from the pillar and continued the battle. The battle itself continues and Daendles periodically called few defenders and vanguards to second until fourth floor. The Mages give the vanguards and scouts buffs in order as I commanded to them. We slowly break off the mini bars. Now only sixteen mini bars left on Abyssal Reaper's fourth big HP Bar.

"What's with this sudden change in party formation?! Does he intend to kill us all?!"

Indeed, if we are looking right now, the defender squads that consist of [Guardian], [Champion], [Lifeguardian] and [Defender] Class itself have retreated back to second until fourth room, along with the Mages in the second room and they moved to third and fourth room.

Well, with this formation, it's normal if someone thinks that whoever order this have a few screws loose in their head because there are only [Paladin], [Arcane Warrior], [Battlemage], [Berserk Healer] and other pure damager squads that remain in battleground. Even Tim, which is a [Warlord], suddenly retreated to third floor.

"Well, last time the [Enchanter] Squad cut their [Broadcast] with us. There was only Mikazuchi-dono and Vetto-dono commanding us. If I am right, they closed the [Broadcast] after Alexandria-dono retreated."

After hearing that, Zack feels worried deep inside his heart but he ignores it and keeps attacking the Abyssal Reaper. Meanwhile, Haru is still attacking the enemy as usual, without worrying at all.

"Ishizaki-dono, I saw you retreated to backline, is there something wrong?"

I shook my head, "No, don't worry Kenzia-dono."

(If I tell them right now, I am sure they will be panicked and they will break formation)

The Enchanters and Mages keep giving us buffs but it seems our body starts to feel pain from the buff stacks. Meanwhile, The Healers keep giving us [Pain Remover] or [Pain Reduction] Spell to mitigate the pain. They are doing this so the pain isn't disturbing our concentration. But even though they have applied those buffs on our bodies over time, the pain itself is still really great.

"My arm is numb and my head is going to explode…The Enchanters really want to kill us…"

"Tavaniris-dono…hear me, if you attack the enemy with full power, the pain will be gone! Believe me!"

Zack grabs his head (Ugh…my head is dizzy…what the hell are they doing?! Stacking more than 100 buffs in almost the same time, this will make the receiver explode from inside!)

"Tavaniris-dono, please don't force yourself! You still can't walk properly!"

"…and stain my party's reputation? Hah! I won't!" said Zack while he tried to stand.

"But…" Naval looked at him with worried expression.

"Look at Ishizaki-dono, his movement is really fast and he is attacking the enemy in rapid succession. It's like he doesn't feel any pain…so I'll try your suggestion!" Zack runs to the Abyssal Reaper.


Zack is running with all his might. He destroyed the stones with his greatsword and body slam. He keeps running that his speed almost matches Haru's speed. Everybody looks at him as if they are looking at a Berserker charging to its enemy.

"Tavaniris-dono…!" Zack leaves Naval far back.

"AACCCTTIIVVAAATTEE MYYY DIVINE ENCHANTED ORIGINAL SKILL COMBO!" Zack ran to the enemy and jumped. I saw his face is almost Berserker-like, with red skin and spiky hair.


Zack struck down the [Soul Eater]'s head until its lower body part and he is jumping again on it. As I remember, [Crescent Cleave of Red Skoll] gives the foe [DEF DOWN] by 50% and [Shock] Status Debuff for 5 Turns.


Zack stabbed the Abyssal Reaper's ethereal body but he passed through it. The Reaper however is shrieking in pain even though Zack weapon did not reach its physical body. Well, Abyssal Reaper has ethereal body, so only magical power can damage its body. [Sword of Death: Soul Break] is an original skill that make the foe received 100% ethereal damage and damaging their body from inside.

But if the foe has [Ethereal Being] Trait, they will receive 100% — 1000% damage + 1000% [DMG BONUS]. They also will receive [Movement Seal] and [Magic Seal] Debuff for 5 Turns. So, in that period, the foe is unable to cast their magic and move. If the user's attack landed on [Critical Hit], the foe's ethereal body will be materialized into physical body for 5 Turns.


[Reality Breaker: Endless Downfall] is an original skill that makes the enemy unable to stand for 5 turns. It also makes the foe unable to wield their weapon for 3 Turns and if the foe teleporting through portal or trying to "change" the reality by magic, they will receive 100% damage if this skill hit their magic or body.


[Sword of Death II: Soul Destroyer] is an advanced original skill from [Sword of Death: Soul Break]. It has higher damage (200%+500%—2000% DMG BONUS) and longer debuff effects (6T—10T).


[Sword of Death III: Pommel Smash] is an original skill that make the enemy receives [Stun] and [Dizzy] Debuff Status for 3 Turns. However, if the enemies have [Undead] Trait, they will receive 30%—100% [DMG BONUS] since the Undeads are weak against [Blunt] attack.


[Sword of Death IV: Crescent Cleave of Death] is an original skill that able to absorb the enemy into cyclone and hit them up to 10 times in rapid succession. There is a chance to [Instant Kill] the enemy and this skill will give 100% [DMG BONUS] if the enemy has debuff inflicted on them.


[Sword of Death IV: Uppercut Cleave of Death] is an original skill that has similar effects like [Sword of Death IV: Crescent Cleave of Death]. However, the user cuts the enemy vertically.


[Sword of Death V: Castle Breaker] is an original skill that able to negate any defensive buffs on target and give them [Buff Block] Debuff for 3 Turns. It can also cancel defensive ability although it is not very reliable.

How can I know Zack original skills' effects anyway? Well, because I had battled against him in [A Rank Promotion Test] many Eelvariash ago in the kingdom. Unfortunately, I was hit by all of them and I suffered an enormous damage. But that makes me knew his [OS] [Original Skills] effects and duration so it's a fair trade.

"Haah...haah…haah…" I saw Zack's face has turned pale and he is trying to catch his breath.

(Hmm…It looks like Zack can't keep up the combo any longer. I remember he has five more [OS] [Original Skills]. Well, I think his body can't endure it anymore)

I opened my broadcast channel, "Daendles-dono, Please pi—"


(What?! Zack can still moving?!) I am surprised when I see Zack is charging toward the Abyssal Reaper again.


[Sword of Death Final Form: Judgement of Ten Stars] is the final original skill from [Sword of Death] Techniques. This original skill will make the foe receives damage based on how many times they received damage from [Sword of Death] Techniques.

For example, if they received six [Sword of Death] Techniques, they will receive six times extra damage, six turns extra debuff period and six times debuff chance from this original skill. That means, debuffs inflicted on enemy will have longer period and if the user failed to inflict debuffs with their last [Sword of Death] Techniques, they will have a chance to inflict them again with this skill.

After dealing a great blow on Abyssal Reaper and make it collapses, Zack faints. Naval ran to him and picked him up. Naval brought him to the Healers Room on the fourth floor with his teleportation skill.

"Aniki! The Abyssal Reaper's fourth big HP Bar now only has one mini bar left!"

"I know, so…Hear me Mikazuchi! Take command from here!"


"Roger that!" said Kenzia as she charges to the Abyssal Reaper, followed by Robert and me. Then, we jumped together to the Abyssal Reaper's face after taking a step from a ruined pillar.

"Let's do this! Original Skill: [Au Blereival evl Riev]!" (Original Skill: [The White Death of Redemption]).

"Yes! Original Skill: [Blac er Verdielle Nreivel]!" (Original Skill: [Black Blades of Neverending Nightmare]).